Why are there so many Jow Forumsposts these days?

Why are there so many Jow Forumsposts these days?

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Yeah lemme just ignore the countless sissy thread, trap shit, gay thread and be mad about one post that said nigger yeah thats the real problem on this board yeah all that evil racism

because nobody likes niggers

Sissy and gay threads have been dealt with courtesy of bangposting you turbo turd. I dont like muh jews and muh aryans women spamming everywhere further lowering the amount of quality discussions

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Jow Forumstards are severely autistic and can't not bring their bullshit with them everywhere they go.

ive seen like 50 posts complaining about Jow Forums for every Jow Forums post
shut the fuck up you whiny bitch

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One issue at a time, Jow Forumstards come later.

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i hate them all equaly, left wingers, right wingers, everyone that brings politics here

This, Jow Forumscucks are next after trannies

For every 50 threads complaining about pol posting there are 500 Jow Forumsmutts shitting up threads on all of Jow Forums

Hello centriest chad

>This, Jow Forumscucks are next after trannies

Remember how obnoxious bronies used to be? It's like that.

why are there so many blacks on r9k lately

because Jow Forums = Jow Forums
get that through your head already

Thankfully you can go to 4channel.

>one post that said nigger
I've actually had to filter the words nigger, black and white because it was becoming too much. Every other thread was stormfag shit. You sound just like the fucking trannies, grossly downplaying your part in what's wrong with this board.

Why can't polfags just accept that they're not wanted? Stick to your fucking containment board. Not everyone wants every thread to devolve into a discussion about nigger crime statistics and the IQ of African bushmen.

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It's only gonna get worse once 4channel comes about and they start feeling more and more like Jow Forums is becoming inhospitable to them. These ticks should have been burned off long ago.

4 chan is nice and breezy shit un pc posting for comfortable losers. pol weaponised the minority of the people who aren't about that and shit up every fucking board.

>Not everyone wants every thread to devolve into a discussion about nigger crime statistics and the IQ of African bushmen.
there are currently 150 threads up, show me at least 5 threads where thread that wasnt about politics turns into Jow Forums. Should be a piece of cake for you if its "every thread"

You say this but you fail to realize that every thread usually becomes a Jow Forums thread eventually.

Why are there even threads about politics on r9k anyway? Take that shit to pol

No, they haven't. I'M STILL HERE.

Protip: I will never, ever fucking do what you say. Not ever. This is not an ultimatum, this is not a threat, this is my fucking five-year plan. I don't give a fuck what you think you can do. You spam threads I'm browsing, I'll post on-topic, AND BUMP, just to spite you. You shitpost and I'll shitpost back with double the length, girth, and fucking intensity. You'll THINK you've killed a thread that's on page 9 and I'll bring it back while you're lying in bed. For every word you post, I will post three, and in the end, it is YOU who will tire.
>H-he'll get bored eventually! I have nothing to worry about!
Ha! Is that what you think? Get this through your thick head: I have read every page of Case Closed. I have filled EVERY codex entry in Warframe. I do meaningless, pointless, autistic shit for tens of hours at a time just to show that I CAN. I've been training at this for my entire life. I will go to any extreme to frustrate you. I will countersage. I will make twenty new threads and post in all of them. I will profile your posting with fucking MATH and hunt you on every board, every website, every state, and every country. Report me? My shell scripts can set up a new VPN in less time than it takes your shitty slavic dial-up to load the button. I don't care who you are. If by some evil fucking anti-miracle you become a mod, I'll spend every dime I have and every waking minute bringing this site down on top of us both. If you become the fucking president, I'll incite a civil war and hang you from a fucking gibbet. I will fight you to the last through any universe.
>"I-it's just copypasta! He can't be serious!"
Do you realize where you are? If not, allow me to lend you a clue: this isn't fucking Reddit, where you can bend the consensus over with a few bots and some upvotes. It's not Twitter, where you can pay some memelord to RT you and buy a few hundred followers. This is Jow Forums, idiot, and you have no domain here.

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