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...You're almost 30, why don't you have a girlfriend yet?

Attached: family-gathering-thanksgiving.jpg (1600x1200, 352K)

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I'm dreading today so much.

Attached: mickey.jpg (500x318, 28K)

why, goy?
aren't you thankful?

Oof that is one ugly family. Even the little girls

delete this post right now or else your mother will die in her sleep tonight

Does "I just haven't found the right one yet" work for this? Help, feed me an answer I don't want them to know I'm just scared of women.

Because I'm waiting for artificial wombs and gene editing/embryo selection to get advanced enough

Attached: futureofwomen.jpg (1957x1296, 1.16M)


Does that also serve as a way of asking why I live with my mother and haven't worked for years?

Nothing works.
The only thing that convinces people that you're not a fag is if they see your penis entering the vagina.

>Graduated from university last year
>family member asks me in front of entire family how the "job search goes"
Explained to them that I can't get a job because a university education isn't good enough anymore.
They responded with, "I'm, sorry. Now I'm depressed.".

>You're almost 30, why don't you have a girlfriend yet?
As someone who turns 29 in 4 months, and still hasn't left home yet this cuts me deep...
Fuck a gf desu, i just want a decent job and my own place at this point

Attached: 1537314955295.png (1280x1280, 268K)

you sound like an entitled little bitch.
That's not how the world works, faggot.

Thanks for making me feel better. I'm 5 months from turning 27 and I have a shitty job but now I feel like I have more time to "make it", all because I know someone already has gone this long trying

Yeah, this is more or less how every family interaction goes for me nowadays. Which is why I don't attend them anymore


Attached: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.png (563x435, 582K)

I just finished a degree though in May, so I might still have one up on you.
Only problem is I didn't internet so my resume is shit so I'm not getting hired.

I have a 4-year degree I recently acquired as well, but I have no experience working outside of field work required to receive my degree, soooooo

Let's not rock this boat

Even my mentally disabled nephew has a gf now, he found her at his special job at the local supermarket where she (also retarded) also works. They literally sit on eachother at every family birthday and lick eachother on the lips, i asked my aunt if she took care of birth control stuff for them but she has no idea why she would get involved with that.
So basically they will get several retarded children soon while im still fucking my hand.
I deserve a goddamn gf

I wish I had that luxury.

a degree means jack shit, unless you got experience and networked in college.

I have that, a steady full time job and a nice apartment and decent car. Yet no GF wich is the worst.
GL though, put some effort into getting a job and it will work out eventually.

I have green eyes with a limbal ring.
It's an accounting degree, not a meme one. Even w/o the experience I still have the knowledge.

>I deserve a goddamn gf
You haven't figured it out yet? We're the damned, chained to a life of loneliness and mediocrity.

I'm 6'1" and white

You suck at chess, I'm still in this game

>It's an accounting degree, not a meme one. Even w/o the experience I still have the knowledge.
That doesn't matter.
I've got a degree Finance and jobs aren't magically laid down at my feet.
You gotta get a professional license or cert to move forward.
Once you've got the money, then the girls follow.

Wished I would've gotten a stem degree, but I was a brainlet who couldn't into Calc II so I had to drop...

STEM is for autists.
I know of guys who got a Comp Sci degree and they still can't get a job because they can't/won't network.