Be me

>be me
>Constantly making sure my mind is occupied at all times
>The moment I'm left alone with my thoughts it starts get really dark, really fast

Anyone else like this? The moment I have five seconds alone with my own thoughts I get nearly suicidally depressed. I'm going constantly.

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Yes, same thing happens to me but I drown it out with weed. You should too

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Become my gf already and we can talk all day

I'm a non-passing tranny. Trust me, you don't want me. I'm hardly worth the air I breathe.

>The moment I'm left alone with my thoughts it starts get really dark, really fast
You realize it'll always be that same until you confront and overcome your hidden psychological afflictions right? I recommend reading Jiddu Krishamurti.

I know it will. I'm running from things too dark for me to deal with.

Likely a Physio-Psychological phenomena where when you overload your brain with too much CHANGING information e.g. Browsing randomly.
If you don't wanna feel like a depressed junkie after a withdrawal from your internetz,
either take some time off the computer, internet or the 4chans and spend time into a more simpler hobby.

Yes exactly. After 5 minutes alone I end up thinking how my life is so shit I should end it. Its almost intrusive. gotta scream it away.

It's so bad I literally need sleeping pills to go to sleep. Otherwise I just start sobbing and becoming so depressed I can't sleep.

What made you fall for the meme?

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Toughen it out for a day without occupying your minds dummies
The least you can do is to do something very simple for a day: cook/bake, read/write, play a singleplayer game

Who knows. I wish I could stop. But repression makes the mental anguish go up to 11.

That's what I do to avoid the thoughts. If I'm not working I'm playing vidya, reading, literally anything to make sure I'm not alone with my thoughts.

What do you read?
If you are gaming then make sure that you are good or improving

Just about anything I can get my hands on really. Thought right now I'm reading Steel Ball Run

Do you guys have borderline personality disorder (self-suspected or diagnosed)?

>Believing in the psychology meme
Goyim I...

>mentally ill attention whore


get the fuck off my board you sack of worthless garbage

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No. I have PTSD tho so there's that.

just make sure u are competent at gaming

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I'm fairly competent. I mainly play single player games though. Right now I'm doing my second play through of Wild Hunt on the second to hardest difficulty. Struggling like hell with it but I'm making it. When it comes to FPS I'm average.

And I don't just read manga. It's just what I'm reading currently.

>board of mentally attention seeking incels
xi is right at home

>implying that's the case anymore in anno domini MMXVIII
It's trannies, used whores and junkie retards, all the robots left this shithole.

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Unless you took men's lives while serving in a military force I doubt you have PTSD. You probably just can't deal with something that was done to you and made you feel bad

Try dopamine fasting user.
Deprive yourself of all stimulating things for 7 days. No internet. No movies. No video games. No music. If you need a distraction go for a walk or read a book. Take a warm bath. Do some cleaning. Learn to be alone with your thoughts for a week and youll soon start to filter out the dumb shit. A good way to do it is daydreaming. As soon as yo start the negative shit. Instead start imagining your ideal day. Ideal home. Ideal job. Ideal partner. Ideal date. Just daydream a bunch of comfy shit. Get your imagination going. Reset your brain. It helps drown the dark stuff.

I didn't kill anyone but I watched someone die. It was my best friend. Killed herself when I was just 12 years old and I was the first person to find her.

You'd have to be inhuman not to come away from that with a mental scar.

read the Stoics, learn to arbitrate over your thoughts.
I also dreaded the moment i went to bed and had to stay alone with my self deprecating thoughts. But now i can entertain myself for how long i want while being happy and with useful thoughts.
You must purge useless and damaging thoughs as soon as they come up, if you dont the brain synapses and neurons responsible for it will be reinforced and you'll have them more often. By purging them and not entertaining them they become feeble until they completely stop.
I went for perma depressed to perfectly happy with no change in my life circumstances.

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I'm 99% sure that suicidality is the default human condition and everything we do distracts from this
You'd have to be insane to not want to kill yourself in a world that's so horrific and that you're so powerless to do anything about

I assume you didn't bully her to death, so you are not traumatised by something you are at fault for. I believe you could be mentally scarred, just say that next time instead of PTSD

I don't think you understand PTSD as much as you think you do

I just don't see what you went through as equivalent to traumatic war experiences. Something that is also described with "PTSD". I'm sure that you do have issues to deal with though

You can get PTSD by witnessing death, fearing for your own life, or fearing for someone elses. I have been diagnosed with the disorder by three different psychologists. So either they're lying and the DSM is wrong, or you don't understand what you're speaking of

>tfw mind isn't thinking and calming/healing myself whenever it's occupied with something or whenever I'm with people
>tfw mind soothes itself when in near complete isolation from people
>thoughts wander like wild horses, no true clear thought, not bad nor good, just a constant stream of thinking
feels odd

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This is a meditative state of mind, very good of you

Yes, I'm aware that I am not respecting the DSM. Pretty sure those same psychologists also believe that gender dysphoria is not a mental illness, and their opinions aren't some kind of infallible truth to me. Seems that you have no respect for more extreme PTSD cases, try to be more humble

I have plenty of respect, having lived through it. The night terrors, the dissociation. It's an absolutely terrible way to live. It makes every moment of your life a living hell.