Do robots realize that most girls lost their virginities really young because someone older than them took advantage of...

Do robots realize that most girls lost their virginities really young because someone older than them took advantage of them?

If a girl had sex only at a young age and hasn't had any more sex since would robots care?

Attached: umma-i-lost-my-virginity-so-can-i-have-yours-6.png (500x622, 178K)

Elaborate on how you got raped, femanon.

It wasn't violent or anything he just convinced me that if I wanted to fit in and be like everyone else I had to do it. I never said yes and said no right before but he grabbed me and forced me to do it.

I know robots like to think girls are sluts but i'm surprised at how often legitimate rape has happened to some of the girls i've talked to online. I know some of you think they're lying or saying it for attention but most of the time I don't get this info until we talk for a long while and both share personal stories. What fucks me up the most is how the people that do it don't ever get punished because they're too embarrassed and afraid to tell others and get the police on their ass. Even someone I know who got raped by a mutual friend at 20 was too afraid to tell anyone irl but yeah most people I heard have this shit happen

How old were you when it happened and how old are you now? Do you feel like you aren't good enough anymore?

Hot af.
Please tell me you were like 11 or 12

because i just got muted, orange

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I was 13 then, I'm 19 now. I tell people I'm a virgin because it bothers me so much.

He pushed his thing in and out of me and I cried.

It does sound like you were raped. How old was him? Honestly most men won't mind it. Haven't you had any other boyfriend since then?

>I tell people I'm a virgin because it bothers me so much.
Seems to be a common theme among rape victims. I respect it though.

Also I didn't notice your question at the end of the OP. I don't think anyone reasonable cares. If they care they probably aren't the type of person you should be trying to date. Definitely don't try to get with people who think they want the perfect pure virgin girl, those people are retarded and will most likely flip out if you ever tell them you were raped

>It wasn't violent
>said no right before but he grabbed me and forced me to do it.
Lads, why are women so fucking retarded?

He was 18. It was a guy my older brother was hanging out with around that time. I dated a boy once but we only kissed.

I feel stained. It makes me think no one would want to be with me because of it.

I was on my side and he held me down by putting his had on my waist and the other on my leg. To violent has to be hitting and choking type of stuff.

Um, no. That doesn't happen to most girls.

So you did let it happen?

>Do robots realize that most girls lost their virginities really young because someone older than them took advantage of them?
Prove this statement, retard.

No one cares, "femanon"


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It's funny that we can discover plutonium but not be able to answer that ancient question.

>I feel stained. It makes me think no one would want to be with me because of it.
You're giving me the strong urge to protect, user. You aren't stained, it's okay, it will be okay. I hope if you find someone irl who accepts you and is as gentle as can possibly be with you and treats you right

I understand why you feel ashamed but it wasn't your fault and most men won't shame you for it. It sounds like you could use a male friend to realize your worries are unfounded. If you feel like talking I can give you me contact.

did he come inside you?

Nice bro, make that contact them rape the fuck out of her, she'll never suspect a thing

Reminder that women have fantasies about being raped.
It is part of their biological drive to desire a strong male to over-power them and inject seed inside them.

This doesnt happen to most girls, user.

>asking for contact
Very smooth user, very smooth.

god speed user
muted again, fuck this

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>you could use a male friend to realize your worries are unfounded. If you feel like talking I can give you me contact.
10/10 attempt m8.
100% certain this guy will also rape you

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Yeah, I was just off my period so I was fine. I was pretty convinced at the time that I would get pregnant though.

>white knighting this hard because another user had the balls to make a move.
You're a smooth fucker though. She could use a male friend to be honest though.

>when user slips his contact do he can also rape a 'FEMA on

Sometimes I really like this board

I won't lie I get pissed when I see someone contactfagging because REEEE I wish I weren't so self conscious and I could do it too.
He's totally going to rape her tho

>making fun of a thirsty orbiter who hits on used goods is white knighting now
2/10 not worth the (You)

Imagine being this much of a beta. I didn't ask for contact because it just comes off as pathetic and troll-y in this instance, i'm sure OP doesn't want to talk to any males outside of this thread privately about this shit. Notice how she seemed to have stopped replying since.

This. No one wants to whiteknight this used whore. We're just making fun of how thirsty and pathetic you have to be to hit on her. I guess they wouldn't make such a bad match after all. LMAO

She stopped replying because she smelled a erect predator

>implying orbiters aren't the real white knights
Chads wannabes who want to "make moves" are the biggest beta here. Go to be desperate to /soc/

Rape seems inherently violent though, user.

You'd think but girls fear it getting violent so from what i've heard, more than likely they just give up because they know they won't be able to overpower a man during sex and they might be able to continually hit them but that might just lead to worse things like getting the shit beat out of you. If you were in the position would you really think you could make them stop? Once they got you pinned it's probably pretty clear you have little options

Most girls don't get raped, you should be embarrassed


>I understand why you feel ashamed but it wasn't your fault and most men won't shame you for it.
Bullshit. No respectable man would want a little slut who seduced an older man when she was thirtee-...
>If you feel like talking I can give you me contact.
Oh. You're just bullshithing your way into her pants.

Sage this shitty thread.

Not sure if role play but it sucks op. Don't let anyone convince you it's hot or cute.

It's not it's disgusting, nobody in the right mind would touch her now

You truly are the unadulterated image of respectability.

t. cucks

She left because she was getting too much sympathy from the cucks here. The little slut wanted to be told the truth, that no one will ever want her other than to use her holes now.

yeah sounds about right

how many kids did Genghis Khan have? How many kids did Isaac Newton have?

Is it any mystery?

that doesn't mean it wasn't your fault

How do you get to be this bitter?

Is this why every girl i've talked to for more than an hour has claimed to have been """raped"""? I stopped believing them after the 3rd or 4th time, but I still pretend I care.

Fucking kek, the balls on this man is hilarious

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He probably thought he would stop being an incel if he tried it with a little girl and got rejected anyway.

>Imagine samefagging to make your blatant attempt to get into a girls pants look good.

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at what age should a girl lose it?

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Why the fuck do you even come here if there's an entire board to do this shit? FUCK OFF
This too LMAO

>It makes me think no one would want to be with me because of it.
Rest assured, 95% of men dont give a fuck. The only guys Ive noticed that care about a girls virginity are dudes that are virgins themselves after like 18, but theyre in a minority. Unfortunately that means if youre after a pure guy youre fucked but otherwise dont worry about it.

This board has been infested with failed normies who think they can act like Chads among robots. The board is going to shit. Most threads are about contactfagging one way or another now. This shit should get banned on sight.

Don't reassure toasties, it's a sin.

>Banning anons who connect and have good conversations who want to talk more outside of a single thread
Fuck off. That being said the guy here is either trolling or trying too hard and shouldn't definitely get ban blasted for derailing the thread so hard

>women get to lose their virginities for FREE
check mate feminists

>If you were in the position would you really think you could make them stop?
Yeah, I'm a fairly strong man.

Sure because I'm sure you're so much more smooth than him. All normies are the same shit. You have your own board. Leave this place alone.

>That being said the guy here is either trolling or trying too hard and shouldn't definitely get ban blasted for derailing the thread so hard
>implying it's not you samefagging again
You really are even more pathetic than the used roastie of OP.

a lot of girls that claim the 'taken advantage of when I was young' card weren't really, imo
when I was fifteen I slept with a man who was forty and anyone I told gave me tons of sympathy and viewed him as a rapist.
He might've technically- but he didn't rape or take advantage of me in the slightest.
So many girls make these mistakes at a young age and claim they were taken advantage of so they don't get viewed as a whore.
(I'm very ashamed of what happened but under no circumstances would I blame him for it. Too many men are)

Trust me dude i'm nowhere near being a normie but i'm also not retarded where I think anonymous socialization is the only good socialization. People can be completely honest as user but more times than not they're also lying either to make themselves feel better about themselves 1uping someone and fill their ego or for EPIC LULZ when they're just baiting.

Wait who am I supposed to be samefagging? The guy who tried to get contact info or the people shitting on him?

The guy asking for contact. Even if it's not you you two are still the same shit so get the fuck off. Both of you. This board is meant to be anonymous.

Not the guy you're replying to but fuck off. This thread got more derailed because of all the bitter incels sperging than the guy asking for contact.

>Not the guy you're replying to
Sure, samefagger. I'm sure it's not you. You're really fucking pathetic, you know that?. And I'm not an incel. I can assure you I get much more pussy than you and from girls that are actually worth it. That's why I don't have to come here to pick up used roasties like you.

Yeah those people should specifically go to

fucking Goblin Slayer man.

/soc/ has to many normies though

Jesus Christ, could you make an any less obvious?

> most girls lost their virginities really young because someone older than them took advantage of them
Most girls don't. Most lose their virginity because they're young horny idiots that believe the first Chad they have sex with really really loves them and will never leave them, despite the fact that he's taken several girl's virginities before her. She thinks she's special him when she's not, and gets shocked when he tosses her aside for the next piece of ass.
And from this life lesson, they learn nothing and spend the rest of their time being fertile attempting to do the exact same thing and getting mad that the exact same thing keeps happening to them.
Only a few are ever raped or molested for their first time, although that tends to fuck them up more than the previous scenario.
Real robots don't care about women anymore either. It's a losing game where dropping out is the only way to keep from getting burned.

>some normie faggot tries to contactfag
>gets called out on it
>he dindu noffin he's a good boi
Fuck off.

where did the post you replied to point out that the contactfag dindu nuffin?

Let me guess, you're just another user and not the same samefagger. You don't even try not to make it obvious lol

Honestly I don't care either way, its not like any woman would want to be in a relationship with me.
I'm sure it helps some anons cope. The fact is I'm always going to be alone. I don't know how to fix myself.

>I can assure you I get much more pussy than you and from girls that are actually worth it. That's why I don't have to come here to pick up used roasties like you.
Do you really think saying things like this makes you look cool?

married age

what's the earliest age you can get married?

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Keep COPING samefagger. You can't even get the attention of an used whore in Jow Forums of all places LMAO
Now leave my board and go to contactfag to /soc/. I'm getting really tired of you by now.

>trying to slid into those DMs on an anonymous image board

I genuinely chuckled at this post. Thanks user, I really needed that