Ywn be a conquistador

>ywn be a conquistador
>ywn subjugate primitive savages
>their women will never worship you as a living god and beg you to fuck them
Why live?

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You can move to belize. Bring a few thousand USD or Euros and you can live like a king, complete with local indios serving your every need and even offering up their daughters.

Where is op girl from?

I'm not trying to get murdered by a fucking cartel desu.

>be conquistador
>arrive at a village of savages and meet a qt native gril
>she kisses my cheek and gestures that she'll take my spaniard cock tomorrow
>the next day comes
>her and her entire village has contracted the smallpox I recovered from on the voyage over to the Americas
>within days the entire coast is dead or dying from horrible open festering scabs covering their entire bodies

f-fuck, I guess I'll be a virgin forever...

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her twitter handle is @IndiaAyara
i have busted many a nut to her pictures

I knew a Belizian(?) guy in high school that used to love openly talking about lesbian porn to anyone and everyone. I still remember the excited, passionate way he brought it up to me the first time I met him.
"How do you guys feel about lesbian porn? I like it when they make the 'UNH' sound!"

I want to roleplay as an india getting fucked by a conquistador one day, thinking about it makes me very horny

How passable are you desu?

reminder that at this point in history, most europeans did not bathe.

Nobody did, so that makes it okay.

>ywn be able to clean your cheese-encrusted conquistador cock between a nubile native's buttcheeks

Stop giving me all these feels

I wish there was hentai or porn about this so I can self insert, I hate how everything is about black guys and white women

I just look like a twink right now

>TFW no cute native gf to impregnat with my white Germanic seed

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There probably is, you just gotta know where to look.

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Post pics

You ruin every thread about cute indias and latinas with attention whoring you pozzed freak

I was researching my family tree and discovered I am descended from a French-Canadian colonist/explorer who fucked an Amerindian woman in the 1700s. But I'm so bleached I'm only 0.6% Amerindian.

pic from couple days ago
Im a spic fron southern mexico and im guessing I have atleast 60% amerindian blood

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back then natives didn't have giant asses. Pure natives were stocky and square framed. That came from native women getting blacked by african slave men(black men were allowed to fuck native women and that's where the thickness came in)

lololol look at that pimply complexion

I don't want anythign anymore

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user, i haven't keked this much in years

You have a long way to go but I wish you the best of luck.
If you want to emulate the allure of Brazilian trannies, then you have to become thicc and step up your ass and thigh game

I need a better razor I guess :/

i didnt know /his/ user posted here

I won't fuck you but I am more than happy to poke you with a pike.
t. Spaniard.

Im not trying to emulate brazilian trannies, brazilian trannies are more mixed race so they have are thiccer, I prefer to look more like a petite thai ladyboy

I'd give you colonist cummies and sweet kisses. I've always wanted to visit southern Mexico.

My genetics are from southern mexico, I live in burgerland rn

In that case, I wish you had witnessed his bizzare behavior in person. His mind was completely in another world and he unashamedly said the most off-the-wall stuff. And I thought I was a weirdo.

No! Dame tu pene envez, porfavor te lo ruego senor

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>you will never smell the wild BRAAAPs of thick south american tribeswomen as they bang rocks together
why live?

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wow you really are Amerindian

I dont have much hair but I still need to shave

B-but im a virgin how can I be pozzed?

Your genitals literally look like a bunch of pieces of poop.

Too bad you can't shave off your male bone structure without extreme surgery
You do seem to have a decent headstart on other parts of transitioning so the racial background works out in your favor I would say

Postu feetu

Yeah my male shoulders will probably clock for examplebut I do have advantages with my short height, little hair and weak jawline
I need genital bleaching I guess

What's your height, user

Here feetu

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Nice soles.
Cute toenails? Post pls

That's an advantage, it prolly makes you look weak and submissive to a bigger macho

Damn you didn't have any other choice but to become a girl then
At least you should be able to find female clothing that fits more readily

Yea my height helps alot
I dont feel like a real man im short and skinny and ive always been shy and easily intimidated by most men because I know they can easily overpower me and make their bitch.
I tried to resist and told myself to be a man at first but Im meant to be a girl, I cant deny it anymore

>r9k filenames
Only newfags would fall for such cheap tricks

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They are my old pics ...

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hey, dead savage girls dont say no

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ITT Degenerate whites try to fuck a faggot 3rd worlder

dominating and emasculating men of inferior races is pretty pro white and therefore not degenerate.o

Indigenas are ugly tho

Spics (mestizas) only became pretty after getting Spanish genes bred into them

Only istmid indias are ugly

>ywn use a matchlock arquebus/muskrat on the local indian chiefton and fuck his daughter and bring her back to spain and love her until death as a housewife
>tfw she would just die of smallpox anyhow
why even live guys, I want a matchlock and a thick indian housewife in spain as it was rich back then, and go on exploration missions in the new world, fighting Indians with swords and guns

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de que estado eres?