Poetry thread faggots

Wagie wagie your a slave
You will labor all your days
Work untill you break your back
Just in time for heart attack
Pay your taxes pay your dues
You where simply born to loose
Cost to live and cost to die
You'll never save enough in time

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Is this a legit poetry bread or some gayass trolly shitpost?

I thought of this at my wagie job

Op here original poetry only no pasta please

Babygirl wat u wanna do, im
Finna wear you out like a pair of shoes
You got no soul but you got mad tongue that ima
Bust nuts over straightup all night long
Babygirl, you got no ass
But you could make up for it wit a little class,
A couple pounds of makeup & a tightass dress &
Rimjobs before my shift you better make it fast bitch
Babygirl why yo weave smell like shit

That's as far as I got.

The year is about to end
Just like all my money
And I still havent made a friend
Or met a girl who calls me honey

But I still get up from my bed
Even though I dont wanna do shit
Cause somehow I've got to be fed
And getting laid I really need

But alas its all futile
No amount of effort will ever be enough
I was born and I'll die a robot
Fuck work, I'll just jack off

You gotta yry harder than that what about iambic pentameter?

Ouch I say
Cause Im in pain
I took some pills
With hope it may
Eventually go away

But now I feel it
and its kinda nice
The kind of feeling
You dont get twice
But I feel anxious
Because Im dumb
For some strange reason
Im scared of drugs

It started when
I was a teen
I took a lot
And smoked the weed
But like a twig
My mind went snap
I fear that this
Will feel like that

It is absurd
I tell myself
I run it through
It kinda helps
But still my heart
Beats like a ball
Bouncing back
Between two walls

Whatever though
What can I do
But wait it out
Until its through

Young parasites of the sun
With their sights set on fun
Loathe the monotonous tune
Of eternity's moon

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Love leaves me always with lasting lamentations
And endless blackness without hope of illumination
And below the glow of a million lonely lights
I let my tears flow into the night.

"Come True (The Island)"

My love was an island far
Through storms I sailed under stars, a
Hundred nights & days of war
Against the sea for verdant shores

But when I touched ground I found
No sign of life, no sight or sound
Only silence from each leaf
Only windless spires of grief

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I want to take this thread to Jow Forums,
There is only tranny whores,
I know that we are home,
Just becauce we're all alone.

If this thread will die today
Just in fact ill fade away,
Knowing that i want to die
We are living in this time,
Its our life and we can choose
Only we have time to loose,
Dont give up and lead away
Its your choice to walk away.

Im a little impressed
At least some of you made an effort

I work so hard and tips galore
You really think im a whore?
Ive met my men
But then again
We need to go out again
I will love you
As well as please
As long as youre not a sleeze
Get your gun its all for fun
Pull the trigger and we're done

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Wagie wagie how 'bout baby
Cant afford it 'cause your lazy
Want to die but need to give
This is all i hope to live
Hiked the mountain now on high
Now i will to jump this time

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Isolation has no contamination.
Fleeting faces. Forgotten events.
Droning doubts daily doldrums
Being in this place, for those with no
face. board for us with no place.


To live to need
Bid geldings breed
Your games their price
Filled up with vice

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I've tried so hard
And got so far
In the end
It doesn't even matter

I had to fall
To lose it all
In the end
It doesn't even matter

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Browsing Jow Forums,
Shitposting from dawn to dusk,
Wasting your whole life.

Haiku, bitches!

>No uniforms
>No pom-poms
At that point they are not even cheerleaders anymore, just skanks standing around in a sports field

Now I've finished my tutti frutti
I'll stick my dick inside her Armpit

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Yoloswag so fab:
Trap hentai in fifteen tabs,
Now look at my dab.

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Gary fucking Oak,
His manhood, its weight, and girth,
Cannot be ignored.

This is a poem
It is a meaningless one
This is how it ends

Infinite events
They coincide to create
Shitposters at home

Where my life is going there is no hope.
In a world which does not want to welcome me.
Wheither i try the result is always the same.
Without a future i continue to walk.
Wondering if i would have the courage to continue.
My dirty feet hardly support me anymore.
One question always should i stop them by myself.

not writing in alexandrin :(

never change amerimutts

The neet is happy
The neet is home
Burn his house
Take his hope

pic related
a long walk without an end

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The NEET swears vengeance
Two katanas drawn
Folded a million times
Patience makes them strong
Waiting for the moment
When your pride is at its peak
Or maybe when your guard is down
Like when you take a leak
*teleports behind you*

Free from all thought,
Of the crimes that you did,
Til the knife at your neck--
"Nothin personnel, kid..."

Sums up life pretty well in my experience friend.

What is Finna?
How is it pronounced?