
Lensip edition

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young pussy edition

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based /britfeel/ post


zues has got a boner now.

Moni the pedo paki? You're out of jail early!

you think they do anal?
i think the one on the right does

afternoon lads, sick of the fucking shitty weather


any cunt else sick of hearing about ariana grande, bar all her social supremacy and thank u, next bullshit which isn't even mildly amusing her fuckin songs arent good either.

Well, well, well... look wot we av ere' then. A fookin nonce. Ur nicked lad.

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That tribute to the Manchester attack was funny, she didn't have a single song she could use that wasn't about slagging around.

the fuck is lensip

she is really hot. that's all I know.

she probably sticks that massive nose up chav lads bums.

Don't make light of the Manchester attack. Literal children were torn to pieces and died in unimaginable pain; those who did not were horribly maimed. Others who share the attackers' sensibilities remain in our country, waiting for another opportunity. It's not a laughing matter.

fuck you knob
no tears left to cry is the best pop song since call me maybe

Imao k bro

Underwrite insurance

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got an interview at 3.30. head bar man in a fancy restaurant.
21k plus tips I imagine. would be pretty comfy for Christmas.

theyre both atrocious lad

Timothy James Byrne is the most relatable person I have ever come across, Ebin would probably be the 2nd most

Grim as fuck day, dark and rainy. Doing acid for the first time in 2 hours, excited

cat's sat on my lap and she keeps jumping every time i click :(

Insure cars

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Agent Poindexter is Daredevil 3 is the most accurate profile of a BPD individual I've yet seen committed to celluloid.

You still depressed lad?

Yeah off to see my GP right now. Hoping my excitement to finally get acid after many years counteracts my depression and helps my trip be good. Got some 2CB for Saturday too, never done that but if I get some SSRIs gonna wait until after then to take them so I can try 2CB at least before the antidepressants fuck me up

name a better pop song than those two you donkey

You got massive hands too then lad?

not being 12 years old and listening to pop for one

Moni and poley is the same person, right?

don't think I've heard that one

Do you not follow xer blog

Back from Spoons lads. There's a nearby pub that's renamed itself The Oliver Cromwell which is a bit of a surprise

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Yes, la. Changing the name will never wash away the filth.

ones a gay paki sex offender and the other is a sex offending gay paki

no, poley is the evil twin.

>he's still in his edgy 'i hate all pop music' phase

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Real name is Amer, call him that cause he hates it

>he hates pop music
Listen to Carly Rae Jepsens Emotion u mongs

Didn't know Super Noodles had like a Pot Noodle version, pretty nice lads

>not liking a genre where 99% of the songs sound the exact same

>99% of the songs sound the exact same
you're braindead or at least have a severe hearing problem.

Feel like a right perv but love this channel that uploads different slags lads


Alright Amer, trip on. We know you've been listening to Metallica.

a lot of it is heavily generic and formulaic

How can you not like a bit michael jackson or madonna?

I like 80's pop music quite a bit but modern pop music is utter garbage

You could probably say that about any genre.

fuck sake why don't they just admit they're softcore pornstars at this point, this is fucking ridiculous
also what a dumb bitch, check the first bra she has on - she didn't even do it up properly at the back, she missed a hook

And in 20 years all the millennial who hate pop will be loving a bit of Taylor Swift when it comes on at a wedding

>It's not a laughing matter.

spoken like a true leftist


... you're obviously not left-leaning since you recognise the threat of militant islam rather than downplaying the danger. so i'm guessing you're further to the right

well the thing is pal, in a warzone or in the crisis unit of a hospital, you will find people facing the very worst of what humanity can do to itself - and they employ the blackest of black humour to cope with it

similarly, there is a culture war going on right now between western civilisation and an ideology that is so diametrically opposed to all its values, that they're mowing down civilians in the street - justifying this by saying western civilians are equally culpable of anything done to muslim countries, because they pay taxes and vote their political leaders into power

so... in this current climate, is it any wonder that civilians feel like combatants on the front lines... and facing this horror, make the blackest of jokes about it?

not saying it's nice

not even saying it's all that healthy, because it can cause one to dismiss reality with a facade of laffs

but it's understandable, isn't it?

and if you get mad at every time someone vomits out some of the poison that the attack on manchester injected into our society, you're not going to get very far at dealing with the underlying cause

also; u no wer u ar, rite?

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A decent pop song is fucking RARE

It is also a pretty gay genre. I mean if you are gay that's fine but if you are a straight adult male and listen to pop music you gotta step it up.

That's nice dear *turns off hearing aid*

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>He thinks having trip on gives him an opinion.

Got bored after the first line

im not saying i hate all pop music but i havent heard anything recently thats made me think otherwise

>not eating ramen

>be sat on bus
>Stacies behind me saying how she slutted it up because "wahh Chad cheated on me and I was going through such a rough patch"
>think about how that's nothing compared to what I been through

Why do normies think like this?

I do understand the idea of laughter as a coping strategy. It has its place; of course it does. However, it depends doesn't it? When it because laughing it off and saying
>Well, what can you do eh?
When gallows humour tips over into an excuse for passivity or threatens to allow complicity, it has gone too far; it ceases to be a coping strategy and spills into acceptance.

Got loads of it already, just wanted to try Super Noodles lad

Experience is relative, lod. That's all there is to it.

rap is best music

Pretty little nigga gonna get his bum rekted in prison

>box of 40 packs of ramen arrived today
it is really good surprisingly. not bad for 16 quid

Saku'll be mad

How's that shitty weather?
Now that's shitty weather

>people genuinely like this shit
there really is no saving niggers from themselves, this is just who they are

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When girls get cheated on it drops their self esteem so they go and give out free pussy to confirm to themselves that guys still find them attractive. That said, you should always cheat on your gf.


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>try to start a rap career
>completely fails
>stuck with gay tattoos all over your face

rap honestly is the best genre now lets be real

> When gallows humour tips over into an excuse for passivity or threatens to allow complicity, it has gone too far; it ceases to be a coping strategy and spills into acceptance.

yeah mate, i tried to make that point when i said it's not necessarily healthy etc.

but thing is, while i'd happily converse with someone on their over use of humour - ITT i was more concerned with yourself and how you were setting yourself up for a fall, trying to stamp down on free expression; because without the freedom to talk through the issues of the day - even if really offensively to the survivors of the attacks - people can't begin to process what's going on around them, and end up caught in the trap of political correctness where nobody says anything of worth

and since it's obvious you care deeply about this issue, i just wanted to say i respect that, but you'll catch more flies with honey -- and you won't be so likely to have a stroke from your blood pressure always being on boiling point

again though, couldn't agree more when you say that gallows humour can lead to apathetic passiveness, or worse; complicity - it's part of the reason why so many are stuck on these internets

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I can see why people like most kinds of music, but I genuinely don't understand the appeal of rap at all. How the fuck does that have 300 million views?

lmao shut the fuck up nigga damn

only went and did it again

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user wears anime shirts

I can understand people who like rap that is either 1) genuinely interesting lyrically or that makes a real point about something, or 2) technically impressive in performance like incredibly fast rapping or very complex raps.

But for the life of me I cannot understand why anyone likes watching a dozen niggers jostling about on screen, dressed like fucking retards, waving guns, drugs and wads of cash around and mumbling about pussy and weed over a generic beat.

It's so fucking shit it's almost absurd how it even exists.

How do you have so much disposable income?

>paying for digital media

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Won't you be working the whole time though

Did you have a nice time. What did you get user

I don't really like rap except clouddead and rich gang


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be very careful with dosage of 2cb. There's a fine line between it being fun and being in bed tripping balls unable to get up.

I think people like the energy and how aggressive it is. It's kind of like wrestling in that it's a performative form of machismo.

autism. plus i don't buy drugs, smoke or drink
i like the collection aspect (also all four of the toxic avengers are free on youtube if you're interestred).

it's like brainless cock rock that's about partying and sex. It's just dumb good time music

Always enjoy it. They didnt have mixed grill so had triple chicken feast instead.

Been wacked on Setraline. FFS, never thought I'd ever be on antidepressants. Severely depressed and quite socially anxious according to the doctor. What gnarly side effects am I in for?

>waving guns, drugs and wads of cash around and mumbling about pussy

How does that not sound like fun? That is exactly what I would be doing at all times if I could.

Cheers lad I've got 2 15mg capsules. 30mg is high but not mental isn't it? I want a strong trip and I hear taking too low is a bit boring

The parodies of gummo are hilarious and based.

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>What gnarly side effects am I in for?
sweating and generally feeling out of it for a couple of weeks

she has a face ya know


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I miss when whores were publicly shamed, I really do.

part of the appeal really. keep busy.
I'm at the place now. doesn't look too fancy actually. the staff had no idea who I am. waiting for the manager to finish an interview with a lass and I'll speak to him.
can hear some of what they are saying. she actually said in the interview she can't work every Saturday aha.

i dont believe you byololo

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Fucking whores. Someone needs to take them down a peg

Only time I used the northern line was when some bum who was in an argument with someone bumped into me. I turned around and called him a jackass. I don't think anyone heard me though.

desu lads wouldnt want to get in a fight with myself scary cunt i am