Shit teeth general

>born with shitty teeth genes
>can't make brushing into a habit, brain simply doesnt
>teeth rotten
>have to mask it with mints, which on their own again contribute to rotting the teeth
fucking kill me, this shit lottery gave me ok stats on everything except the most disgusting thing to have crap genes on, amazing
there's this place in the back right of my mouth now that tastes like rotten death when i touch it with my tongue, i presume that's the place horrid mouth smells come from
fuck this shit how am i ever going to kiss a cute girl
fuck life

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don't fuck life. fuck you

>brush teeth twice a day
>they're decaying at a rapid pace anyway

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Shit teeth reporting in, combination of a few crooked ones and being a dumb kid that didn't brush them, I brush them now and they're a little better but I honestly can't say I care about getting a gf nowadays anyway, I used to though.

If your teeth are fucked you may as well just have them all pulled and wear dentures. No shame in that buddy. Hygiene is important tho

Yeah I do too. I didn't brush when I was a kid and now they're yellow. Though they were always crooked. I just have to hide it all closed-mouth smile or laugh if I'm ever in the vicinity of anyone else.

that's so stupid, this is the stupidest mindset ever. You're stupid.

yeah its bullshit
teeth always sucked, they got worse, when they got worse i said "well fuck it they wont ever be good so why bother brushing now"
i'm at a point where eating things has become a challenge

An electric toothbrush saved my teeth. It's easier than manual brushing aswell

>be around 11, teeth not really that perfect
>get those take out braces you only wear at night
>can't breathe with said braces
>ask parents to get braces I can actually not die with
>lolno, too expensive (bitch of a mom sat at home all day btw, never considered working)
>crooked teeth, didn't brush them because parents never really taught the habit, also depression
>start brushing teeth regularly at 24

My teeth are crooked and slowly decaying but at least my breath is not disgusting anymore

How? Sounds like he's reached the point of no return with his teeth. At least with dentures or implants he'll have a decent set of not rotted out teeth. You must be 12

Ripping out your teeth is the point of no return. Replacing teeth with dentures is like amputating a limb and replacing it with a prosthetic. It's just not the same and does more destruction instead of just leaving it.

No, he's right. I'd rather shoot myself in the head with a shotgun than have all my teeth removed. Your life must suck too much at that point.

>used to brush twice a day
>used to brush once a day
>used to brush on weekdays
>used to brush once a week
>used to brush once every second week
>used to brush once a month
I dont like where this trend is going anons, why are habits hard to form?

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who else has this ugly shit on their teeth?
>tfw too poor to afford veneers to fix this

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There's a certain point where it's too late to start.

I think that's from lack of enamel.

>hardly brushed for the first 18 years of my life
>now 22 and never had a cavity, never needed braces, wisdom teeth grew in fine with no pain or misalignment

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nigga got zeus teeth, wtf

Did you eat/drink a lot of sugary shit or not? maybe that has something to do with it. Or maybe what you consider not brushing a lot is still more often than some of us.

im not even sure at 22 if my wisdom teeth came in, if they are coming or just nothing is happening

My parents loved me and didn't let me drink garbage like mt dew so now I have pretty healthy teeth despite not taking care of them too much.

Just don't eat sugar lmao

I used to eat candy constantly and chug coke like it was water. Stopped at around 14 though and never really went back to sweets after that. Honestly can't stand the taste of anything sweeter than honey at this point.
As far as how often I brushed, probably once every two weeks before 18. After 18 I started to get more serious about it, and now it's twice a day + flossing if I remember.
I did chip my front tooth accidentally biting a fork once and had to get a little piece of resin(?) put in.

Some people just don't have them. Are you a spic or asian? more common in those groups