Tfw no fembot gf from Europe

>tfw no fembot gf from Europe

Do you even exist?

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kinda early for them to pop up

Hey who knows they might be up already

>He still hasn't realized that 2D > 3D

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2d can't cuddle and love me..

Neither can 3D

I doubt they do.
Take a hug to feel good.

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I met my gf here and she is from Europe, I am an American. I immediately saved up enough money and visited her, it was kind of a gamble but im glad I took it. If you like someone enough dont give up on them, we all gonna make it

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Got any tips to share with the less fortunate?
Where to find fembots yet alone european ones?
Also happy for you mate.

I might exist.
But you're probably 19-22 years old.

Yeah. But what do you exactly mean by that?

I have a really hard time talking to women, not as much now but what I would suggest is to just pretend everyone is a man. And treat them like you would anyone else. It worked for me but I also had an immense amount of luck. I didnt even know my gf was a lady until the subject came up. I just wanted to make a friend. I try to stay positive even if I dont exactly feel it so try to do that too. I assume everyone would like someone positive in their life

Sorry this what meant for you user

I too want just want to make some friends but it is evident as soon as the conversation of sex comes up and you say that you are a male the other individual becomes less invested in the conversation.

That being said would not say no towards a gf, and I'm not OP by the way. Sorry for hijacking your thread OP.

If they lose interest that quickly they probably werent interested to begin with, at some point you will make a meaningful connection with someone

I'm 25. Hello!

Lucky OP. I should make a thread like this in a day or two, as well.

Ure a fucking cuck, won't get anything but cringe u beta.
Tell us at least you fucked her lol let us know when it's over

I exist, but my self preservation instincts prevent me from interacting with robots off user.

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Your loss. I'm pretty great desu.

Uhh what could go wrong I'm not that much of bad person in all honesty
Uhhhh stop larping as me

I was here first she's mine go away.

Will you take a Polish femanon? I do not live there anymore but I am 100% purebred.

Yeah why not, where do ya live now though? Still in Europe?

I am in Oceania now. Do you have Discord? What is your contact?

Uhh okay I guess

My disc is violentlyhappy#3863

I know who you are god you are a liar.

Liar? Elaborate user who is this person?

If it's who I think then it's a girl but she has no qualms about just making lies you want to hear

Just tell us user who that is

Well.. yes they can lol. There are actual love started mentally ill fembots out there who never leave their room, and would love for someone to come by and get to know them.

>There are actual love started mentally ill fembots out there
Oh yeah? Have you met any?

Not him but what you mean by mentally ill ?

Ask him nigger I'm quoting him

My ex gf is was from here, she might be lurking I think but idc

I've met exactly 1.

Come out of hiding. Orig

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I don't think I can find a fembot locally, so I would like to import one.

Tfw scandinavian - i would never find a scandi fembot gf.

I had a Finnish r9k e-gf

Why in past tense my friend? What happened? How did you two meet on this vast board?

Found out she was choking on chads cock :/

Was just some contact looking for e-friends thread like 5 years ago. It lasted for 3 or so years I guess. But I was a poor student so we couldn't meet that much. Now I could afford meeting up more but no more gf. Sad.

Did you at least fuck her you cuck?

I'll start tripfagging again if you impersonate me :^)

Me too user me too hahahahahahahahah

Yes. I'm all impure now.