/uni/ general

>falling behind in my studies
>no friends
>no gf
I think I'm gonna drop out lads

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neighbor raped my wife in the ass with no lube and came inside her cheeks again lads
wat do

Don't drip out. You'll kick yourself like I did. Just do your best and if need be resign from the next semester and take a break

bumping this tread lods

Im experiencing major burnout. Just running through the rest of the semester on autopilot

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>airman in tech school
>friends with everyone because muh military family
>no chance of gf because of high Chad concentration

>The assignment I had been putting off got the due date rescheduled until after the break
Thank you based god

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>tfw used to be the top of the class
>dont have any motivation to work anymore
>skip classes
>eyes glued to the computer but just watch youtube and browse r9k in class
>still manage to keep my grades and attendance up
lads how the fuck am i surviving

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What are you studying user? Might be easy. Also skipping class isn't that big of a deal as long as you keep up with the concepts in the course.

Studying psychology atm, hoping to continue onto sociology later on, or further my psychology studies. The classes are easier than people make it out to be but i thought they'd be way more difficult than this, feels like i accidentally took a brainlet course

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No wonder your skating by.try this shit in engineering and your first semester

>Went home for thanksgiving break hoping to get my studies done
>It's thursday
>Only did one of three assignments, spent no time studying, and have finals next week
>On top of that, my home is a big ass farm and I have to work on it ten hours a day or my dad will cut ties with me be they financial or personal
This is it bros, I think I'm going down

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user you could be in a coma for 10 years and you would still pass. This shit is nothing compared to STEM.

>>falling behind in my studies
>>no friends
>>no gf
>I think I'm gonna drop out lads

this is what Jow Forums used to be. Now its filled with trannies and women and dudes who have a normal social life.

This. Drop out will only fuck you long term. So try doing your best now

Quantum Mechanics is fucking hard boys, trying to stay afloat here. Very satisfying work though...

My favorite thing professors do is when they put the important information on the bottom of the slide, so they go to the next slide just as you're mid sentence.

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Why does every professor in my university decide to make every assignment due on thursday just to fuck me over?

There's only one thing I hate about university: there's always shit to do.

Also there are nerds all over the place that I fucking hate

At least you dont have a huge project due the monday back from Thanksgiving. Fuck US Military History dude i just wanted an easy A for my upper level elective

>Wake up at 8pm
>Don't leave bed for 2 hours
>Order takeout
>"Too awake to sleep, I'll sleep at like 3"
>Have meeting at 11
>"No problem, I'll stay up all night"
>Fall asleep at 9
>"I'll get up as soon as my alarm rings!"
>Wake up at 8pm
i havent seen the sun in fucking days

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>"No problem, I'll stay up all night"
Ah yes I remember making this mistake. Not fun, nearly collapsed while walking to philosophy class. Missed said class the next day because I sat down in a chair for 20 seconds and knocked out. Get some sleep user.

Staying up all night not worth the pain desu desu

it gets better brother

My favorite thing professors do is not putting any information in the presentation at all, and just assuming you'll find something through google.

Fuck Swedish education. I would genuinely be able to go through a year's worth of courses in less than a month if they just gave me a book and some fucking exams. But no, I've gotta do these almost freeform texts with no information or materials or even instructions about what the fuck I need to cover.

I'm looking forward to switching degrees next year.

I have truly piss-poor discipline. I know I need to sleep, I know I will regret it tomorrow, I have nothing to do, and sometimes I'm even tired; and I still fucking stay up. Tragic.

Feeling bad for you anons. I have no problem staying energized after an all-nighter. As long as I get through the night I'll be hyper through the day.


I have financial problems (my old school doesn't seem to recognize or care that I was hospitalized for mental illness and had to take a break rather than just suddenly decided to stop showing up and fail all my classes), so I can't get my transcript to give to the school I moved to (so that I can continue staying here next semester) without handing them over a lot of money. Sucks because I do well in school quite effortlessly, but it all seems so hopeless now, and I struggle to attend class or do my assignments because the future looks so bleak

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>Thanksgiving break
>feeling impending doom that i'm gonna do nothing but waste time and not catch up, finals start almost right after break ends
>autist friend from tech school gives me 4 ritalin extended release
>take one this morning at 8am with a caffeine pill
>other than feeling jittery i'm flying through all my assignments and catching up fast
>anxiety slowly subsiding because I think i'll actually be able to make good use of the break and be somewhat ready for finals

Thank God for stimulants.

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