Most of you have a woman that has feelings for you. You are either oblivious or not willing to settle. Prove me wrong

Most of you have a woman that has feelings for you. You are either oblivious or not willing to settle. Prove me wrong.

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i dont know any women, there youre wrong

How can I prove you wrong if I'm oblivious to the fact someone loves me? If I don't know myself, how can I give an explanation?

How can a woman like someone they don't know anything about?

you are correct but she is a fat cow that I'm not attracted to

Thought a girl liked me. Got shot down. Every time I see her she smiles like a fucking kid on Christmas morning. What even is this shit?

This, this, and this.

In my case, the only person who "loved" me recently told me she wanted nothing to do with me.

I haven't talked to a girl in 18 months aside from cashier's asking for receipts.

Well if they have feelings for me then they should ask me out. What are you a fucking idiot?

I haven't spoken to a girl around my age in at least 2 years.

Bullshit, no woman likes me

I don't live in society. I don't interact with anyone, women or men. I am part of an invisible collective of unnoticed and unwanted men who simply do not participate in the social norms that are so prevalent today. There are millions of men like me all around the world. We do not exist in the conventional sense. We are shadow people.

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Well, sounds like me.

>Most of you have a woman that has feelings for you.
Where? I really wanna meet her, i'm so lonely

Women aren't even real.
Prove me wrong.



>you have a woman that has feelings for you
Considering I haven't spoken to a woman for more than a couple seconds since I dropped out of high school ten years ago, I must be a fucking magician.

I dont talk to women though. I dont talk to men. I dont leave my room and haven't talked to my family in weeks. I might as well be invisible, so I'm not sure what nonsense you're going on about.

also I seriously doubt any girl could ever even take me seriously enough to entertain the thought of having a romantic relationship with me. Im a joke to them.

the only two women i know, one is a celibate weirdo and i am in the maximum friendzone with the other

I'd love for that to be the case, but I legitimately think it isn't. Every physical feature about me is unattractive, like, the kind of traits on lists of "10 most unattractive traits of losers".
If I pursued some ugly loser woman, then yeah, I might make her like me. But as I stand now, nobody has any reason to be interested in me.

>a whole collective of 0,5% of men
You're a rare gem.

shes reminded of the memory of how pathetic you are and laughs internally

i have a small circle of people i talk to and i act very distant around them even though we are mutually close friends. three of them are girls, two of which are the only people i trust. the one girl i don't trust is in a relationship, one of the girls i do trust is in a relationship and the other has been my best friend for years and i have no sexual feelings for her. She's a very straightforward person and knows i wouldn't care if she had feelings for me so im sure she would say something if she did but im like 99% positive she sees me as a brother in the same way i see her as a sister. outside of that i very rarely speak to anyone else so it's almost guaranteed that there aren't any women who have 'feelings' for me

I know there are, but they're all in my family, and my cousin already rejected my advances.

(this is me)also, this gentleman is correct.