Do femanons find us creepy or funny?

do femanons find us creepy or funny?

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Just perverted but no different from us femmes

I have theory that they have a fantasy of being used and fucked by angry robots.

Creepy and funny, like gremlins

Also this

pretty normal, the openness that you guys have on here is refreshing.

So close to quints, user.

Mostly involuntarily funny, some creepy. Some actually funny.


I mean, I have a crush on you guys collectively. I don't really know how to word it. Like, you guys are a bunch of smart big brother types who just sit and banter on here. sorry for the weirdness

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>having a crush on your theoretical big brother

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>you guys are a bunch of smart big brother types
big as in fat? how fuckin dare you

What makes you think we're collectively smart and big brother types?

so we're like mogwai?

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idk, I'm quiet and like listening to other people talk and I just assume everyone else has more worldly experience, matter how retarded some of you act sometimes. It's a nice feeling

Femanon here. Most of us just find you guys funny, maybe a bit refreshing. Excluding some anons who just want us off the board.

Yeah I'd let mogwai suck my titty if he asked

we found the secret robots. we all need to transform into mogwai immediately

But you're supposed to look up to elder siblings. I don't know how you can lump us all in like that when so many of us are admittedly pathetic losers.

lmao everyone on this board is a faggot

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Fuck getting swarmed by a legion of angry robots trapped in Mogwai's body sounds unironically hot as fuck

You leave Fat Kevin out of this.

the fuck

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Creepy, pathetic, and kind of amusing at best. Funny would be an overstatement.


Idk both?

>tfw no tiny gremlin to lick your titty and your clitty
Bet his tongue would be the perfect size too

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Bad analogy.
You guys are still people.

What is the appeal for a woman to come here? I just can't wrap my head around it. Being a loser doesn't explain why come on here where porn and guys talking about shit and how much they hate women is here every single day.

your humor must have leaked out with your period blood you bitch lasagna

Aspergers, plus same emotional stances and shit like that.

They should also post panties pics

>I don't know how you can lump us all in like that when so many of us are admittedly pathetic losers.
Being open and honest enough, that it crosses into self-deprecation, is surprisingly endearing to some people.

I guess that blows my theory out of the water then.

Please find out then get back to me user. I'll be waiting

What kind of panties you like to use?
I'm interested

>tfw women have sexual fantasies about gremlins but not one woman will be your gf
Bad end

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Hello, post pics of your panties pls

can i just wear a mogwai costume for the time being and suck on your titties?

Sorry user I guarantee you live too far away and gremlins won't hurt me like a real man(robot) would

Post tits

>tfw women have sexual fantasies about gremlins but not one woman will be your gf
Literally this. Life is an ass and we are the toilet

as long as life is a girls ass i dont mind being the toilet

>Post tits
Sorry, i'm a male and the definition of desperation

Sure as hell doesn't feel like it most days. That also sure as hell wouldn't make a lot of us worldly either.

I can't help but assume that those "some people" are just sadists since to everyone else such things would be a major turn off.

I'm also desperate but scared of real men so I prefer the idea of a gremlin

>this is unironically how they see us

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if you lactated would he turn into a fuck-machine?

Every single poster that uses this reaction image is almost always a trap

why would you be scared of us? we're retards that cry about tfw no gf

Idk would he? I can't imagine his penis is big enough to make me feel much if anything

Hmm ok

I've made my peace, brother.
Have you?

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>I'm also desperate but scared of real men so I prefer the idea of a gremlin
Do men bite or what?

I'm truly desperate and on top of that i'm on a no fap that has last almost two years, the rules says the only way to get out of it is getting a girl so...

Some of them do much worse things than that user

I'm on the edge of complete madness

Also wow I'm really impressed by your streak

Only on the edge is where we find the strength to step away.

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Well, everyone is a potencial emocional damage for you, but i understand tour point

Thank you! I didn't think i could last this long, but honestly, busting a nut sometimes would be helpfull, but i don't want to break the rules

I'd rather drown, i am hopeless and the best i could do is end it all

That is a choice only you can make. Just know that in the end, it is no ones decision but your own.

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Only way to find out is rape.

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this. idk what is with these anime pics but its always traps who use them

user, do you have a discord. I've been really yearning for a good friend to listen to me vent. I'm a good listener too if you like to talk too

I find you people interesting. Sort of like browsing the reptile exhibit at the zoo

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I like reading green text threads, I don't think or care about "robots"
I'm not participating in the newfag hive mind this board has created


I wish women like this existed in real life

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