What do white guys think of black women?

what do white guys think of black women?

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Black women come home

Claim your free skinny white boys please

I like black girls.
t. white guy

i don't discriminate. They're just as worthless as any other human

i don't

(no offense)

four out of five american black women are overweight or obese, actual statistic.

I'm always mesmerized by their lips, especially when there's pink exposed.

They are our queens and we are their kings!

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Two types

Loud aggressive fat sheboons that whine about raycissm if you dont give them enough napkins

Quiet shy timid ones with meek near-inaudible voices that stay out of the way and prefer not to cause any trouble

they're alright, frankly.
would like to have some intimate experience with one, as long as she isn't hideous or obese.

GOOD LAWD! Like you even know what to do with all that, Tyler.

Some of them are really cute. Also the racemixing memes have gotten to me, I want to fuck a cute black girl.

I want very much to put my peepee inside of many of them.

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Easy. Love and respect her, DeShawn.

Where can I get a GF with an ass so big she has to lubricate it to get pants on?

>"Love and respect her"

Big if true.

thicc black women were made for white cock

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I'd probably like a black gf is she weren't an obnoxious ghetto hood rat and doesn't do annoying shit like try to race bait every chance she gets.

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No amount of surgery, wigs, makeup, camera angles or filters will make your genes worth breeding with.

I'm sorry, but just find a black guy.

The real question is, do black girls like skinny, cute white guys?
Especially the tall, thicc black girls?

>No amount of surgery, wigs, makeup, camera angles or filters will make your genes worth breeding with.
>I'm sorry, but just find a black guy.

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The smell of black women is unbreable, how would anyone on a serious level be able to compare them to a beautiful pure white girl

I am not black. Black guys can have all the black girls.

Supposedly Whites have an odor that blacks smell too and it's something that you just get used to and don't notice anymore after a certain length of time.

90% of them are complete trash
dat 10% though, wew

The mixed ones can be attractive but the risk of getting herpes is too high for me to contemplate having sex with a nigger.

How do we separate the wheat from the chaff and isolate the ones truly worthy of being COLONIZED/BLEACHED? These are things Jow Forums should be discussing, but they never do because they're too busy posting BLACKED porn like a bunch of cucked faggots.

I propose a dating show called Do You Deserve A White Man? where women of color compete in a series of challenges judged by a panel of highly educated and successful white men.

all races do. Japanese think white people smelly

Japanese think everyone is smelly because they genetically don't have body odour. For everyone else it's just in group preference in scent, like any other animal.

Same as think of any other types: hot ones are hot, unattractive ones are unattractive, some are good people, some are bad people.

Would applicants be chosen at complete random, or would they be required to meet certain prerequisites in order to even be allowed entry into the weekly pool (pun related) of possible contestants?

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no they dont lmao
stop coping incel

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cute nerdy ones are okay and maybe the ones who are stylish without pretension are okay too.

God please gib thicc ebony gf now

Cute. Every black girl I've spoken to was really nice and liked me, and often expressed it (genuinely)
I love them!

I'm engaged to one and she's lovely. She's a very kind person with a very deep Christian faith. She's reasonably intelligent but very forgetful. Pretty generic/normie tastes in things like music, movies, anime etc. but she is completely loathed to criticise them in any way even if she thinks they aren't great, instead she'll always try to be positive about something, even if it's demonstrably awful. Sounds quite upbeat but honestly it gets very annoying when she's there refusing to say that shit like Ready Player One was terrible. She is almost always late to everything and recognises that that's a very common trait of African people - so called 'African time' where they see no need for any sense of urgency.

The biggest differences (at least in her case, I can't claim to know the majority of black girls) are cultural. She's zimbabwean and her culture permeates most of her life in some way, from family interactions to how we went about getting engaged and what it will mean in the future when we have kids.

The other black girls I know are her friends who are black girls of various African nationalities. They're mostly similar to her from what I've seen.

One thing about them is that they are particularly worried/anxious that their bf/husband won't go down on them; it's a thing for black girls that they get very exasperated and worried over. Don't know if it's true for other races but it certainly is for them. If you eat pussy they'll be fucking over the moon. Don't know if different races taste different (we were both each other's first bf/gf and shared all our firsts so I only have one person to judge the taste of) but she tastes fine so I go down on her all the time. The most alpha I've felt in my life was when her friends were visiting us years ago and she had told them that I eat pussy really fucking good and for the whole day there were these five black girls all kind of fawning over me a bit because they were clearly desperate to be eaten out.

Thats a lie user, they get smelly too.
Are you truly retarded?

I've always wanted to date/fuck a dark black girl, but that's because I want to call her "nigger" while fucking her and have her call me "white boi" or "massa." I always assumed they would be extremely offended if I did that so I never tried.

The hottest thing would be her calling herself a nigger, like if she told me to "cum inside this nigger's pussy" I'd nut with the force of a thousand suns.

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They get sweaty and dirty, but they don't have body odour. Look it up.

They get smelly but he probably meant they have less body odor, which is a proven fact among East Asians, they just don't have as much body odor around their pits etc. as much as Westerners.

The ones that are outgoing and have loving familied prefer fun chads that they can do things with.

The shy, quiet ones with low self esteem will fall for any white guy that can get through to them, as long as they aren't cocky or too chad-like.

The attractive ones wouldn't be any more interested in me than attractive white girls would be.

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I can't date black girl's cos my sister would go mental.
I remember working with this really cute chick at my first job. She was absolutely tiny with a gorgeous bubble butt. Used to chat and laugh together about stupid shit, talk about shitty/funny customers. Always looked forward to the shifts we had together.

She complained once that black dudes (in the UK at least) wouldn't go down on girl's cos it's disrespectful or some shit.

Ended up eating her out in the private bar after closing that night. Prettiest pussy I've ever seen.
Carried on like that for a few months, just hands, mouth and tongues. Never had sex with her but god damn I wish I'd asked her out.

Miss you J.

what does your sister have to do with this retard

Only gf I've had was black and she was amazing. Felt like what a relationship is supposed to be like, actually cared about me and wanted well for me.

That and the sex was unreal.

The attractive but crazy ones will be loyal for life if you like them back. But it takes a lot of time to get them to open up and are very rare to find. You'd be surprised.

Some can really get past the exterior and will find the simple flaws in you to be a bonus because it makes them feel more comfortable too.

I like the big one at my grocery store that always calls me child, she makes my day better

Shoutout to all pajeets at servos as well, love you guys

depend of the people, can be really descent and have a stronger sense of morality than white women. But want white children to decrease the level of shitskin in my blood.

I have a black girlfriend, and she's awesome.
Just like any other kind of girl, black girls can be great, or utter trash. Mostly depends on the person.

Their bodies tend to be extra sexy when they're hot though.

not my cup of tea tbqhwyf

post more plz originalo

not him but here's one for ya lad

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damn, so hot
off to gif I go

more of the same couple, knew i had another in my folder

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I want a black gf but no girl is attainable to me anyway

>tfw will never play with a black girls frizzy hair after making love
>tfw will never see the contrast of colours as we embrace

Me approaching a white girl, even for strictly professional/formal purposes:

Me approaching a girl from any other race, even for strictly professional/formal purposes:
>heeeey :)

White dude by the way. White women are way too defensive nowadays.

We're all just fleshlings floating on a big speck spec of gravel and lava.

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They're fine, I just would need one with traditional values which seems rare where I live

They aight

sike! Goteem

Some Asians think to think even rather well-groomed whites smelly since milk is not usually a staple of their diet as for most whites imo.
Makes you smell sour for those who are not used to it afaik

>think to think
tend to think

i'd love to have sex with a black chick, just for fun and experience, would never date a girl outside my race though

ugle, loud, and generally unpleasant to be around.

>I can't date black girl's cos my sister would go mental
>Letting your sister control your happiness
Why the fuck do you care what your sister thinks? Are you fucking her or something?

It really sucks that literally 80% are overweight.

I'm open, but I doubt I could find any normal weight black girl with the same interests as me. I've seen them around but it's so rare.

>there were these five black girls all kind of fawning over me
you missed out bigtime white boi

>It really sucks that literally 80% are overweight.
find a nice skinny Ethiopian.
famine does wonders for their shape.

Well I'm not too interested in that large of a cultural difference desu. Especially language, I already have trouble understanding people. If her mom and dad were ethiopian and she was american then I would be interested.

I know exactly what you mean though.

Alphas can tame both

that must feel like being in heaven

They are sub~human. What is your problem acting like they are above you? Lynch those niggers for all I care


they are for colonizing

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I'm married
It's too late for this psyop
Wish I could

Raceplay is fun. Slave and master.

Black girls with glasses and curls always seem to be the best to be around

same thign i think about female chimpanzees

They're made for breeding with whitebois

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Entitled sheboons that are so incredibly entitled that words cannot describe it. They are bitter that white boys don't want them and envious of women who get white boys.
They seem to expect that I and other white men will be attracted to them, and they can't take "no" for an answer. They seem to think that just because the west is the way it is that also means that they can find a way to weasel their way into the lives of white men, or, even worse, that society will force white men to like them.
I love Arab women and white women primarily, black women are just nothing special.

i dont think that black women like eastern europeans

I'm not a fan of the faces I will admit that.

What do white women think of mixed guys?

And it's the only floating rock we know of with vidya, movies, chocolate, beer, tits, and ass.
Pretty good deal I'd say.

FUUAARCKCKKk ma diiiiiiicccccccccccc

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Too many of them are into christianity.
Give me a black weeb gf with some higher education plz.

>my sister would go mental.
Holy shit what a loser.

love me some dark chocolate, simple as

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Black women are whores. No one likes your disgusting fat ass

they're very 'receptive' towards white men (such as myself) so that's a plus
on the other hand, they're probably the least attractive race when it comes to females

also a lot of them are very fat and very loud

jesus this is some FINE dark chocolate right there

> most black women are dogs
Funny a lot of white guys (and even black guys) will say this, but if you go to an area with a lot of black women, at least 90% are doable, and most are much more well endowed and proportioned than white women.

They have very ugly faces and ugly hair but can have sexy bodies.

They're also low status and unclassy and it would be very embarrassing to be seen outside with one. I have fucked some black women with good bodies before but just for hookups. None of my friends or family know that I've been with a black woman.

It's different with east africans. they can have feminine, attractive faces and their culture has more pride and self-respect and culture and history so I wouldn't be embarrassed being seen dating one unlike if I were walking around dating a west african negroid.

>tfw 27yo black HHKV
>the have known East Asian Staceys who use the submissive meme to get away with their Sum Yung Ho antics
>the one even is told you that the thought of only being with one guy in her life seemed boring

There are plenty of east african people with less "culture" compared to something like the Ashanti kingdom.

t. east african

They are not dogs. They are just entitled and they think that attraction can be shamed or politically instituted towards white guys who don't like them or want them.

>all these white racemixers ITT
Disgusting. You had the Fortune of being born white and you "colonize" anything that moves, destroying your genes in the process. While I on the other hand would die to be white and raise white children.

I am mediterranean and I am against race mixing except if it's with Arab women, I love them so much.

But I do like and want some black women.

That's not really mixing since Arabs are meds

White women don't think, user.