Look who finally crawled out of his cave!

Look who finally crawled out of his cave!

Attached: cave look who came out of his.jpg (1386x918, 1.01M)


*guns cock*

I'm not a boy anymore! I'm a girl! I hate all of you! Rot in hell!

is he 6"7? lol

Oh...Brapalina is here, *my favorite cousin* uhh...h-hi Brapelina. H-hey, I want to show you something cool in my room.

Yes my peasants, the king has arrived and is awaiting his dishes.

>crawled out of his cave!

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That door in like a loft door that drops down from a barn. Seems like a strange place for stairs protruding into the dining room, at least it seems so to me.

I'm 6'8" I can confirm that's what it's like

Can we get another zoom on Brapmantha's face?

or maybe the knob is made specially for him since he is a retard and can't look down because he is 6"7

she looks just like her mom

>This ends now, you sons of bitches!

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That door is up to the damn ceiling! must be a freakishly tall door upstairs, considering a door straight from the dining room into a bedroom would be strange? We'll never know, but maybe this pic would be the perspective of a mongo that had pituitary gland defect, making him freakishly tall?

>"my friends wanted to meet you, but you hid in your room all night!"

lmao boi, gonna get ma niggas to check out this cracka wite ppl food. Wer da spice nd flava? No wunda u niggas so mad all d tyme.

Damn.. You guys got old.

Since when do I live in the attic?
>"Hello, just going to the bathroom, scoop over please".
>mumbles "niggers"

>We will meet in hell mom

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This can't be a door handle!!!

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I've never experienced this big family meeting for thanksgiving meme. We just eat dinner together as the immediate family, like any other night of the year, just a bit earlier and with different food.

It's just me, my brother and parents. The whole experience fucking sucks. I hate them all. God, I want a girlfriend so I can adopt her family and never spend another holiday with mine.

Your brother invited his girlfriend. Where's yours, sport?

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You just made me realize if I get a gf I can have my whole family and her family together for holidays and experience all kinds of hijinks. Thanks for giving me another reason to feel bad about not having a gf.

>why what's wrong with her family are they all drug addicts or something

I never go to family thanksgiving or Christmas get togethers

anyone else

>Thanks for giving me another reason to feel bad about not having a gf.

It's what I do.

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the shitposting must go on

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>I've never experienced this big family meeting for thanksgiving meme.

be thankful

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every year the same questions
>got a job yet?
>back to school?
>did you get your driverslicense?
no failed again haha
gotta go to the bathroom

>So what do you do with your time?

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world of warcraft
yes its still around

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The tradition is for people who want to tickle their dicks by hosting a family party for a night and a bunch of related people who find solace in relatives and also too lazy to make food at their own homes. Then I get to stay in my room until they all go back home.

This alone should be reason not to host a 15 person party in the winter. The little girl is the only non retard and had her coat hung on the chair.

Is that a fucking 10/22?

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I either play WoW or watch anime, cant really tell my family either because then I would have to explain and thats awkward

If you guys knew how much these threads trigger me, you would never post them.

Imagine the good times you'd have with an entire house full of brainlets like that though.

Watch anime and stuff.
God I hope Blizzard doesn't fuck up Classic WoW.

>not doing your shooting spree with a .22 for the 1.2x modifier on final score

your mom barely reaches your crotch?

When did cousin Brapmantha become retarded and begin repeating the end of her mothers sentences?

It was a pain living with my dad trying to opt out of them. I didn't even really have my own bedroom there, so it was hard to give him a firm no then hide. If I told him I'd rather not too far ahead of time, he would basically guilt me into bringing me along with his gf and I'd have to hide in the furnace closet most of the time like the child-adult that I am and get drunk on tap beer brewed by my uncle himself. Oh, how reality torments us with such specific, ironic circumstances. The hiding in the basement closet park getting drunk is only partially true, I don't remember exactly how I spend my time that time, but in hindsight, it would have been the preferred alternative.

>have to drive two hours to see my moms boyfriends family who ive never met
>already have burning hangover shits from getting fucked up last night
>have to drive 2 hours back to be in at work at 7:00am tomorrow

I hate life

no way someone said this. This would make me legit kill them all and then myself.

>tfw no family gathering because you're not an ameriburger

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Man I have to go this year, my dad and I moved into town and now we can't bullshit our way out and just have it be us like we usually do. I already know I'm going to be asked those series of life questions and maybe what I want for Christmas. The best response is I have a partner now but then I have admit I only saw them in person twice and have everyone judge me for that. Also "Well get a job/learn to drive so you can see them more!"

>are yoou haeving problem?

I said this to my roommate who plays vidya all day after work. He got really upset lmao probably browses r9k

Actually that is just 6'2 average male height

Mine was detained by ICE.

To whoever is asking, I'm just going to come out and say it. Asians don't count, that's like a half girlfriend, because if user-bro settles and has kids with her, he's going to have half Asian kids that only count as half children because race traitor and what not. Better not to be at all than to create strange children. Thanks for your time everyone, I will now return to my bedroom.

Dude went to get his hair cut and handed the barber a picture of "the adoring fan" from Oblivion the videogame.

Based and, dare I say it, pilled of the red persuasion.

Is this actually legit okay in America? I live in the UK where most people aren't really racist but we still all generally stick to ourselves. Like my family would think it was a bit off to have a non-white girlfriend.

Oy mate you got a permit for that white girlfriend of yours?

The rest of them are just midgets.
Or it's a door from upstairs like some retarded fucking house design.

>*blows smoke away from smoking revolver barrel after shooting red pills down the throats down everyone in the room*
>*spins revolver around finger before holstering it*
It's the best I can do

>white girlfriend
>current year plus three
>wanting kebabdul's sloppy twenty-seconds
no thanks bro


>*Glocks Glock and Cocks Clock*.

asian girlfriend would be much better than nothing and dying alone as the incel as i am.

what the originalsojklejiodf fuck

Europe has family gatherings, nigger

>wants to deal with random in-laws andlive in a bad sitcom movie
What the fuck?
Are you even anti-social bro?

Anti-socializing is for failed normalfags.

The manlet has been identified