Going book shopping today with a birthday voucher. What are some good fiction books?

Going book shopping today with a birthday voucher. What are some good fiction books?

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The bible.
Well, not good, but at least it's popular.

I knew the first reply would be something along those lines. Yawn

What books have you read already that you enjoyed op?

I don't read much fiction. Honestly can't say.

Think about what kind of movies or other fiction media you might like, go for something similar with books. I tend to like reading the original book versions of movies I've seen.

Pick up Jojo manga or goblin slayer

I guess I like dark and psychological movies. Any books like Jacob's Ladder?

Closest thing I've read that vaguely resembles a similar genre to that is a few stephen king books, and at a big stretch american psycho. Sorry I'm a bit too much of a brainlet to help in that area, user.

>the bible
>not good
You have shit taste

It's nice to see someone interested in reading some fiction.
Try "The Stranger" fren

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The Gotrek and Felix series is one of my favourite fiction series. It was just a magical experience and I can't wait to reread it in 40 years or something.

Some sci-fi recommendations:
Hyperion (Dan Simmons)
A Fire upon the Deep (Vernor Vinge)
Santiago (Mike Resnick)

Op here
I picked up Dune and The Terror by Dan Simmons. Starting with The Terror because I'm in the mood for some horror.

good choices desu. Dune might be a little hard to get through if you don't read much maybe.

Asking disgusting neet robots for book recommendations?

Go to /lit/ or something if you want real answers you faggot, people dont read here

For sci-fi the Expanse series is pretty good

Can absolutely recommend Hyperion. I read it a few years ago when I had some flights to take with long layovers. Really well written story.

the communist manifesto, about as fictional as it gets

Recently started reading Snow Crash and its fucking killer. Like if Neuromancer was a straight comedy.

The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay

Any Lovecraft book

Heartbreaker by Maryse Meijer is my favorite fiction book that i've read in the past few years. also "the unfinished world" by amber sparks. you probably won't find either of those in a bookstore though.


keep the fedora spirit alive, it's something that should be cherished

American Psycho
Child of God
The Road
Snow Crash

Assuming you are a Male, read Dune. If you are a female read Harry Potter, eat pray love, or some other gay shit.

schindler's list is a good fiction

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Mein Kampf
it's about a blogger who has delusions of ever being good at anything

Anything related to the Holocaust

House of Leaves

A Clockwork Orange

My book, when it gets released one day. Or maybe never.

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What's it about, user? I'd buy it (if it's not a rip off).