Husband promises me he will love me until the day I die

>husband promises me he will love me until the day I die
>he promised my parents he'll take care of me if I ever get sick
>he ends up cheating on me
>confront the girl he's cheating on me
>she tells me that I should be happy that I'm the one he married

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A lot of men are disgusting. That's what you get for going for chad.

>t. nice white guy that married asian girl and have been faithful to each other for 10 years now.

based alphamoid

>>she tells me that I should be happy that I'm the one he married
Are you?

>get a divorce, no longer have to deal with shitty husband
>shitty husband can get together with his enabler gf and probably cheat on her to his heart's content
>enabler gf can be happy that now she has shitty husband all to herself
Everyone wins. Do it.

I love him and we have a daughter. I love everything about him except for the lying part. The girl he's having an affair with knows about our marriage and doesn't care. She just enjoys his company.

I'm not ready for a divorce.

Its honestly sad that some autist makes these threads. What do you think is going through his mind?

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If I were you I would get ready because if you don't react somehow this will represent a shift in the power dynamic of the relationship (not in your favor) that could, in the future, screw you and perhaps even your daughter more than it already has.

Don't take my word for it though, never been married, and apparently in a lot of marriages this sort of thing is ""normal"". But I do know from some experiences (that are probably markedly different from yours) that if you let this shit slide it only leads to unhappiness.

>til death do we part
Guess your time is up "sweetie", i'm moving on

>believing chad

lel get rekt you're the one who wanted hypergamy

We've been married for nearly 10 years now. We have a daughter. I don't want to throw everything away just because of another woman. We're trying to work things out. He's very apologetic about it.

She may have a point.

*Piano music chimes in*

Hey Michael, Vsauce here


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normie shit


you have to let him go.. how can you die with pride living a lie: "that it is okay because he is now sorry about it". whatever you choose to do i hope it works out for your family

>>husband promises me he will love me until the day I die
>>he promised my parents he'll take care of me if I ever get sick
>>he ends up cheating on me
>>confront the girl he's cheating on me
>>she tells me that I should be happy that I'm the one he married

OP quit larping. You have the same story as the number 1 trending video.

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Stay togeother for the kids, then when they leave home if he's still a lech leave. you are in it for them now.

>tfw you took this thread seriously

But what if you got into a hot open relationship where you're all fucking eachother and going to depraved bdsm sex parties?


I was gonna call fake on this but it's way too easy for people to replace their partners
So, this is actually believable

dont choose chad next time. you are so blind that even if he cheats, you will still love him. This is how women act in front of chad.