I deserve a gf

I deserve a gf

>I'm white
>I'm physically healthy
>I'm over 6'0" / 183cm
>My peepee is 7x5in / 18x13cm
>I have a strong sense of morality
>I have a strong sense of honor
>I have a favourable personality
>I've been told I am handsome
>I can protect my wife and offspring from predators
>I can provide resources for my wife and offspring
>I am good with children and would make a good father
>I can cook
>I'm a strong swimmer
>I have good taste in anime
Now, obviously I embody more traits than can be listed in a Jow Forums post, but I think we can all agree what I have listed are objectively positive traits which you would expect of a man with a gf, right?

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Other urls found in this thread:


bad luck buddy, women dont look for any of that

Maybe not consciously, but most of the things I have listed are primordial positives that a female is naturally inclined to seek in a male.

doubt.png on you having a strong sense of morality or honor

You deserve to be hanged by your intestines, if it were up to me, so it's not all bad with your current situation. Cheers

nah man, unironically they dont even care about most things you listed, like swimming, deffending offspring, taste in anime, honor, morality, being white, even they dont care about height (im6'2btw), most things you said apply to me and im 24kv

Ah yes, I found a picture of you

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Do you have a reason for these misgivings? If I have failed in communicating my virtue, please help me correct my error.
Cringe post.
Even the modern roastie might not consciously care about being protected from predators or her offspring's well being, but she will still surely prefer the Jow Forums man over the skeleton because "she likes it" but this "like" is just a reflection of her primordial nature to seek a man that can protect her and her offspring.

Fuck you and every one of you r/incels refugees who ruined this board.
Slit your throat

Love these threads and how much they enrage the failed normalfags lurking this board. Doing Gods work OP

literally me. we'l get our government mandated gfs soon brother

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I'm pretty sure I've been here longer than you. I'm not an incel.

Because you are socially retarded mate.

>a strong sense of morality or honor
Not at all necessary. Child rapist murderers get girlfriends.

I am socially inexperienced, not retarded.

Comedy gold and nothing but. Nobody gives a shit, virgin.

>i can't find gf therefore gibs me dat
i hope this is bait

Who are you quoting, my basketball american friend?

You sound like an egomaniac user

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relatable shit.......

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There is nothing wrong with a healthy amount of egoism.

I don't deserve a gf
but I wish someone would give me a chance

Happy Thanksgiving, anons

You need to be educated on the difference between having self respect and being second Elliot Rodgers. Don't just say "I deserve girls" and actually approach one if you think you are really that good

I have not conveyed any information that would make me even similar to Elliot Rodgers. You need to educate yourself on e-celebs before you talk about them.

I deserve a gf. Whine and cry all you want, this is a fact.

Do you think Chad thinks he doesnt deserve the girls he gets?


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Well then, have fun while waiting for some girl to suck you off...

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Make sure you know how to get past a locked door during your retribution. Good luck.

I never said anything about waiting for anyone. I'm just saying that people who have sex don't have the mindset of someone who doesn't feel like they are worthy of a gf.

Kicking open doors is pretty easy. It's rare that someone has a door that can't be kicked open.

so what did the girl say when you asked her out?
or did you demand that she get on her knees and worship you as her lord and saviour?

Yeah righto fag, bet you've never kicked down a door in your life

I've never asked a girl out.
I've never kicked open a door in a real situation, but I've kicked open a door setup for the purpose of being kicked open.

Thats my point, find a girl you like and ask her out if you are in need of a gf user

I don't need a gf. I deserve one though.

Why you feel the need to make this shitty thread again and again? Isn't baiting people get boring after a while?

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I don't make "bait" threads. I express the honest truth n Jow Forums.

>I deserve a gf

What else do you deserve? If you get everything you want will it be what is good for you or what you think is right? Everything you have now is a blessing, even drawing breath.

I deserve freedom, happiness, friends, and to reincarnate in a high fantasy universe.
>If you get everything you want will it be what is good for you or what you think is right?
>Everything you have now is a blessing, even drawing breath.
Okay, so?

Would you rather shitpost or talk about this?

I replied honestly. If you don't like my answer, go away.

Women don't want you to be good at everything, they want you to be really fucking good at 1 thing and only one thing. Other shit doesn't matter to them

okay you would rather shitpost. have a good day

>waaah everyone I don't like is shitposting!
Imagine being this low IQ. Wish redditards would stay on their containment website.

I know exactly why I don't have a gf....but hey I'll list my traits

>good teeth
>7 incher
>good sense of humor
>good hair
>have a full time job
>girls regularly call me honey, babe, wink at me, give me their number, asking if I want to go out for drinks, etc
>gay guys are even more forward with me
the reason I'm a KV is because I lack self confidence and fear new things. I am the only one holding me back and it fucking kills me.

What do you lack confidence in?

When I was younger my mother and father would have daily violent arguments where they would smash things and hurt each other. I think I'm subconsciously stopping myself from getting into that scenario or something.

Find someone to talk to about it, I guess. I don't think I'm qualified.

If your response to what you lack confidence in is something about someone else, something tells me you have a fair bit of confidence in yourself.

Dude, you admitted in one of your threads

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I have never told a lie on Jow Forums. I do not make bait threads.

But you do. Someone asked why are you baiting people and you answered "to piss off and confuse normalfags like you" iirc.

I was being blatantly facetious. Are you an ESL, retarded, or both?

You would be able to get a gf and do have some expected traits to get one, but you aren't entitled to one, I think nobody is entitled to anything, if you think you want one just get one, but the government or society won't hand one to you.

>I have good taste in anime

Immediately requesting proof to be posted.

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You didn't seem like you were joking tho. Also i would suggest you to figure out better comebacks than that if you wanna troll. You always say the same shit.

>but you aren't entitled
I never claimed to be.
> I think nobody is entitled to anything
This is objectively false. First you claim I am not entitled to anything, then you claim entitlements don't exist? Are you retarded?

>You didn't seem like you were joking tho.
Are you an ESL, retarded, or both?

See? You can't come up with something new.

I'm going to go with both. Probably some kind of African.

Yeah well the reason i have gf and you don't is

>I'm funny and chill and don't give a fuck about wanting a gf like some creepy desperate virgin

These simple truths are the most important ones my friend

how do I become "funny and chill" my dude?

I'm interested in a female in pursuit of higher virtues than "funny and chill"

See, it's not that hard to come up with something new. Have a nice journey to master the art of trolling.

This is me.
I am german, 25, have a masters degree in engineering and money in the bank - still KHV.
Meanwhile somali manlets that are literally stinking like shit are walking around with german girls, absolute clownworld, because Hitler couldnt finish the job

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Why do so many normalfags have this "any differing opinion or worldview must be non-serious" defense mechanism? Is their programming just that fragile?

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it means you need to have a strong sense of self. You need to be comfortable in your skin (or find a way to) and have a developed personality to the point where you just do your thing and live your life by your own rules and morals and passions and then you'll meet girls who are interested in who you are as a person. I have a particularly defined sense of humour (i assume most people do) so that attracts some girls but not others, I am relaxed and comfortable with myself so yeah the:

>be yourself

Is actually true. You just need to become a better version of yourself though (if you're a weird sperg)

>I have a strong sense of morality
>I have a strong sense of honor
likely these, m'gentlmen

I'm perfectly comfortable as myself, and then normalfags complain and tell me that is wrong. Make up your minds lmao

Not interested in soulless, honourless, neurotic psycho Jew hags. You can have em.

But this is not a differing opininon. It's just a statement.

It's not just opinions, or statements, or world views, or singular posts. It's anything that upsets the NPCs scripting.

It's really funny to watch.

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>makes the same thread with the same image day after day after day, over and over and over again

OP confirmed for being severely autistic.

Welcome to Jow Forums. Please enjoy your vacation on this board and tell your friends.

>everyone that doesn't agree with me is an NPC or normalfag
Also you pretty much just confirmed that you do this for shits and giggles bud.

I think it's goddamn impressive that they instate a system that discourages reposting the same shit over and over and over again, and turboautists still find a way to do it.

Oh wait, impressive is the wrong word, I meant to say PATHETIC.

>everyone that doesn't agree with me is "baiting"/"trolling"/not serious
>Also you pretty much just confirmed that you do this for shits and giggles bud.
Thank you for confirming you are in fact an ESL.

How could i take you seriously when you post the same thing over and over again? Let's be honest here, you do this because you are bored and this way you can have someone to talk to.

Just leave the thread, normalnigger.

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What, your intellectual ass couldn't come up with a comeback and you resort to insults now?

I'm glad you recognize I am smarter than you. You don't have to leave the thread now.

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I came to that conclusion that you think you are one by reading your post, i don't think you are really one. You would have better comebacks that way.

You're an ESL, I'm smarter than you just because of my first listed virtue.

I'm white too pal.

And instead of trying to get a gf you write this pathetic self-pity thread every day and hang on Jow Forums, still asking yourself why you dont have a gf...
this is just sad dude

Stop projecting. I feel no self-pity, only pity for normalfags like you that get this upset by my thread.

based NEET sending the dried up roastie into a seethe

I was more of a robot than you will ever be given your own self-description.
The only reason I was able to get a gf and become a normalfag at the age of 20 was because I worked for it instead of writing such pathetic threads as yours.
Also it is not up to you to judge self-pity but the people around you moron.

^ lmao this retarded normalfag replied to the wrong post on top of not knowing what a robot is. Absolutely yikes.

Was testing your reaction brainlet, your reaction shows you why you dont have a gf newfag.
You dont deserve one, it's that simple.

I deserve a gf. None of your whining will change anything.

None of your whining will change anything, you won't ever have a gf with that attitude

>you won't ever have a gf with that attitude
Right. I have to think "I don't deserve a gf" then I will get one lmao

No you are stupid and I am better than you.
You are a normalfag and your points are stupid so I will not even answer them because I am right and you are not.
I deserve a gf btw

^ this guy is not the OP. It's a false flag attack.

stop immitating me normalfag, you are retarded and I deserve a gf

>stop immitating me normaIfag, you are retarded and I deserve a gf

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>I am an entitled piece of self-loving shit so I deserve a gf
great logic there, that will get ya a gf fellow

Who are you quoting? I've said countless times that I claim no entitlements. Why are normalfags such retards?

yes you do user
you should get a cute husky and give it pets everyday

Also, yes I love myself. Should I hate myself like you? Pathetic nigger go back to reddirt.