So now that the dust settled what went wrong with white boys?

so now that the dust settled what went wrong with white boys?

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The question then arises whether there was also evolutionary pressure to make anal intercourse pleasurable. I believe that there may have been, given the role that anal intercourse plays in the social bonding and hierarchy of bonobos. It seems that the common human/bonobo ancestor used anal intercourse in that way to some degree, and that we retain some of the submissive/dominant anal coupling behavior, although it is largely suppressed in modern human society.

everything went just right

>what went wrong with white boys?
We're trying to catch up with black bois. We takin over this gay shit, niggas.

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They were literally meant to be white girls

white boys are worthless

I decide to take "white" off my filter and this is what I see.

are these femenine (male) asspussies??

The answer is childhood abuse in 9 out of 10 cases

I'll have to taste to make sure

When you think about it its actually really fucked up. These guys get abused and broken as children, and when they grow up and have lost control over themselves (you have probably seen all the posts talking about "insatiable cocklust"), instead of trying to cure them we encourage this behaviour. The world is fucked.

lol I was just trolling you retard I can't believe you took my post seriously

Western society is highly mentally ill. You should have realized this by now.
>pretending to be me
Blow it out your ass faggot.

>pretending to pretend to be me
you got trolled, dude!

We're just so good at everything we couldn't watch women screw up any longer and now we're the best women too.

>someone samefags
>pretend to be him, sabotage it

Attached: absolutely DIABOLICAL.jpg (199x253, 12K)

>Western society is highly mentally ill
there's more trannies in countries like Brazil and Thailand

Thank you for bringing more attention to my post lol. Homosexuals btfo

nice choice of font

I was physically abused by my bpd mother as a young child and now I'm trans. Go figure

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Did she make you feel worthless and unloved?

Sauce on the boys in the pic?

I kinda want my butt and thighs to look a little like this

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Mine used to look like that back in the days when i crossdressed, but now i've developed more muscle and i've got a LOT of body hair.
I guess that My only option at this point is leaving humanity behind and join rich piana.

You're cute user. Cute. You're cute!

From lifting or just age? Were you underage when crossdressing?

>barely concealed drooling

Jewish media has been detected..


A little bit of both, i was at My prime (as a crossdresser) when i was 17~18yo.
Then lifting, changes in My diet and aging slowly made me more and more masculine looking.
I can still more or less look good with the right clothes, but i'm nowhere near to what i used to look like.

It doesn't bother me all that much tho, crossdressing was just a hobby for me, and i knew that this day would come, so My goal for now is to look like patrick bateman, and then when i get older, go full rich piana.

You should just leave humanity behind already. Dont pussyfoot around it. Look at the absolute state of humanity in the year of our lord 2018. Do you really want to be a part of this? Leave humanity behind bro. Its your destiny

as expected. everyone who posts an anime girl is gay after all

send demon bf

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nothin. their asses are amazing

The thing is tho, that i want to have a masculine "good looking" body first, i already know what is like to have an androgynous "good looking" or "cute" body, so i'm pretty curious about this.
Then, after that, i want a strong body.

white boys evolved. they know gay sex is the only good sex

Black Bois need to be colonized

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source? that's hot as fuck.

You're lucky desu. I grew up in a shitty stressful childhood and my genetics are naturally geared towards putting on mass (both muscle and fat) so all my life i have either been a big boi or just fucking obese. I think thats part of why i never have been into faggotry, i just didnt look the part. At least im naturally strong and resilient though

Fuck off jannie psy op! Get back to >>LGBTQ

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cringe and tardpilled

fuck off normalfaggot shit

nice ass
this comment is indeed original

anti-white culture got popular. And since america is a third world hivemind, pretty boys (the most androgynous being either Caucasian, Aryan>anglo or euro-asian) took the easy, passive way and started enjoying dick better. I too wish I had a chad bf myself so I would know.

It is
Dark traps are so rare

A majority of trannies in the US are black and blacks are less than 13% of the US population. Let that sink in

white boys should all be made sissies and be violently fucked in the ass

>t. 6'3"ft 85kg straight black man

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life is literally 100% better with a boyfriend if you're a male

It's not abuse, it's porn. I started out watching 100% hetero porn and ended up with shemale porn and sodomizing myself

No you weren't. You inherited her bpd genes. Bpd people feel that they have been abused when they have not.

Yet millions of men today are porn addicted and none of them become trannies. Most of them actually end up pursuing more and more extreme forms of male on woman bdsm. You have faced some kind of abuse that lead to you being attracted to that kind of porn in the first place. Porn merely brings out what you were already attracted to.

lmfao fucking skeleton

yeah, the abuse was you calling me a faggot and it happened just now. faggot

Lol. I didnt call you a faggot though.

*rips off your skin like a rubber mask to reveal a nigger underneath*

No. It's, female rejection and solitude that's the explanation for me and others.
Traps are mostly lonely or rejected heterosexual men who excessively desire women. Then the hormones turn them homosexual.

Men who do not begin to sodomize themselves, watch shemale porn etc., have girlfriends and so on

i'm a trap and i have a pretty great time.

For me it was being called gay often that made me question If I was, liked styles that lead more towards androgynous in male idol figures (cloud, trunks, link), enjoying poppy and cute music, and generally being pale, hairless, and of an average height during my youth.

I enjoyed violence, rock, sports, and brotherhood similar to most other boys, but the above factors led me to become bisexual with a desire to submit to guys. Been with both genders a few times and I can confidently say I can take a dick better than a girl can.

I can't help that genetics gave me a prime bussy, but I'm not going to let it go to waste

Attached: whiteboybussy.jpg (2592x1944, 1.32M)

>A majority of trannies in the US are black
>blacks are less than 13% of the US population
quite interesting. i already knew they account for the majority of the crime here, but didnt know they were such leaders in the tranny space.

trannies are a crime against nature, makes perfect sense

What are the names of all those girls?

That's a good asspussy but face is very important.
A manly face is disgusting.

As for not liking body hair, you'd be surprised that a lot of gays in the gay community ("bears") actually love body hair whereas a majority of heterosexual men don't. It makes no sense but this is how it is.
Many mma fighters are also gay.

I'm not saying gays are masculine, I'm saying the opposite but that you sexuality cannot be determined from what you like and what you don't like EXCEPT whether you like men. whether you like men that's all that determines your sexuality.

To be honest they want to turn blacks gay. Blacks naturally are inclined towards bisexuality, I think, but the elite definitely want to feminize them even more to control their criminal behavior and reduce their population growth. Most blacks believe that the elite want to turn them gay.

The funny thing is that whether the blacks are gay, trannies or whatever they're still as criminal and violent as the heterosexual blacks are...

>A majority of trannies in the US are black and blacks are less than 13% of the US population. Let that sink in

I've had a few tell me they'd prefer if I was harrier, or that'd id just shave my ass and let my leg and body hair grow out so that makes sense to me. I just personally prefer to be hairless as it feels more comfortable and I like my body aesthetic more being hairless. It's also very easy to do since I don't grow much in the first place and what does grow takes months to come in full.

I related to androgynous men because I shared similar characteristics: long hair, angular thin face, no facial hair, bullied. So I understand the manly face aspect too as far as traps and femboys go, though I'd imagine gays you'd be attracted to manly faces as well (like bara on bara for example). I certainly identify with the more feminine aspects of gay sexuality though through my desire to be androgynous.

I'm attracted to masculinity and femininity. I'd top a trap/femboy or bear if they wanted, I already enjoy doing it with girls. But it would feel weird topping someone more masculine than me, I can't deny I'd feel sexual pleasure from it. Same way I'd get turned on being topped by a trap/femboy or pegged by a girl.

So I guess I don't see how just liking men defines my sexuality when I derive sexual pleasure from masculinity and femininity, how can I not be bisexual or even pansexual since I like a spectrum?

Also thank you for complimenting my asspussy.

>6'3"ft 85kg straight black man
>nigger knowing metric units

Whoa, you're getting real violent there m8ey. Must have struck a nerve

I too wouldn't mind for a tranny to fuck me, or to fuck a tranny. But I'd never be with an outright man. Not even a twink. The tranny would also have to be extremely feminine. Men are absolutely fucking disgusting in every way, even feminine men.
I know that trannies are technically feminine men but in my perception that's not how it works.

Heterosexual men who "transition" and take female hormones and androgen blockers pretty quickly develop bisexual tendencies. Caitlyn Jenner is one of those who went from a hetero nontranny to a bisexual tranny.

This fact suggests to me that bisexual men may have been masculinized in the womb, thus their hetero inclinations, but feminized after birth or puberty, thus their homo inclinations.

Why don't you people do a fucking google search it's so simple. There is a widely discussed and quoted study you can easily find with a simple google search.

uh... is it bad for a female to like feminine guys?

gayness is now accepted in society and theres plenty of other men who are gay other than white men lol

that being said black people are given more leway when it comes to misogyny and racist jokes, basically giving then the mogging upper hand. this is due to black people being more violent when called the n word than a white man being called a cracker

as a white man you can call me anything and I wont get offended. black people know their not as good looking as white people with their odd looking noses, lips and ape skin

Almost all women prefer feminine guys. Masculine men have a hard time finding women to partner with.

Men on the other hand prefer masculine women, like whores.
Feminine women are the landwhales so often despised.

I'm not bpd, I actually got diagnosed with avpd not bpd. I don't think I have many bpd traits, either.

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I'm 21, is it too late to become a cutie trans girl lads?

What do you hope to achieve if you did pull it off?

>What do you hope to achieve if you did pull it off?
Get a bf that calls me his girl

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I have something else that would surprise you.

Hint : It's between my legs and it's going in your ass.

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Are you a homosexual male or bisexual?

>Are you a homosexual male or bisexual?
I'm a woman

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Pol turned them into bbc obsessed freaks of nature. The internet doomed the white race.

A very good observation, you are smart. Though this behavior is probably newer than you mentioned.

me in the top left very unoriginally

That actually you?

Its time to just become pink pilled lads i give up

How do I find bbc then after I get hrt?

Hormones in drinking water, general anti-male and antimasculinity in society.
Life is tough and complex, so why not apply for a victim card and play on easy mode?

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Based breastanon

So who is in the pic z

>muh gay frogs
Lmao. Just accept you are a weak minded piece of shit. If there are gay frogs in the water than why arent all men putting on dresses and sucking dick? Retard

Some robot basedboy with gyno who got cucked by his gf

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What did she mean by this anons?

oh shit is this the tweet that got x offed?

reasonable take tbqh

We were raised by second wave feminists.

It's like... black men grew up without a father, right? Now imagine there was a father in the picture but he was more effeminate than your mother.

>niggers get raised with no father
>still hypermasculine
>white bois get raised with no father
>become sissy bitch
Just accept you're a bitch boy by nature

I've seen this image a bunch but still haven't found a source on it. I don't know if it's just a text edit or what but I need it user please

We gave up. Simple as that.

I don't hate gays or anything but whites seem to be more "vocal" for support about gays, so the kids didn't see any real risk of being gay and went for it

as much as I would love for the aforementioned statement to be true, i found a couple articles that say otherwise.
I'll have to side with the data on this one. Seemed like bullshit at first, too.