Why do asian women always want to fuck white men

why do asian women always want to fuck white men

it makes me angry ree

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Why not? even I want to fuck white men.

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dunno, they treat their women well unlike niggers and asians

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because now that they have access to the internet they can see what real men look like. they don't want their own men because they look like short lanky skeletons with no testosterone who jerk off to cartoons all day and were hit in the face with a shovel. the white man has more natural muscle, taller, a brow, bigger dick and balls, emotions, bright eyes, noticable facial features and makes them feel smaller and more vulernerable overall compared to being with an asian guy.


>why do asian women always want to fuck white men
why do asian men always want to fuck white men

>white mans whore
never understood why women degrade themselves like that and then expect anyone to treat them with respect and dignity


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they're more handsome, masculine, bigger cocks and gentlemen to their ladies. why would any women see other men as an option if they can get a white guy?

t. asian trap who worships bwc only

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Unless you are an asian man-wiener-let or traplet
you can prob fix whatever is making you angry dumbass

> Controversial Opinions
Asians make bad traps

>Asians make bad traps

Anyone else but asians and south americans make terrible traps. White men have the most sexual dimorphism of any race, so unless you just have unbelievable luck you're not going to pass. In contrast, other races don't have sharp features or strong jawlines. Look at r/transpassing or even lgbt passing threads and almost no one passes, majority white.

But when they do, its da best
Just because most of asians can qualify doesn't mean its any good - try comparing two passable asian traps together vs two huwhite traps

asian boys > asian girls

We need more curvy women and more traps

>But when they do, its da best
It's a very slim chance, I don't know many attractive white trannies. Even Blaire White is the top 5% of them and she has mannish features. Meanwhile asians are the only race who can pass even before hrt and much moreso than any other race.
>Just because most of asians can qualify doesn't mean its any good
I'm sorry you're a triggered white hon, sweetie.

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I'm a la creatura
My point is that picture, most asian traps are indistinguishable from another,
And Blaire White isnt passble lol wtf

I'm watching this movie right now lol

I don't know.
I'm a white man, and personally, whenever I approached a white woman/girl (even for strictly professional or formal purposes) I've been received, 90% of the times, with a rather defensive and closed posture and disposition.

On the other hand, whenever I approached a black, asian or mixed woman/girl I've been received, 90% of the times, with a warm smile and a casual and open posture and disposition.

I'm not hot by any means, so I don't think attraction was part of this equation. I think girls from other races are just more open, which gives white guys more opportunities to approach them without being stared at like a creep stalking them at night, even during the day.

watched half of the movie, its fun.

I'm about to finish it, it's pretty good. a bit cringey but good.

White women are the most attractive men, asian women are the most attractive women. It just werks.

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>it's pretty good
haha ok