Lol everyone else is an NPC who doesn't think for themselves, just like my video games

>lol everyone else is an NPC who doesn't think for themselves, just like my video games
>not like me, who just regurgitates the same memes over and over again on the same imageboard I visit every day, I'm a free thinker
Is this the worst "forced" meme in recent history? It seems like nothing more than projection

Attached: projection.jpg (2500x1250, 107K)

>being this triggered
can you link the thread where you got btfo? I wanna see it.

The NPC test is simple.

Do you have a Wikipedia page about you, created by someone who was not yourself?

If so, congratulations! You are a real player in the world. If not, so sad to say, but you are just a little old NPC. A nothing. Not even a foot note in the annals of history. You are nothing.

>being this much of a beta male faggot

That's what Jow Forumstards do. It's all they do all day every day. Feel smug about the fact all civilized people find them and their subhuman beliefs revolting and try to come up with baboon tier justifications.

>anyone who calls me out on my faggotry is so triggurd lmao XD XD
>ebin troll, im so badass


holy fuc.k.....this is deep bro...ur a..deep thinker..

>Me, NPC?
>No, you NPC!

Attached: 1541231267908.png (1006x813, 73K)

>when you realize that going full solipsist makes you the NPC and that most NPCs are themselves solipsistic
Feels bad

The fact that normies are so defensive over this meme proves that they really are NPCs.

>who just regurgitates

Oh the irony.

If normies aren't NPCs, how is it ok to steal the product of their labor? If they had subjective experience it would be evil of me to steal their money, and I'm not evil so they can't be real people. QED.

Attached: 1541972569339.png (364x495, 256K)

Holy fuck, we're all NPC's.

This site isn't very creative nowadays.

Not surprising, considering the PC to NPC ratio around these parts

Attached: 793.png (669x627, 43K)

>people calling me a cringey faggot
>lmao so defensive ur triggurd XD

Jesus christ kid

Well yeah you are, even worse than an NPC, you are a low IQ NPC that can't tell the difference between memes and reality.

*uses the console to delete you*

Hey, pal! Can you point that strange device of yours over here?

Attached: Cv9cU.png (384x256, 36K)

fine I'll admit it, I'm an NPC

it's clearly just normies, people who are scared of doing anything weird, or unconventional, and people who enjoy an extroverted life. that's all this or the normie meme has ever been

That is like tumblr definition of what the term means

I was making my tinder profile when I realized I'm just a dull NPC. I made it my job and here i am talking into the void