INFP males how do we become friends with you

What sort of things do infp boys expect from people as friends? I want to be able to make friends with one

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don't be controlling and mock us
praise and validation is always welcome

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i was controlling with one infp friend i had and it was my biggest mistake. i miss her a lot.
thanks for the advice user. i hope i can become friends with one of you someday

sincerity, kindness, patience

I dont know user. I dont have friends anymore Im a complete social recluse.

I am INFP boy(male)

I expect my friends to pursue virtue and help me pursue virtue.

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my closest friends have degenerate secrets and we have shared them. it took time to get there but I guess it helps to not be normal and not care about being normal

I wish I could find a friend that likes the same anime/vidya/stories as me that is the dream.

Let me express my genuine feelings without criticism. We are very sensitive and males are not usually allowed to be open with our emotions. If you ridicule or tease our passionate inner life, we will probably never open up to you again, and you will never really know the "true" person. We basically live in constant mental and emotional isolation from other people, because we've had to suppress our Fe for our entire lives. Society despises sensitive men.

We can't do banter because we take everything personally, or because we don't feel right dumping on other people, even in "jest." If you have an actual criticism you need to share be direct and gentle.


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Please say 'I' and not 'we'.

People with friends how do I make friends as an infp male?

Thanks user. This advice is helpful a lot

We're talking about a personality type, so we're already dealing in generalities. If it doesn't apply to you, that's cool.

Ask him "Do you want to be my friend?"

Your generalization does not apply to most INFPs, it has nothing to do with INFPs.

>he doesn't know

user, you... you don't.

how do i get an INTJ fren?

please dont do this if you are older than 8

Sure it does.

(original three bean soup)

>OP thinks INFP guys want friends
>implying they don't want something closer, more sincere and passionate
>implying they want to waste time with friends rather than have someone closer to them that they can be with for longer times and in more dire situations when usual friends would just run off
then again, I'm speaking for myself.

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You're just talking about real friends and normalfag "friends"

Yeah that sums it up. We want something almost "spiritual," want to be truly known.

Not sure that's even possible desu, INFPs invent fantasies and illusions so damn good that reality never matches up. That's where the depression sets in.

This. Its all I crave for, really.

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whats the difference between infp males or females


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do you go to school or have a job? people seem to like me because I am nice and funny. occasionally some of them seem able to go deeper

I was being serious. If someone wanted to be my friend, I'd just want them to say so, or to explicitly ask me to hang out which implies they want to be friends since they want to spend time with me.

They get you, never the other way round.

I relate to this a lot. Even though Im not sure if im infp or infj

You know what nevermind there is a reason Im a friendless loner and will remain that way.


That's creepy.

Sensitive withdrawn girls, sensitive withdrawn boys. The boys have a harder time of it due to societal standards about being stoic and aggressive.

I'm an INTP with an INFP best friend for 5 years now. We would play on the same TF2 server but never talked, until a friend im common invited us to play L4D2 and we had a lot of fun together. Don't really remember how exactly we started talking per se but for these 5 years we text every day, can talk about literally anything, be it serious irl stuff, or even about some franchise or character in great length, analysing even the smallest of details, and also sometimes feel talks. For someone whose brain works like a machine having someone to show you a more human side is actually really nice and I hope you make an INFP friend too. I also constantly comment on how funny our relationship is, because I'm more of a "people without consciousness should cease to exist, anyone to dumb to function is useless" while he is "nooo, everyone deserves a chance, killing is bad

This so much.
I have a decent amount of friends but I usually only have one which I would consider my "emotional anchor" that I' fully honest to about my fears, hopes, anxieties, and other deeper aspects of my life/emotional well-being. I've been trying lately to stop putting so much on one person, though, since I've been burned badly by my "anchor friends" in the past- so I have been trying to be a little more open with my emotions in general with all my friends. I guess in a way it's also to try and balance out where I seek emotional support. I still do have that one friend that I feel is my core "anchor" but it's been nice just to be up front and honest about things and not have to put on a mask every time I go out with people.

Why do you even want an infp friend?

Hi, I am an INFP male and will share some tips!
> - I am very friendly and love to make people laugh and smile. I am easy to talk to, but I will never initiate hangouts or anything on my own.
> - Be nice unless its harmless bantz. If we are going to be friends I need to know you are someone who will not backstab me or mock me for my weird interests.
> - I am quite boring a lot of the time by the standards of most people. I do not like parties or loud places.
Does anyone have any questions for me?

are you a girl though?
or are you a girl (male)?

How many of you INFPs raised by single mothers?

For me, honesty and sincerity. I don't like people who talk about others negatively behind their backs, and I can only assume they will do the same of me. I like straightforward people.
Most of the anons in here are right. Don't be controlling, give space, and be patient.
I don't agree. Banter is banter and joking is great. I don't think this sort of snowflake hypersensitive mentality applies to everyone. Though I dislike it when someone says something with bad intentions and tries to disguise it as a joke.
Yep. I don't want normalfag "friends" that aren't worth the investment, I'd rather have something real and special. Which is half the reason I don't have friends.

Also you'll have to typically be the one to initiate a lot of stuff until I can trust you

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I am an INFP male and I think you all are taking this mbti horoscope bullshit way too serious

>Also you'll have to typically be the one to initiate a lot of stuff until I can trust you
Already used to that to be quite honest.
But I guess it would be worth it if it will be really something.
This is also why it's so hard for me to date people because actual intimacy is usually nothing serious for them, but for me it is.

>I dislike it when someone says something with bad intentions and tries to disguise it as a joke.

That's half of all banter. A lot of banter is just being an asshole in a socially-accepted way. Not all, but a lot.

Good point. I guess I just make an effort to stay away from these types of people, so I don't see it that often

Interesting duscussion on topics that interest me. Or someone who needs help in areas where I can provide it.
t. INFP/INTP even split

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Dont be an asshole really
Also this

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>That's half of all banter. A lot of banter is just being an asshole in a socially-accepted way.
For fuck's sake, we're not 8 years old, if you want to be an asshole, either do it directly like a fist in the face, or forwardly but smugly, like a slap.
Banter is neither, it makes you look like an immature kid trying to make things seem funny.
Normalfags who do banter are so obnoxious.
I love how they then reply shit like,
>haha it's just le bantz bro xDddDDDddDDXXdd
Grow up.

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