Winter thread

Its winter robots, the comfiest time of the year. I always find myself much happier in winter and this year its following suit. I'm actually feeling motivated to hang out with friends and I even hit it off with a nice dude. life is pretty good right now, but in the back of my mind I know summer is already on its way and im gonna be thrown into another depression. im gonna kill myself next summer, no doubt in my mind. lets keep the goodtimes coming while theyre here though. post winter related things, or anything that makes you feel comfy

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>it is supposed to be cold and snowy this time of year
>there is barely any snow and it is quite warm as well
let us wish for a cold winter, friends

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I agree,it is meant to be a cold time of the year yet it is still scorching hot outside most of the time where im located.
Let us hope for a cold winter indeed.

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I live in Southern Germany near the mountains so we already have some snow and it's around 0 degree Celsius but I hope the snow will come when it's Christmas so I can enjoy a Snowy Christmas and take on with old things like going to christmas church and this stuff, let us all wish for a cold and Comfy winter bros

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>it's cold and a bit snowy outside
>weather report says there will be more snow
>can set a comfy movie or ballet to watch while I hide under the covers
The only thing missing is a gf to enjoy things with.
Am actually considering hanging out with a girl that lives not far from me and asking her out soon afterwards.
What do you gents think?

Also have a few comfy winter pics to post.

Attached: gondola winter bench.jpg (1920x1080, 404K)

>fall asleep during the afternoon
>wake up during the night
>look outside window
>street has old-fashioned lamps/streetlights
>can see snow falling as it shine from the dim orange light
>heating turns on, can hear the calming hum of the furnace and warm air coming through the vents
>go back to sleep under heavy blanket
Don't know what can be more comfy than this, lads.

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It's well known among many that winter is comfy.
But what makes winter so comfy, gentlemen?

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The spectacular contrast between the cold and harsh outdoors and the warm and cozy indoors.

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Scorching hot, eh? I live in the desert and the high here is usually around 70-80 in the winter, where are you located friend?

Go for it user, in what ways does she click with you? How come you're considering asking her out, specifically?

>Go for it user
Well do, fren.
>in what ways does she click with you?
Don't really know, can't say because I only talked with her once.
We met when I was going home for the day from uni. It was a couple of weeks ago.
I had to get off one bus and hop onto a second one to get home, but the second bus was already there and was just about to leave and we were stuck on a pedestrian crossing waiting for the light to change.
As I was standing and waiting, she walked up to me and spontaneously started talking to me. Said that we were going to miss the bus, I agreed, but then the light changed and we quickly made it to the bus. I kept the conversation going, albeit slowly, we just talked about what we were occupied with for now.
She also made some talk as well, and we kept going back and forth with conversation
Frankly I'm pretty reserved and rarely talk to girls, so I don't think I would know if something clicked right away.
>How come you're considering asking her out, specifically?
Don't really know.
She's cute and we got to the same uni.
That's about it for now, don't really know her tastes.
For now the main thing I'm worried about are inherent differences. We're of different races and cultures. But I hope the upbringing by parents was similar to each other.

Sorry 4 blogpost. Have another winter pic of gondola.

Attached: comfy winter house gondola.png (736x547, 20K)

Winter is undoubtedly comfy, but I'm at University so I'll be spending most of it roaming around from class to class trying not to slip on ice. But being inside, chilling out on the computer after a long day will feel amazing.

Winter used to be my favorite season
Mostly because I didn't have to be hot and sweaty like in summer, but also snow.
Since my parents got old they put the fucking thermostat up close to 90.
I fucking hate winter as much as summer now

Sounds like a solid plan , user. Should definetly get to know her better. Good luck to you.

>Sounds like a solid plan , user. Should definetly get to know her better. Good luck to you.
Thanks user.
I'll try my best.

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so living hell 24/7? fuckin boomers

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OP here, glad to see this thread didnt die right off the bat. you all seem like cool people and im glad you shared you wintery thoughts. heres to hoping for a snowy night

winter is gay
dont think so
go out in the cold naked
cause winter gay

I wish winters here were more severe, most we've gotten is light snow that melts instantly. Nonetheless, I don't want this comfiness to expire, wish I had more time to appreciate it. But I plan on starting to take some comfy night walks soon

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>wanting to be naked outside

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>going outside naked in the first place unless you're at a beach... in the summer

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Alas its summer here in the upside down part of the world, but I do agree winter is best.

Dear lord that is hot,I am In Israel and it has been fairly hot high 20s to30 but for I cant even stomach a warm day I just start feeling like hell,luckily a few minutes after I finished the post it got cooler and a bit of rain came,what desert land are you from user?

>tfw late evening walks to the store to buy some more dr pepper
I do this every winter and it's as comfy as it was years ago

Super comfy, it brings back childhood memories.

I feel you.
Where I live the last time it snowed heavily was in 2011, now all it does is freeze the road and little snow.


Anons I stayed up too late last night and mommy woke me up earlier than I thought. It's gonna be tough going to families house and being tired as fuck, gonna want to socialize even less.