Would you leave your girlfriend if she got fat?

Would you leave your girlfriend if she got fat?

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What girlfriend origolooo?

As long as i can be in the same room with her she isnt too fat

Not really. What's the point of getting into a relationship if you don't give a shit about her at all? I'd tell her to just try to be as healthy as she can.

no im far too scared of being alone for that, she could probably cheat on me and id take it t b h

hell of a betabot

>Would you leave your girlfriend if she got fat?
>implying I wouldn't stay with her
>implying I wouldn't squeeze her as much as possible and have her be my pillow now that she is even softer
I honestly wouldn't mind, unless she becomes obese, because that's just unhealthy.
So is being fat/chubby, but that's tolerable.
I'm assuming she gets as fat as the OP pic because it actually looks like she can carry it well enough.

Nope, I'd just kiss her tummy a lot and have her smother my face with her fat ass.

You even type like a faggot. Please die, your breed has ruined society.

I'd put her on a diet and exercise regimen.

If I ever got a gf that looked exactly like your pic, I would love it if she beared my children in her uterus tbqhwyf.

can't ruin something i don't even participate in.

isnt that what this board is for

>Implying this wasn't a part of my master plan

That's chubby my friend. Not fat enough.

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If she still looks human and not horribly uneven then yeah

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No I'd love her if she's my gf. Help her lose weight a bit if it got out of hand but I don't mind thick.

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So long as she stays Asian she could double in weight for all I care.

Yes. It's a sign she doesn't care anymore and I wouldn't fuck a fat bitch.

great outlook user

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yes I would, especially since I wouldn't date anyone in normal circumstances anyhow because I dislike relationships

No, certainly not if it looked good on her.

Her getting fat implies that I, she or the both of us failed taking care of her body.
Considering I am getting old and the hypothetical girlfriend is most likely about as old as I am, her getting fat is just not a good relationship option as this point in her life. It just presents unnecessary problems.

This man understands.

If my gf showed an inclination to get fat I'd proceed to facilitate her embiggenment.

hold that belly

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god please give me a fat asian gf

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Something to note is a fat women is inherently a sensualist. Thus cheating would be primary as she might not be able to differentiate between a dick in the mouth and a pastrami sandwich. So I have to ask you, what would your fat wife do if I came to her in the middle of the night with a plate of cold cuts?

Imagine the satisfaction of taking a tiny, skinny Asian girl who'd get blown away in a strong wind and turning her into a 250lbs behemoth to be crushed underneath.

If you cant even think of a sexier food than cold cuts I think I will be fine

You have to make your own, sorry.
But there's millions of starving poverty Asians who wouldn't mind becoming your chubby yellow marshmallow if you can take them to the West.

I definitely have dumped a girl for getting fat and I told her that too. Trash sex played a big part also. It was all around no good except I could cum in her ass if I was nice enough lmao

she's actually 290 lbs at 5'2

How fat did she get?
Did she just get too comfortable around you and let herself go or was she always lethargic and ate like shit?

Crikey! Mines 4'11 and 115. We still have quite a way to go.

here's 4'9 201 lbs

200-250 is probably a good size for yours

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Do you think SJWs would think Im sexist for thinking of women as prize hogs to be pampered and fattened. I just want to build a homestead out in the hills, bring my baby girl there and build the coziest life for her with yummy fresh farm food and not a care in the world. I want to shoot and butcher deer knowing that every scrap of them will go toward feeding my princess. Millions of years of evolution have designed my mind and body to be this kind of provider and turning my gf into a pampered sow is the only way I know how to fulfill that purpose satisfyingly. I would never leave my gf if she got fat in fact if she wasnt fattening up Id feel like I wasnt doing my job.

Cute, but how can she have such massive thighs and so little ass?
Probably shouldn't go above 250 then, don't want to enter immobility territory.

They would think you're sexist because you're attracted to women and not an equal opportunity fetishist.
Everything else you wanna do would earn you the ire of normies.

Yes, but I'd address the issue first and attempt to help her rectify it before leaving.

I don't like it when people get fat in a relationship. I'm skinnyfat and I'll always try to stay that way, if I notice I'm getting too fat I'll workout or stop eating so much. I just don't get fatties.

I'm the same way. But I like my women big. I almost dated some 5'7 275 lb girl. I could have pushed her to 300.

But its my right as an American to find whatever kind of love I find most personally fulfilling and tearing pussy apart is great for me. What is wrong with hiding my waifu away from society and building a garden of eden for her to indulge herself freely in. Why does everyone have such shit taste? Why am I asking you?

>I'm skinnyfat and I'll always try to stay that way
why are you bragging about that? lose some weight fatty

I also like to stay in reasonable shape, but I'm open minded about being with a heavier girl.
I've slept with two objectively fat girls and altogether it was a pleasant experience. Huge breasts, thighs, ass, etc. I can see a downside if they get so stupidly fat that they can't walk properly and their face is enveloped by itself, but a big girl with a cute face is perfect.

Why are you asking me indeed, I agree with your taste.
I wish you luck in finding a herd of willing breeding sows.

>implying my girlfriend isn't already fat

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She put on like 30 pounds I guess. She just got too comfortable. She was on the thicc side already when we started talking and I was ok with it but after a while she just let herself go and I just didn't wanna fuck her. I figured I'd break things off and not be a dick. Also she got on birth control so that didn't help any. Birth control is the devil honestly, i hope it gets tweaked to where it doesn't make women depressed and gain weight cause that shit seemed like it sucked for her

Gross. Fem here, never been super skinny and apparently have the genes for obesity but I always stay around 130 at 5'4

But Phil, did she start fat or did she get far or have you fattened her?

Do you have to actively work to keep your weight down and fight your genetics?

I would make her work out with me

That's you, retard

I'm sedentary most of the time and eat whatever just normal amounts and the only time I gain weight is if I'm put on ssri's or birth control. Everyone in my senpai is either chubby or normal.

Would you do this with me fembot ?

It doesnt work if theres more than one girl I dont know why but it doesnt.

This is her at ten, or at least that's what she told me. But she had been exposed as a pathological liar. And she was only really my "girlfriend" in as much as I was pretty much trolling her into loving me.
That's a story that deserves it's own thread though.

Don't ever reply to me or my threads again, fagit

No lol. Getting fat is my worst nightmare.

get rid of your trip then

Fug I originally forgot the image

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You can't tell me what to do, gaylord mcfaggot.

That's the most normie thing I've ever seen.
I hope she makes you happy.
Not him but it wouldn't be so bad.
Chubby girls can be cute, guys just look like a blob of shit.

I mean I was pretty happy stringing her psycho ass along in an intricate dance of who is fooling who until I caught her in her own web of lies.

>those "tits"

Thats...... incredibly unfortunate

Thats your choice I suppose.
She looks like a nice girl pretty harsh to post her picture on Jow Forums for people you will never meet to laugh at.

How would one go about fattening up one's gf, without it being obvious or immoral?

see this post for your answer

She is not a nice girl stop putting pussy on a pedestal.

Fuck off, git.

But that's what makes it exciting. Go where you once thought impossible. Find confidence in the situation you thought you could never survive.

Then you'll be this confident.

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I mean if she is really a pathological liar you got out okay hopefully because that sucks. Im not gonna stop putting pussy on a pedestal thats literally my fetish, a cushiony pedestal with nectar and big palm branch fans.

Do all menial physical labor for her that she wont notice losing the exercise from, get things from other floors of the house take elevators, spend more time watching Netflix on the couch, keep her favorite snacks around, tell her that hand feeding her turns you on, bring her surprise treats and drinks that are really stealthy calorie bombs.

different body types are a thing. your natural fat distribution doesn't get molded by how much weight you gain

I be happy if she gained a small amout of weight because i would be more attracted to her. Honestley i like fat girls but if she got actually fat id be too worried about her health so id help her lose weight but i wouldnt leave her.

No, fat people aren't attractive to most men and can't even have proper sex. I like having a nice normal shape and curves.

I'd prefer if she was fat to begin with, and got fatter.

You have to be like over 300 pounds or fucking someone with a baby dick for it to be impossible to fuck just because of some cuddle fluff.

>You have to be like over 300 pounds or fucking someone with a baby dick for it to be impossible to fuck just because of some cuddle fluff.
It's still fucking gross
only and Op's pic are acceptable and hot

Nah man, you need to see that skinny girl slowly grow into the image of your desire and know that you're the reason why.

This, I'd date an Asian girl who was as big as you could imagine but I wouldn't touch a white girl with a stick if she wasn't at least thin if not fit.

what about this? ya' dig?

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Why are you in this thread again?

huh? what? I beg your pardon?

Its a pretty simple question, user

Beyond the facial aesthetics, which I'm really not a big fan of, she's fine, but when she takes off those form maintaining clothes I imagine I'll find her a lot less fine.

I think your mistaking me for someone else Ann

It depends on where it goes on her body.. Some women can put on a huge amount of fat and still be super hot for my tastes

You didnt type the post I responded to with why are you in this thread?

>Imagine your gf, in denial about gaining weight, struggling to fit into her now too small clothes.
>Imaging how her belly bounces around as she squirms to pull her pants up over her growing thighs.
There are billions of skinny girls out there my dudes, let's go fix them.

>Because slightly chubb girls are my fetish

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See easy answer
Diverting resources to anyone but my waifu isnt as sexy they can be a little chubby I guess.


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Of course, I didn't mean you and I go and fatten up the millions of girls in third world poverty. Just that on an individual level we'll make an effort with one skinny girl each.

This is a selfless and just quest, user, I wish you the best of luck.

Fugg i though she was pregnant in the thumbnail. How do you even get those proportions where your whole body is normal with a comically large gut?

>imagine how embarrassed she'd be in public as she realises her favourite shirt can no longer conceal her plump midriff
>imaging her failing to understand just how heavy she's gotten as she straddles you in bed and kills you like this

Nope. I almost exclusively am sexually attracted to fat girls. The extension to this is girls with wider body types and wide hips.

Man, I love this woman's curves. Thick Asian Milfs are my nectar

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idk but i'm not really a fan of it.
>why my pee pee hard thou?

No. The fuck? Why leave if it was working out before?

Perhaps she just has a massive ass and thighs but we can't tell in this gif.
Supreme body type either way though.