The girl I love slept with a black guy. I want to kill myself

The girl I love slept with a black guy. I want to kill myself

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Now you finally see the power of the bbc.

stop seeing race you bigot, this is why she's seeking darker meat

Imagine being this much of an incel kek

It's all your fault, don't blame movies or media, they preach she should do it all the time, but it's your fault.

>girl i loved slept with my bully
you don't know true suffering until you've experience this

Context OP. Did you fuck her first? Is she your friend? We don't know shit

How is it my fault? Btw how do I stop loving this whore

You should have made she loves you, be more attractive, talk better, that's all that matter. You see guys with many girls out there? They deserve it.

now is the perfect chance to make an autistic revenge plan, ruin that niggers life, make a greentext and be idolized forever

>pol still obsessed with black penis and what it does

Imagine living in a world, where every man marry a single woman, no more, no less. That would be very opressive, let's all thanks sexual revolution.

Move to Norway or Iceland. Girls there don't really date outside their race. Not to mention it's like being in a country full of VS models.

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My Hispanic friend today just told me how bothered he was when his ex told him on the phone that she was considering dating a black guy, but didn't know if her parents would approve. Pissed him off. Never thought this would happen to someone close to me.

Yeah but I doubt they'd date some American sperg either

lmfao you people are fucking insane

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If your honestly angry that a nig fucked her then claim that pussy as yours and stop being such a beta you fuck.

>Just accept sloppy seconds lmao
Nah b that's gay as fuck. If a girl is willing to fuck a black person she has no standards and more liable to cheat.

Guys I think she did it because her dad basically raped her, plus her mom is BPD

Yes she should show her superior taste and fuck a virgin incel

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Their pussies are built for the BBC and BMC (big Muslim cock)

Sometimes user that big......Black...........Cockkkk mmmmmm I'm having an orgasm just thinking about it. Is just too irressitable
You are the whore

Are you by any chance - a KEK?!

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How does it feel like to have a nog as a stepdad?

Would you rather prefer she fucked 10 hillbilly redneck white trash cracker ass honkey ass mayonnaise eating s0ibois than a black guy, OP?

I honestly would then some savage nigger from the jungle who culture never invented the wheel or anything else(civilization). Or I mean yes niggers have giant dicks so ya go with that.

How the hell did you find that out, OP?
The girl I love tried bringing up her sexual past with me and I immediately changed the subject. I don't want to hear that shit.
The farthest she got before I shut it down was, "I was at a hotel with friends one time and I got drunk. I woke up tied to a bed getting fucked by random guys."
It broke my fucking heart knowing the woman I loved was a whore.

>go colourblind

Are you ESL?

>Slutty girl I fucked broke up with her fiancee.
>See her change her profile picture a day later ?>see a dozen guys loving/liking every single thing she posts

*Fucks their siblings and little boys*
*Came from Neanderthals*
*Creates anthrax *

The guy I love slept with a black guy. I want to kill myself

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>this is why she's seeking darker meat
that would be her seeing race, then...

The guy isnt a insecure Jow Forums virgin who thinks he's a nazi..why wouldnt she fuck him over you

It has nothing to do with race.
Would you be happier if she would had sleep with a white guy?