I hate women despite being a woman

why are we all so whiny and stupid
i went to a feminist art gallery today and it was the dumbest shit
when men have problems they don't whine and make an international movement out of it
i'm done with my own gender
all we seem to do is celebrate our own weakness
you guys are really starting to make more and more sense

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>btw I'm not like all the other girls xP

typical woman bringing other women down to give herself a boost

>inb4 obligatory tits or gtfo

Are you a big titty goth though

>when men have problems they don't whine and make an international movement out of it
What are MRAs?

Nope I am a girl(male), pozzed.

>when men have problems they don't whine
this entire board is us whining about our problems and our pathetic lives. women do make a big deal out of really dumb shit though, way more than us. also we don't hate women, we just hate dumb cunts, there just happens to be a lot of dumb cunts.

I hate both women and men.
They all can go die in a pit of fire

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i'm a medium tiddy semi-goth
my 2 year long obsession with irrelevant youtuber pan pizza caused me to accumulate a bountiful hoard of goth accessories and clothes i barely wear

stop posting and marry me immediately

Wow, feminists BTFO! xD can I hav ur discord??

fuck off you thirsty beta cucks

faggots like you are exactly the reason why attention whores such as OP can continue doing what they do

Well frick you sir! I won't have you calling an educated woman like OP a whore.

faggots like you are the reason they post here in the first place, dont you realize that?

this, normies and robots must be stopped.

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How am I perpetuating attention whoring exactly?

I think its really cool that you aint some basic bitch
You have the mind of a dude

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by posting in this thread and getting angry that she's posting here

OP is literally the most basic bitch of all.

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This bitch will let you touch her butt while eating pizza together, do you not want that?

But beta faggots like you will just bump her shitty thread regardless, you white knighting cunt. Get on your knees and suck my balls right fucking now.

watch out guys we got an alpha here

Did I give you permission to speak you worthless waste of flesh? I told you to get on your knees and worship my superior genitalia. It will be the only action you're getting since women avoid ''nice guys'' like you like the plague.

this is the most bad ass person i have ever met on Jow Forums


For real though if you are legit you are only step 1 to total blackpill on the human race.
Eventually you will realize even harsher truths about just how barely different we are from animals.

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OP is probably touching herself because of my presence as we speak, but every time you open your mouth she dries up a little. Do us both a favor and start licking my nuts right now.

Sounds to me that you're just like the women you hate, e.g. a whiny bitch.

I like girls but my hobbies are autistic and the girls are few and far between. Nothing can replace having a best friend who shares inside jokes with you and is goofy and you can trust with any secret and...
fuck I'm so fucking sad now

I bet this guy and op are same person. Masterful bait

You were just upset everyone's focus wasn't on you but you know that talking to guys they'll praise you and worship you. You're pathetic for thinking you're any different from any other girl or less emotional. Suck it up and support other women you cunt.

Lol guy, you're a pozzer. You sure want that fella to lick your nuts huh?

my theory is its a ruse, that user is actually a femanon that wants me to lick her posy

Oh nice! Now you have a domanint gf that likes face sitting. Please give me pointers.

well you have to be as cool as me for starters and youre not sorry buddy

Just let me play with your milkers already

It's not all women, just current generation feminism. There used to be an era where women were to be empowered and to say "you can do anything a man can do!" when they didn't have equal rights at one point. It was empowering and they were fighting for something substantial.

Now it's women bitching about how they feel gross when they are on their period and it's somehow the patriarchy's fault they feel this way. Whatever garabage wave we are in now the culture is that being a victim is cooler than being empowered.

So no women don't suck, this new wave of mentality of being a victim sucks and it should stop because acting like a victim does nothing for anyone.

Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! Yamero!

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Sometimes as a fem I'm tired of being expected to be strong and prove I can compete with the boys. I just want a gorl friend to talk to because guys only want sex/nudes from girls every time I talk to them. Its just annoying to try and find that bond with a girl and have this shit happen every.single.time

Where do you live? Im a girl too. And I am lonely

don't want to dox but northeastern u.s.

I mean have you thought maybe you don't need to and perhaps you are talking to the wrong guys? If you want a guy to talk to, I'll talk to you. I'm fucking dead inside and I'm too hung up on a girl whose long gone so I'm not really interested in that shit with anyone else.

i honestly think social media caused all this. before social media women were much more tolerable. once social media took off they all seem to be trapped in this self absorbed victim-baiting offense-taking soup of bullshit and it's just fucking destroying everything.

Mayb but aren't we all user here anyway? Idk how this site works all that well.

i live in the north east but im a guy. pls be my life mate

Yeah, so you take communication off site, either with a throw away e-mail or outside contact through another app/program.

I'm in the Midwest but if you're on discord we could be friends. I'm really bad with online contact though. I want to meet a based femanon irl so badly

I'm taken and not looking for a partner

oh thats nice, i guess ill just die alone then. thanks!

Will you be my gf and have my babies?
>assuming you're double X chromosome
I'm super turned on by women with your ideals.
I'll fuck your brains out, provide for you, and protect you blah blah blah

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talk to more girls, just do it and don't let other anons influence you not to date them by saying they're not good enough. Just try tinder dude.

I see guys post tinder screenshots all the time asking for other ppls opinions, don't do that and don't expect perfect girls to exist and I swear it'll happen for you.

>Just try tinder dude.
jesus christ i really am going to die alone

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Everyone dies alone, just go out and try. I had to ask out guys and it is more romantic to be asked first. Just do it.

>>when men have problems they don't whine and make an international movement out of it
while i understand this is a slight against the feminist movement, women in general process things by talking about them and "whining", men generally go into their caves and look internally to provide solutions, we are both just different and these should be cherished, you cannot change the nature of women but can work with it

How do I develop a personality, skills, hobbies and interests the way men do? I'm dumb as shit and don't want to mentally be a child.

you are not mentally a child, you think differently than men and that is both okay and expected, do not discredit yourself, but you can develop skills hobbies and interests by pursuing them! passion comes after beginning something and liking it, so go out and read books, try new things, the gambit

die, gender traitor.

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Thanks for backing me up femanons. Am emotional and whiny and proud of it!

I don't need men to tell me what to like and have hobbies. There's no way you need men to tell you what to like lol just talk to girls more. There are thousands of goth girls out there, some that don't even dress the part.

I wasn't actually expecting to find any comfort from this, this is nice thank you user.

I'm not sure where to start, so what kind of things do men consider intelligent and meaningful? I won't pretend to like those things if I don't, but if I can take interest in something that is respected and liked, that would be good.

What kinds of things do YOU find intelligent and meaningful? Have you tried taking some courses online? Do you like books or comics or movies?

i think you're too hung up on how men think, though i'm not saying that you should be subservient to women either, you should follow your own path and find things that are fulfilling and make you happy by yourself. men consider meaningful and intelligent the same things women do, they just actively study it: the sciences, the arts. if you go to wikipedia and you go to the main portal you can pick a section and start binging and perhaphs youll find something you like enough that you should go outside of wikipedia to study it such as by getting a book on it

I used to enjoy reading but I haven't given myself the patience to sit and attempt it for a long time. I am quite dumb and have a hard time with learning and focus.
I think knowledge of books, interest and enjoyment of history, and ability of discussion are intelligent. As well as general academic smarts I suppose.

I think my interests are too childish or meaningless though. I like B-movies, video games and drawing. I enjoy other things but don't do them frequently enough or simply can't for them to be a main point of my personality and interests. I want to have interest in meaningful things, but I worry about if I can't.

perhaps you're applying too much pressure to yourself, how much have you ever gotten done by beating on yourself to get it done? a healthy attitude is what is needed, you can for example grow from where you currently are, you enjoy b-movies, if you want to feel "intelligent" you can watch high brow high class films and reflect after watching them and the like. I sitll suggest you pick up books, and just start small, you do not need to read a tome today, you can start with a few pages of a novella or even a non fiction book that teaches you a skill you desire or something along those lines.

Like Uncle Ruckus, only you're a woman instead of a negro. Glad you've finally seen the truth.

i'd suggest you also read
for depression: Feeling Good by David Burns
you can get all these books using libgen

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>interest and enjoyment of history
you're already 10 steps above most girls. i'd be impressed with a girl if she knew completely basic things about history.

I don't know if there's anything completely wrong with having "childish" interests like mine, though my problem is that I don't have even one respectable/intelligent main interest to make me a bit better. My desire to improve also clashes with my worry to end up being pretentious and coming off as >I'm not like the other girls I want to be smart and interesting like men!
I probably am overthinking though

I actually miss reading, I have no real reason other than my attention span for having not done it, thank you for the book recommendations and help, this helps a lot.

>mfw I pump bitches like these and dump 'em, instead of finding an actually decent woman to form a healthy loving relationship with

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i'm happy to help, but don't let this list be the end all be all, i started to follow it but eventually got hung up so i started reading on my own for my own pleasure and you should do the same! anything that interests you go and study it as you please.

Me too, I like to do multiple things at once and find myself skimming articles while having multiple tabs open. Try reading pdfs and books online and just do other things when you get bored then come back to them.

Post discord m'lady. I'll tell you all you need to know sweetie.

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>I don't have even one respectable/intelligent main interest to make me a bit better
i think being an artist is quite respectable user, you can continue to pursue that for credibility
>my worry to end up being pretentious
i've worried very much about being too pretentious myself and ended up surpressing how i talked, you wont come off pretentious as long as you consume a little bit of normie media so you can relate to people, and when you talk about the things you like that are considered "pretentious" just don't talk about them in a pretentious way and you'll be okay

Are you 22?

tfw always forget to come back to what i was reading

I prefer anonymous communication on here, but if you have anything to say that might help me, I'd be glad to hear

I won't lie to you user I've mostly drawn animeshit because I liked it, though now I am actually taking steps to learn basic realism and studying regular stuff

How good are you at drawing animeshit?
Do you go to anime conventions or have a group of like minded associates or anything that could wing this into a social boon?

My anime drawings are mediocre or average at their best, and I've previously gone to conventions but only really looked at merchandise. I've mostly lost interest in watching anime since then but still like to draw it.