Femanons, unironically would you e-date someone Jow Forums? Why if yes? Why not...

femanons, unironically would you e-date someone Jow Forums? Why if yes? Why not? What are you looking in for someone you would potentially e-date?

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No because I've been in plenty of LDRs before. They're very draining and I'd honestly rather be alone than get into another one.

I have a boyfriend off Jow Forums.
We've been together for a year, it's a pretty good relationship and I'm very happy with him.
I'm mostly in this relationship because he's the best person I've ever met and I'm never going to meet another man I like as much as him. Despite not being fond of LDRs as most people aren't, I would never be able to let a man like him go.
Basically, the only reason why I'm doing it is because I love him so much and he's the best.

Can you elaborate? I haven't been in a real one in a long time. What makes it so draining for you? Is there anything else that turned you off from it? I know I said e-dating but to me I just want someone i'm fully comfortable with talking to and you can't exactly have e-fem friends who will put up with me wanting to talk about sexual stuff even if it's not directed towards them though I love dirty talk.

Really happy for you user. I really loved someone from Jow Forums through discord once though the feelings weren't fully reciprocated and I ended up ruining the relationship through being too pushy but i'm glad to see it can work out with others. Why do you love him so much? Do you just have great synergy? Does he treat you really well? Have a lot of common hobbies?

Any social contact is draining for me. So e-dating is like getting a job and not being able to cash in a paycheque. I never get to meet them, you can't cuddle or do basic shit for each other, and I'm still going to be a KHV by the time I'm 25. When I'm alone at least I don't have to deal with people and it's easier to numb myself out of wanting human affection.

He's has the heart of a child, he's just a very pure person and I always feel like he never meant to do any bad in his life. I trust him with everything and I always felt like he'd never hurt me, because he never hurt anyone (not even people who were horrible to him).
He's the only person who will bring a smile to my face even on the most horrible day of my life, just because of how he is.
He cares so much about me, he loves me in a way that almost feels unreal. He always makes me feel like I'm the most precious thing in the world.
We can talk about anything, he's really smart and I always found him really funny.
We're also the kind of couple who can talk for 10 hours in a row without ever getting bored or tired of each other, despite both being extremely introverted and quiet.
I don't know. He's awesome.
IRL it feels even better, I feel like I'm high all the time when we're together. I just can't wait till we can move in together for good, I really like this guy so much.

I'm sorry it didn't work out for you, I hope you can find someone you like and who reciprocates your feelings.

No, I don't think e-dating is fulfilling. I might date someone from Jow Forums if they lived within a few hours of me though.

I'm taken but I used to talk to a guy that posted here I thought was cute, he was pretty alt-right and we exchanged pics sometimes. I tried to meet up once but he didn't care to and was talking to some polish chick. If I was still single I'd prob talk to some dudes more personally but you can't date people that live across the world or continent.

There is only one boy I like but he is e dating some e celeb whore.

well there's always the chance you'll meet someone on here that's local or close enough to travel.

or just be a tinder slut

Already tried Tinder to find a bf. Closest guy was an hour's drive away and rejected me. I live in the middle of nowhere.

Sure. My boyfriend is a mod.

One of you talk to me and if we click you can be egf later down the track

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Where do you live? What are your interests? What if an user hypothetically made enough to fly you to him every month, if you didn't want to commit?

>I live in the middle of nowhere.
That's the best reason to find an online bf. Then you can emotionally trap him, move in with him in an urban area and be a parasite while he lovingly supports you.

I will be your egf buy me NieR Automata, a weighted blanket and a Chipotle giftcard sweetie

>buying single player games
wouldn't date this mongoloid

Had a 3 year relationship with someone from here and even met twice for a week each. (different countries though)

tfw she did end up taking my virginity

I already feel sad for the guy after reading your post. Likely so e of this is true but you'll end up dropping this complete irrationality eventually and find someone else and ditch him.

Aww man I really want it and I spent my last money buying a super cute Nendoroid. You are the mongoloid tho

Your post makes me really sad, I feel for you user, I hope if you're not a neet you'll find someone irl that will be able to appreciate you and love you before you just completely become disinterested. Hope someone online brings you joy too at the least, even if it's not an LDR

This post makes me very happy, almost brings some tears to my eyes. That's really great to hear, glad you found what appears to be a true soulmate. Hope you guys last forever.

Very unfortunate user. Definitely a disheartening situation to be in. Personally i'd just give up on a person if I saw them with people like that but i'm sure you have good reasons for liking them.

It's not that kind of thread user.

>Hating single player games
DUDE EPIC COMPETIVE GAMES EPIC MAN I JUST LOVE THE RUSH OF PWNING SOME DUDE IN PUBS BRO. Single players are good for so many reasons, fuck off. Automata is overrated though

Is this a lesbo relationship or did you mistake my OP. I'm not asking for male anons experiences...

I've played it and finished it. Catfish btfo

I'm not. I stayed by his side through anything, he always could count on me, I never (not even for a second) thought of ditching him, he's the most attractive guy I can think of and my best friend. Also he truly doesn't deserve it.
Stop projecting your preconceptions about women on me, I'm not going to leave him and it's kind of offensive.

>That's really great to hear, glad you found what appears to be a true soulmate. Hope you guys last forever.
Thanks, user.

There are Chads everywhere. Even among here. Even among the biggest pile of losers and shitstains, there's the loser Chad, who will separate himself from the 50 other orbiters and somehow get a femanon's attention. He doesn't even have to have a job, or a skillset, or anything. He could be a fucking shut-in for the last decade. But somehow he projects confidence so much, through little discord chats, that he gets a femanon's attention either way and they end up vc'ing each other and being in an e-relationship.

Something about it just bothers me. I don't know. It's hard to explain. There really is no escape.

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Don't rub it in, that is sadistic. If I don't get that game I will have to spend Thanksgiving BORED!
>Automata is overrated though
Is it? It still looks pretty cool and fun though.

You don't even have the necessary introspection to investigate your own feelings to realize these feelings are mostly based on infatuation.

It is like this with a lot lot of women. And all of them would, just like you, insist that I am wrong and it is totally not like that and that I must be projecting.

If you're on PC just fucking torrent inb4 casual who plays on console

>Don't rub it in, that is sadistic
Your comeuppance for trying to catfish me.

It's a comfy game don't listen to salty nerds.

how did you meet him femanon?

I am not a thief! Not to mention my apartment my parents would freak out if I was torrenting stuff.
I think you just don't want a cool egf to watch play Automata game under a nice weighted blanket.

To elaborate on this more. Your justification towards him did mostly involve mentioning more perceived great features about him. Based on perception that is likely heavily infatuated. Feelings towards him will change and become less intense. In the same way that perception will change.

There's still the off chance that you might actually stay with him but it seems unlikely. Your response. Justification and incentive to be with him in the first place is so heavily emotional it seems almost crazy.

What I hope you get from this is the realization that your feelings will change and to take mental precautions to stay with someone that you are much less heavily infatuated with.

What's the guarantee that said e-gf won't break my heart?

Virgin buyfags and the Chad pirate, step aside kiddos

I'd love an egf to keep me company during the holidays

I bought an Artifact beta key to play 1 week earlier for $250.
Step aside virgin pirate poorfag. Rich Chad coming through.

yikes! you pay for shit and eat it too, big boy?

Umm, the oxytocin from my tasty 'potle burrito bowl will definitely make me attached and devoted to you!
I will be the one laughing when you get it in the pooper for your crimes. Haha!

Almost tempted to fucking give this a real reply but the red flags are too much for me to see you're either a catfish or just someone who wants a mindless orbiter. Please leave my friend I do not like your presence, you are sullying it.

This thread feels like a really bad meme, Good intentions, wrong place

You seem cool but buying a game to orbit some girl is a level even I won't stoop to. Stop taking advantage of lonely betas

I need a guarantee that I will be your exclusive chipotle provider, sorry.

We can be e-friends and if you're cool enough there's always Christmas coming around.

You're judging me and my relationship off 2 posts on Jow Forums. I don't understand on which basis you want to tell me it's anything based on realistic understanding of how I am and how much I love and care for my boyfriend.
user was asking me why I have feelings for him. I don't know if you expect me to have a rational response to that, because you do not develop feelings off a rational basis.
There are many rational, objective factors that make our relationship easy based off, for example, shared desires for the future, good communication, similar interests, similar sense of humour, generally compatible traits and nature, similar past that brings us to having a very good understanding of each other, similar values, very strong physical and sexual attraction.
I don't think that's the reason why I developed feelings for him. There obviously is something more to it, to me. I met other people who were a good match on paper and never felt this way for any of them.
The reason why I fell for him was his extremely good, naive, pure nature and the fact that he's the most loving, compassionate person I've ever met.

Just because I speak highly of him and I'm emotional when I talk about him, it doesn't mean I'm demented and would invest time, money and effort into a relationship if I didn't see it going anywhere or I objectively didn't think it could work out well.

We chatted in a thread and exchanged contacts. Talked for a while, fell for each other, met up a few times.

Leave your friend alone? I am not a bad fella! I just really wanted to play that game, those androids in it are really pretty! And wouldn't you ask for a tasty burrito bowl given the chance? They're healthy and filling!
I wouldn't say it's really taking advantage, the happiness goes around.
Aww man, I guess I'll have to play Don't Starve tomorrow then. That's okay, it has fall vibes.
Alright friend! Maybe we'll play Don't Starve Together then!

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I meant thread alone not friend. Seriously, leave. This thread is literally just you trying to gain orbiters and people reacting to you. Just gonna straight up delete my post and get rid of this thread if you don't stop user

>Just because I speak highly of him and I'm emotional when I talk about him, it doesn't mean I'm demented and would invest time, money and effort into a relationship if I didn't see it going anywhere or I objectively didn't think it could work out well.

Never said any of that. You'd yourself believe everything you're saying now to be true until the moment feels change and suddenly it is different.

Your response just gave a lot of indicators for what I am saying being true or having some truth to it. This one less so. But it is obviously tainted by my asking about it.

Realization that your feelings right now potentially don't have a big basis in reality and working on forging bonds and not expecting them to stay the way as they are now would go a long way.

Post your steam so I can start my thrusters towards orbiting direction

why are you so insistent on her relationship being garbage and that she just happens to be too much of a child to see it? you know people do that thing where they get married and stay together for 30 years, right?

I see, now we're having a Mexican standoff.
ALL ORBITERS PLEASE IMMEDIATELY RESPOND. Now do it faggot, kill your own precious thread.

I don't see how you even meet people from r9k anymore. Contact threads get deleted. Feels like discord killed comfy contact sharing like we use to with Skype

No way user, post YOUR steam.

People that stay married for that long of a time don't keep their relationship on super emotional grounds and realize as such. It is a lot of hard work past the infatuation stage.

I'm not saying her relationship is garbage I'd just like her to look at herself in regards to it more objectively and to not expect things to be as they are now. Especially not feelings.

r9k isn't the only board where people can meet up on. Even /soc/ has a good amount of good people. Met a nice girl there today, dunno if she was all too interested but she at least responded to me all the way through .

Also sometimes thread conversations can lead to anons exchanging contact

Send me a mail:
[email protected]

I want to be this kind of guy for a girl if I ever do find one

And this is the reason why you should never trust women

I don't expect to feel high around him for the rest of my life (even if I hope it stays this way for as long as possible, it feels great and I'm the happiest I've ever been).
If you want an objective list of reasons why I think he's a good potential lifetime partner, I can give you one. If you want me to tell you why I'm so crazy in love with him that I'm willing to fly across the world to suck his dick (which is what I was asked), the reason is the one I gave you in the first post: he's pure, I don't feel lonely with him, and he makes me feel like I'm the best woman who ever existed.
I feel really strongly for him, but other than that there's a lot more and the fact that you keep dismissing it as if I was a 16 year old who never had a relationship or any experience in her life is a little patronising to be honest.
He's a really good match for me on paper, we work out great as a couple in every day life and we've never had huge issues in over a year together while living a world apart and going through some of the hardest times in our personal life, and we feel so strongly about each other that all the sacrifices (that the nature of our relationship require) come easy.

>fly across the world to suck his dick (which is what I was asked)
>he's pure

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Trouble is soc types aren't usually like r9k types and the women unironically get 60+guys add them if they post. I've met a few ok guys from there though

With "pure" I mostly mean he's a very good person, he's honest and straightforward, and he never hurt anyone willingly, not even when he had a chance, not even when he had every reason to.
Definitely not pure in a "muh pure virgin waifu" way.

This. Khvs have no idea how an actual relationship goes. Protip: it's not like in your animes.

I had other long term relationships before, I haven't been a KHV since I was 14.

I think she's referring to what this thread is asking.
It's whatever. Good luck. I don't really need or care about any specific details between you two. Just wanted to point out to you what it seemed like to me and that you should try thinking about it more rationally and to not expect emotions to stay the same. Which I guess you are doing a little more now. That's good and I hope the best for you

For everyone else her kind of (first) responses should be red flag indicators and questionable loyalty. Although not loyalty issues caused by being shitty rather by not being introspective and mature enough.

I'm not trying to crash your part like the other guy but the only thing I can say is that you kind of don't really know someone until you live with them. Based on what you have said it's likely things could very well work out but seeing someone every day at home where you're supposed to be able to relax and comfy, you never know how another person could ruin that especially people you like. I've seen it happen too many times with my own eyes and have heard plenty of other stories from close friends. I hope it doesn't happen to you but i'm just pointing it out as something to think about.

Somewhat true but I think r9k posters who want to exchange discords or join servers have migrated there at least purely for these contact threads. I think i'm gonna try to make a new comfy server tomorrow with the purpose of being a spot where femanons are welcome and both genders can have platonic dicussions with no orbiting attached and without constant hate would you femanons be interested? Not a hookup server, not an orbiting server, not a whiteknight server. I think femanons and male anons can have some nice comfy discussions when feelings aren't fully involved. I want to create that feeling in a server. Not full on strict but not fully allowing people to just act like annoying faggots harassing people though maybe it's hard to do that when people aren't anons...

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Define long-term for me.
I'd say the infatuation cutoff is at 2-3 years.

A little over 6 years for my longest.

It's very true. But we spent around 3 months living together. I understand it's not the same as living together for good, but it was really nice this far. Hopefully next year we can spend around 6 months living together and get a really good grasp of how it'd be if we did it for good.
It was a really good experience this far, we don't annoy each other much and it went smoothly.

Not sure if I would,I have communication problems as is meaning it is difficult to carry a conversation properly,that and speaking to people takes a fair bit of energy from me,add to that the possibility of the person you speak to may as well be your partner and the idea seems Herculean almost,granted I never had a gf let alone a egf but judging from what I saw and heard it is usually the case.
In short I lack the ability to see it through if it were to happen,at least for now.
Also sorry for the literary vomit is I said I am a bit of a spazz.

Dating someone from r9k has been so much fun! We've been together for half a year and things are really going great. :,D
Because of my personality and sexual interests, it's easier for me to bond with/befriend Jow Forums-type guys (if that makes sense?). I actually wasn't looking for a relationship when I first met my bf. We just kinda kept on meeting one another and eventually started keeping tabs. That blossomed into what it is today!

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I am e-dating someone right now and it is honestly so tough. I have to respond within one hour max, even when I am sleeping (I trained myself to wake up when I hear a message). He cries all the time, at least twice a day, over the most silly things (someone on /v/ didn't like the game he posted), but I can't ever be sad or upset. He doesn't want to move out of his parents house, all lewd things we do is just me talking about sucking him off and making him feel good (I wanted to remain a virgin, so I am at least thankful he doesn't pressure me to get naked on camera). The relationship has no future because he will never leave his younger brother and parents. He can't even visit me once, even though he has more than enough money but he spends it all on video games.
I still love him though so I will try to be with him as long as he wants to.

Might as well try again. I'd like to be friends first.



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maybe you should tell something about yourself first?

I like anime, books and programming. I program for a living. I have a few e-friends in a comfy server.

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I'd fill out one of those forms on discord threads but I'll just do it once you add me. I don't really want this thread to get pruned.

Are you the same haru who worked with reiko in the tranny shilling and all that

Also, wouldn't mind more guy e-friends to shoot the shit with and trade memes.

Nah. I just happen to like Haru Okumura.

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E date me instead desu, you've just got a baby for e bf desu wtf, I'm probably better and would treat you better in all honesty, have a contact?

He is 15 years older than me, he is not a baby anymore. And what are you doing, user? Convincing random girls to cheat? That is not very nice.

>15 years older
that's quite a difference

Jesus, 15 years older and still acting like that? Tell him to get his act together, goddamn.

You're e dating a faggot desu just giving you the opportunity to date a man not an adult baby you fucking bitch.

>I still love him though so I will try to be with him as long as he wants to.
Yikes. Just let him go. It's clear you don't love him as a partner and only love him in a motherly way. It's just gonna hurt him worse down the line and you'll feel more mentally drained the more and more you try to keep up with this shit.

You're dating a manchild who treats you like shit.
Oh well, I hope you're truly happy with him. I wish I could find someone like you. I may not know how to talk to women or maintain eye contact, but I wouldn't force you to hide your feelings, or act like a manchild who puts vidya over you.

I can't really leave, even if I want to. I haven't responded for over a day once because my dad had a medical emergency and he sent me a video of him cutting himself, he told me he will die because of me, and other things.

Don't let he bully you into dating him.

I don't want to be responsible for another person's death and misery.

Are you like 13? Is he good looking at least?

Don't be mentally trapped by a waste of space. Whatever, just know you're going to end up with a couple of mental issues yourself if you don't already as a result of this guy. REALLY hope this isn't your first relationship, even if it's just a LDR

You're not. Bad things happen to everyone and it's our own choice how we react to them.
If he gets dumped and kills himself, his problem (even if it sounds selfish and horrible): you're not responsible for the way he reacts to your actions, just for your actions. Being in an unhappy relationship out of fear of hurting them is stupid.
Any man who actually loves you and cares about you will want you to be happy and not stuck in a relationship with them if they make you so unhappy.

You're being abused. It's not your fault if he does something fucking stupid if you leave. Alert his local authorities of his impending suicide attempt and cut all contact. Hope that he isn't the type of autist who will spam your contact info.
I'm sorry, user. I hope everything works out, and you find someone who makes you happy without jumping through hoops.

He's going to be miserable regardless. Considering how annoying he seems you probably fell for the first guy who gave you some attention. Let him go or you will end up cheating when you find someone better.

that sounds like a really unhealthy relationship. If he can't be left alone for even a day i'm no expert, no one on this site really is, but that's not something you should put up with.

I am 20. And yeah, he looks like my husbando irl, soft and cute. Certainly doesn't look his age. I haven't met a man "prettier" than him irl.

Some girl talk to me I'm bored. Orig

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You're lying or extremely lonely and dumb. I can't change the way you are so w/e. Just know you had fair warning from me and other anons.

Not this kind of bored!