Is there anything worse than being poor?

is there anything worse than being poor?

>born to poor parents
>could never have a car growing up
>every single person I hear from has a car at 16 or 17
>im old and still haven't had one
>I got addicted to drugs and it ruined my life multiple dui's (without a car fuck me) and spent all my money on weed
>entire life ruined over weed
>born in cold shitty town it literally always looks like Siberia outside
>im about 20 miles away from anything and with no car and no way to get a job without a car so I was just fucked
>even the poorest of the poor I talk to usually have cars and shit
>my friend is from a socal suburb and he told me how all his friends had their parents buy them cars, pay for college, get them cool jobs and stuff
>if I ever get a car I have to get it with an interlock device in my car and will have a conditional license so I cant even drive it unless I go to work and back home
>parents house is broken down
>cold air comes in from everywhere and the entire house is broke down and in shambles
>never got to go on vacation anywhere never got to visit big cities or go to the beach or some tropical paradise or anything
>literally all I wanted was to live some place nice with a tiny apartment and shit job
>every time I get close god rips it away from me as if I haven't suffered enough
>no girls around where i live and i dont have a car anyways so it'd be impossible to go where girls are like 30 miles away and there's still only a handful
>none of the girls here like me because they're all brainless and country
>grow up without holidays and shit parents only get christmas shit like 12 minutes before christmas so i dont even get that
>the only thing to do out here is four wheelers and i couldnt even have that

why does god let this happen? like i cant even have a shitty poor person life in a big warm city?

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I wish so badly you would use a name so i could filter you.

Being poor is objectively worse than being ugly, bad parenting, having no gf and friends but not as bad as having real health issues (mental meme diseases like depression don't count). You wont find many here who share your feels because most are to put it simply spineless little bitches with too much free time.

I could say something worse there's being poor then there's being op.
Poor ppl are: Poor
Op is: Poor,ugly, and autistic

"wahh, i made no effort in life, except when it was to fuck things up for myself, and people didn't just give me free things wahh it's everyone's fault but mine wahh it's the universe wahh it's god's fault"

hey, dumb ass, you are in charge of your own life. you are responsible for your circumstances. don't like em'? change things. so far you've done nothing but spend your limited resources on drugs (which i can totally understand) and then complain about the consequences. this is your fault. all of it. accept that or be stuck forever. your choice. nobody is going to change your life for you.

I use shitty small town in literally every thread just about and no one else does that

id rather be poor and good looking then rich and virgin

I made a bunch of money then one stroke of bad luck right before I left ruined it all and I lost all motivation and will to live or go on

>>I got addicted to drugs and it ruined my life multiple dui's (without a car fuck me) and spent all my money on weed
This is less you being poor, and more you being a retard.

>I lost all motivation and will to live or go on
sounds like you deserve to be poor then, idiot

literally every single person i know here is addicted to drugs its not me. i have like 4 people in my town my age literally every single person is addicted to drugs and i only did weed they all do pills and crack head shit and i just chose weed. literally everyone in my town is addicted to drugs like 100% success rate. everyone i see here is addicted to drugs except people who were born into a little bit of money

fuck you you would never understand depression from your comfortable suburb being handed shit fuck you my life is hell. I wake up with my eyes red and black and completely devoid of anything I love and the first thing that happens when I wake up is I think about how fucked I am and how my life is ruined. fuck you

in OPs defense, sometimes when you're surrounded by nothing but druggies it's really hard not to try them whether out of curiosity/availability, other druggies constantly convincing you to try it, or just straight up being forced to do them or be a huge outcast to even your fucking family

its that its mostly that plus boredom a hell storm of shit. I mostly did weed and got fucked in the ass repeatedly over that. everyone here does synthetic heroin, meth, and any cheap drugs they can do and I only chose weed

that sounds like a lot of excuses

Being born poor is only bad if you're born working poor. Being born welfare poor to someone who can work the system is very comfy especially if your family got into section 8 before 1996.

Working poor = Growing up with less food. Welfare poor = Growing up addicted to food. Working poor? No medical care. Welfare poor? Free medical care. Working poor = No time. Welfare poor? Lots of time to lounge around the community pool. Working poor? Leave home at 18. Welfare poor? Get to be NEET forever.

Thanks for finally telling us what you did. That's the most normal shit I've ever heard of a poor person doing

Working poor have more upward social mobility and can eventually become lower-middle class
I was born into a single parent household supported by disability benefits and it completely ruined my life

Grew up lower middle class, then gradually got section 8 poor after divorce, now married and super comfy no real $$$ issues. Being poor really is the worst and you're basically an insect to the entire world.

Yes, being hobo-tier poor AND disabled.

What did you hate about growing up poor the most? Didn't you grow up tougher because you were around street smart unsupervised kids that were always doing unsafe things? Getting into fights too?

>all the places to eorl are at least 15 miles away
>mummy expects me to find a job

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yeah in a city its cool if you get lucky. but you have to be really fucking disabled. honestly earning money online or being an entertainer/artist is the only comfy mode but yes welfare/disability can be very comfy in a city


I talked to someone who grew up welfare poor. Her mom lived in section 8, collected welfare for each kid, programs for each kid, and different disability for herself and 3 kids, and child support. 6 kids, 6 different dads to collect from. Her mom worked the system.

>is there anything worse than being poor?
Being rich, according to the Unabomber

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I got beat up a lot and did drugs. I'm Jewish so I'm too nerdy for the street life so it didn't last long.

Disabled hobos are pretty easy to imagine. I've come across a number in my time as a wageslave on the commute. Blind hobos, crippled hobos on skateboards for mobility, leprous hobos, etc. I'm from a third-world country so it's a common sight in the city.

I kind of don't blame people on disability too much, work culture and high rent would make anyone say fuck it.

oh I thought you actually meant you were born poor as fuck and had some physical disability or mental retardation or something

im op and I feel disabled but dont know if I can get anything. I either wanna make money online or just collect disability. I have add anxiety depression and some other stuff. my biggest problem is I have fucking crippling chronic fatigue. like I can drink a whole pot of coffee and just feel tired or do amphetamines or anything. I literally have felt tired as fuck my whole life. I always wake up tired no matter what I do and if I sleep than 8 hours in a day I just pass out mid day and fuck up my sleep schedule. I always have really bad black eyes and my eyes sting and burn like they're really dry and I always feel tired. it might just be a vitamin defiency but no multi vitamin has helped it

Are you in the US? Try and get medicaid and see a doctor about that, could be a thyroid issue. Also avoid sugars and carbs, I have a similar thing but I'm an addict so that could be a part of it.

I saw a lot of those in Russia, feelsbadman

I was in poorer areas as a kid. Did anyone else remember living in an area where the roads were all bumpy and made of dirt? Where there was tons of farms and wilderness around?

Why do you post this shit every day? What do you expect to gain? With the amount of times you spend writing this shitty post every fucking day, you could have actually done something to improve your life. Sage.

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Oh no. Only slightly poor but not even disabled or retarded.

yeah my mom has a thyroid issue but I really doubt a pill could fix this its really fucking bad

I dont think I can beat a legal system im trapped in

Better than never treating it and having that progress into something worse like cancer

you made shitty decisions, surely you can get your driving privileges back by following the law long enough? I doubt it's forever.

I dont care about driving I just want to leave my shit town id rather rely on a bus or subway or something

What do poor people think of people who live in poor areas and the poor person lifestyle so they can afford lots of vacations?

sounds smart as long as you dont have gunshots and ambulances outside every week