Hey Jow Forums how should i commit suicide? dubs decide

hey Jow Forums how should i commit suicide? dubs decide

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shoot up some people, then shoot yourself

Your such a pussy you won't even do it. Your too scared of death even though you have no reason to live, no one cares about you, no one thinks about you, and probably the only human interaction you get is on here. So why don't you just kill your self already instead of making these shit threads you pussy virgin beta.

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winner winner chicken dinner boys
guess this should do it

do you know what dubs are

You are all talks do it pussy

With the angels.

Blood loss by castration.

your misery can be changed, but you need to move.


If you're going to kill yourself at least take some normie with you

Record it put it on live leak actually do something with your life stupid whore

But for a real method choke to death on my dick

what a waste

Commit Seppku

rolling for seppeku

It's not very fun

fuck you

Taking the leap of Faith is no longer an option
Can't embrace the Absurd.

Looks like you are done for OP

Just fucking do it and stop posting on here. We know you're just asking for attention its Jow Forums. Fuck off

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Saying the n-word in a low-income majority black neighborhood

oh shit
someone knows what it's like

Make sure it's blamed on virgins, incels, and the alt-reich

No need to thank me user. It probably wouldn't even cost much desu.

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pic related, but wire me all your money before

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Die from drinking too much milk

Lads how much paracetamol would I need to consume to kill myself? I am 70 kg.

Rope or cancer.

If you're too pussy to get your life together then you're too pussy to end it.

jack off as much as you can until you die

Rolling for you letting me fuck you to the point of physical exhaustion, then drowning you in my tub.