Any INFJs here? It's pretty lonely being the 1%

Any INFJs here? It's pretty lonely being the 1%....

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> no replies
I don't like you being lonely user, even if I'm ENTP.

It's kinda lonely being ENTP too. You are always getting bored with everything. Even people.

>It's pretty lonely being the 1%....
I want to fucking die kek. The loneliness is almost intolerable. The only other INFJs I've ever met have all been uselessly impractical, low-functioning, scumbag retards.

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the test said i was one

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What do you guys think about us?

Any other INFJs think that they share similarities of an INTP? I just discovered that I was an INFJ after thinking I was INTP. However, I could possibly be an INTP with high EQ.

I don't really think about the personalities below the analysts, sorry user.
INFJ just seems like another normie personality. That doesn't mean I don't care about you, user.

All those personalities are superior to xNTP though. The only Analysts who are worth a damn are xNTJs

INFP/INTP gang here

INFJ here but got nothing interesting to say :)

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>All those personalities are superior to xNTP
Sometimes i look at things i've done and think, yeah, that's true.

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God, every time any of you cunts posts I feel a stronger hatred for you.
Stay lonely.

Why do you hate INFJs?
Weird that this isn't original.

INFJ here. It does feel pretty lonely being the 1% percent. But I learned to live with it

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Are you a girl?

I shall lead mankind into its golden age

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>Are you a girl?

The golden age is over cunt. Try again in like 200,000 years or some shit.

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According to the Yugas mandkind would see a golden age of 50 years. I think they were talking about 1950-2000.

we are in Kali Yuga, but soon we will come out of it, and only the good will survive

INFPs and INFJs shall inherit the earth

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Because you have an annoying holier than thou attitude. You believe you know what's best for everyone.
You turn out to be quite manipulative, even if I don't believe you do it on purpose but just because you want to help and are too stupid to do it properly. And you're so focused on how empathetic and sensitive and better than everyone and rare you are, it's fucking revolting. You have this snowflake complex, this fake humility that makes me gag.
One of the worst types ever, really.

if you think the latter half of the 20th century was the golden age then you're a very masochistic person

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Oh yeah, it must really suck to be a babyboomer and have lived ones entire life at the absolute height of western civilization. What a wretched, unenviable fate. I can't imagine anything worse.

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INTJ-T here, bout to put yall in a simulated reality.

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Western being a keyword. Only part of western civilization, actually. 1950 was far worse for the vast majority of the human race. If 30 percent of people in the world lived in severe poverty in 1980 (lowered to between 8 and 9 percent in the present day), that figure in 1950 might have been in the 40s or 50s.

Idk, i just feel it makes sense from a Western perspective because 1950 to 2000 was a time period lasting exactly 50 years where everything was great for the majority of people in the west and it ended right at 50 years in 2001

they were some people, not humanity, and their life was far from golden, you are have very low aspirations of what a golden age might look like

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You're all gonna make it, friend

INTP who share high similarities with INFJs here. from what i read it means we're both maturing or something.

>for the vast majority of the human race
Big deal. Existence has always and will always suck for non-whites/Asians. It's a rough, unfair world and Europeans are not responsible for babysitting and ensuring the welfare of the room temperature IQ shitskin hordes.

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The 17th MBTI type is 'idiot'.

A person is an 'idiot' is they believe that there are more or less than 6.25% of members of any type on a normalized test.

Those believing are thrown into the 'idiot' category and excluded from the test and the rest of mankind. :\ So I think OP made a typo...

>Existence has always and will always suck for non-whites/Asians.

Except for all the countries that have made incredible amounts of progress the past couple of decades? Like, you realize that China's gone from having 84 percent of its people living in poverty in 1980 to 12 percent in the present, right? Things can change, things will change.

sorry but that doesnt affect me lol

you will either let the world into your heart or you will be doomed to destroy yourself

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Different ENTP here, apparently we're the best match functions wise. I dont think ive met many FJ people in my life so your type comes off as a unicorn of sorts. Some kind of emotionally smart and quiet sort of person.

I mean I'm INTP see it is rather rare however i think it is pretty common amongst Jow Forums can i get verification for this

What part of non-whites/Asians did you not understand?
Hitler was an INFJ too, you know.

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Try that test again in 5 weeks and get back to us.

Who said that every type has to have an equal percentage of people from the population? Statistics show the opposite infact

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Its the primordial useless autist, lad. Do you think that'd be any common in this mongolian basket weaving forum?

Being an INFJ doesn't automatically make you the savior, it just makes you want to be. Hitler was an example, of what happens when someone who isn't at peace with himself and others gets that kind of power, they are doomed to fight, and likely to die, because they believe they have enemies.

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Nice hidden ad you consumerist piece of shit.

dude wtf im gonna be hitler

Alright Opinion anyone with S is a normie under 100 iq brain lit faggot

>was an example
He did literally nothing wrong though.

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>What part of non-whites/Asians did you not understand?

The point was that things can change and get better. Africa has improved over the years as well. Literacy rates have improved and technology is reaching more people. Standards of living still lag behind the rest of the world, but they have improved and will continue to do so.

Hitler caused the world you see today

Riiiiiiiiiight kek.
Is that why they're flooding into Europe lol? Because it's getting so much better in muddaland Africa and they're not dying of ebola and starvation despite like over 75% of all weeds and other random plant life being edible? Is that why they've done jack shit with their continent without ebil white imperialist oppressors guiding them every step of the way?

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>Is that why they're flooding into Europe lol? Because it's getting so much better in muddaland Africa and they're not dying of ebola and starvation despite like over 75% of all weeds and other random plant life being edible?

It's a continent made up of 54 countries, fuckass. Some places are in good shape, some aren't. And "Africa has gotten significantly better" doesn't mean "Africa is in good shape," given just how terrible the starting post was. I'll probably just leave it at that since you're your typical Jow Forums/r9k jackass and obviously aren't interested in having a legitimate exchange.

anyone who has already made up their mind is beyond saving, just hope it was you who made that mind up, and not someone else

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Christ dude you saw right through me, my only saving grace is that people don't know my true intentions, I feel very vulnerable knowing that I'm so transparent how'd you come to this conclusion?

Is it true that INFPs are more feminine than INFJs?

>tfw INFJ
>tfw everyone spills their deepest emotional wounds to me

What the fug? Can you inferior types stop doing this please?

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It's our job to listen
and silently judge them.

and store up the information until you become aware of their flaws and possibly need to use it for blackmail

Two wrongs dont make a right

You are an insecure INTP

Fellow INFJ here. It sucks. Nobody seems to get what I am.

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Intuitive vs. Sensor
Intuitive = least fit for society
Sensor = It's practically made for them

We will never truly be understood because we don't want what they want and don't think like they think.

Note for contextual purposes: nothing to do NPC meme; that is another thing of its own

INTP here, how do you know the percentage ? ?

infjs are manipulative vindictive secret puppetmasters. they aspire to be intjs but their plans always suck and they get found out because they aren't grounded in objective facts they are clouded by emotions and visions of big emotional narratives they forsee playing out in their favor. their plans usually are spur of the moment (but they will say they thought it through) and will be employed after they percieve you've done them wrong one too many times. they'll rarely let you know when you step over a line. they'll silently catalog it only to bring it all of the offenses later when they think you're weak. the only honest thing you guys talk about is emotions that don't involve or incite a conflict which are irrelevent to any non F type.

fuck all of you. you care too much about wanting to fit in and you are terrified of chaos within a friend group. you try to help people in the worst way possible when a fight between friends breaks out and you fuck everybody over in the end because you aren't objective you just know how you feel about people and situations.

It's true in my experience. I seem to just be an enigma to everyone I meet. A lot of people almost see me as a novelty sometimes. I just think fundamentally differently to others.

ISTJ here. Intuition sounds silly. MBTI tests ask if you rely on your five senses, and I'm like "lmfao nigga who doesn't use their five senses?" That sounds like if INFJs see a dog right in front of them, they'll go "umm no my INTUITION tells me that's a cat, I don't trust my senses"

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Well you probably already know some of the stuff that separates the two, right?

Anyways, the easiest way to understand how they contrast is like so:
constant use and reflection of 5 senses to formulate reality constant use and reflection of abstraction of ideas or feelings to formulate reality.

Trust senses more than abstraction as their primary tool
Trust abstraction more than senses as their primary tool

The concepts are difficult to grasp but this is the gist of it.

forgot to add:
constant use and reflection of abstraction of ideas or feelings BASED ON PRIOR EXPERIENCES to formulate reality.

I'm an INFJ and find the whole concept a bit iffy, desu. People say that Sensors simply take in input or their surroundings without giving them any further thought, but how do we know that? How do we know what thoughts are going through others' minds? How do we know how thoughtful they are, or by extension, how thoughtful we are in comparison?

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Do you want to be my gf

INFJs-T here

By the way, I have taken the test before in a year and still getting INFJ-T.

Sure. Works for me.

This post is designated original

Somehow i think that a good percentage of INFJ's are just mistyped INFP

Okay my new gf. Tell me a bit about yourself

>transitioned from INFJ to INFP over a year
still a leech on society who has big ideas in his head but no will to carry em out

just being as logical as possible here but generally people will want to form their lives based on ideas that they believe or values they have.
Sensors do give thought to their input just like intuitives do I'm sure. They aren't thoughtless NPC's and aren't to be confused with them.

The only way you can really tell what someone is thinking/feeling is pure observation of their actions, methods, interests, values, ect.; what are their intended goals, where they are now, and how they plan to accomplish these goals, so on so forth. It's deductive reasoning based on their motivations.

If you want to know what someone is thinking/feeling or how they think/feel, then do an observational experiment. Just be sure not to bias your conclusions (genuinely want to find the truth behind their actions).

This all links back to sensors and intuitives because simply put, its two different modes of thinking as a way of living. I do not think one is superior over the other. Some people however can be more thoughtful than others but you can tell they are either a sensor or an intuitive by deductive reasoning of their methodology (psychologically and physically keep in mind)

I'm extremely creative, am a good singer, and have a lot of heavy emotional baggage. I am very cautious with trust and seek someone to be me equal or greater in a relationship. Someone who will pick me up when I fall, someone who I can bounce ideas with. I tend to have a lot of grandiose ideas that fizzle out as fast as they come. I also like camping.

What about you new bf

Where does the emotional baggage come from?

I'm a fairly average guy, i'm a jack of all trades and i know a good bit about all kinds of different subjects. Im interested in things like technology, science, metaphysics, philosophy and mysteries but i also just like to have fun and dont like to needlessly complicate things. I also follow politics though im personally apolitical (i dont follow any ideology). Above all i just like to experience life and have fun though. Im more of a doer than a thinker.