Why are boys so intimidated by intelligent women?

Why are boys so intimidated by intelligent women?

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>intelligent females
Nice oxymoron

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The whitoid male is incredibly fragile they will get mental breakdowns and commit microaggressions like that stupid shit whenever a woman or minority does something that makes him feel small in comparison.

No wonder even white women want white men extinct.

What about that interaction was sexist?
I would scoff at a man or a woman carrying around two laptops. That's ridiculous l

more like one of them is to watch blacked

Why would anyone do AI work on a laptop when you need a good graphics card and a shit ton of energy for that?

Also astrophysics is a meme

how does she know that the same question would not have occured to him if he saw any person get out 2 laptops to work simultaneously?

This is what feminists always do. They assume that any time something happens to them it's because they're a woman and the person they're talking to has sexist attitudes towards women.

>white male attempting to gaslight
oh please if it was another white guy he wouldn't bat an eye

when you have an inferiority complex over your gender, it tends to consume your life and cloud your judgement

Only a woman could make headlines about some bored airport banter and act like men are the insecure ones

does she really even need 2 laptops though? if you got 1 really bad ass laptop, couldn't you do both kinds of work on a single machine? seems a little silly to be carrying around two computers...

white, western countries are the least sexist and least racist and most tolerant of minority groups. White men are the most desirable ethnicity of men.

Kill yourself you pathetic cuck.

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>he has to save 2007 statistics from dead dating websites

lmao see this is why the white male is always an object of ridicule. he has to save pictures to reassure himself or he'll break down and shoot up a school hahaha

idc if a girl is smart or dumb as long as we can love each other and accept each others shortcomings and help each other become better

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>white womyns hate white men

fragile negroid anti reality defenses detected, any statistic on this manner and I encourage you to look them up, will reflect the opposite. Pic related is from conservative extremist website NPR

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That only leads to the question why she doesn't do the work on a single machine.
It would make more sense if she had said "One is for work and one is for personal stuff".

But looking at those hashtags I know I am just getting baited into giving this attention.

>whitoid male is so triggered and seething

lmao all stop believing you white fantasy media. even fucking China is more egalitarian than backwards white countries. you faggots just love your white savior movies too much

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If she's so smart why doesn't she know that you have multiple windows open on a computer

why use one good laptop when I can use two okay ones???? men??????

thinking that the squints over in china are doing it right
i sure hope this is bait because if not that's pretty sad desu

Having two laptops is pretty fucking dumb when you could have one that just costs 50% more and outperforms the two prior and some smug bitch decides to get overly offended and remind the world thay she is a woman and does science, completely missing the point and not addressing the criticism because he was right.

And you want to call us victims?

>can't argue with statistics

but I'm sure you yahoo personals decade old stats are accurate lol

the only reason to carry two laptops is one is personal and other is for work. if she carries two laptops around for work then she doesnt know enough about computers to maximize use of one.

I find intelligence very attractive, actually. But having a chip on your shoulder is not attractive. Sarcastic quips and ego-driven bitterness get in the way of any kind of intelligent and open-minded conversation I would want to have with a partner.

Coming a long way from getting ultrasounds to tell if your baby is female and needs to be aborted

those aren't mine I'm a totally different person
idk if you know this but on this site your name is hidden by default
I was just laughing at that china post, because it's absolutely retarded

What about Africa and Australia?

that's only true until the white man's male pattern baldness kicks in. Negroids don't get grey hair and wrinkles for a long time either. That's why black men still get laid in their 30s and 40s while whites stop around 35.

But we oppress men in the west...

Women in the west keep each other down with their toxic femininity, it has nothing to do with men

Yes. Maybe she needs two because she needs to do something on one laptop that uses up all resources, effectively rendering it unusable. Personally I'd bring my thinkpad only and ssh into a more powerful computer if I need to run simulations or whatever. Being airport security I'd probably wipe the disk in advance, install Windows 10 and then once I'm in the country I'd install Gentoo and transfer all required work files.

Is she actually wrong?

Let's be honest, the tweet is pure cringe. HOWEVER the subreddit it was posted on is even worse, you can just tell it reeks of insecurity. One of the most blatant examples I saw yesterday was a girl who tweeted about how people at shit colleges shouldn't complain about their hw cause of how easy it is.

She legitimately had a point, yeah it was obnoxious and rude, but she had a point. All the cringe in the comments, just pathetic. It's the same with this girl. All the Jow Forums betas laughing at her when she has a PhD and important job, and most the people doing the laughing don't even have a bachelor's.

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lol I know this is bait but like why wouldn't someone ask that? Who sits there with two laptops? I bet that bitch looked like such an autist.

wtf are you talking about i see bald black people every day

Was it posted on r/TwoXChromosomes or some femenist subreddit?

Probably a small laptop for presenting or using at seminars and then a big laptop for number crunching in the hotel room and watching pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph5bbf4a9629845

No it was "iamverysmart"

stupid nigger bitch

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because stereo typically men earn more than women and are generally viewed as leaders in a relationship. When we see a woman who's really upstanding we just assume we're out their league because of how competitive dating is for men

Well for me at least

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Idc if shes smart as long as she dont bully me for feeling like a brainlet compared to her but genuinely smart grills must despise brainlets(well except chad maybe)

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protip you're not white and you're a sexist retard

thats not what she said though

Isn't iamverysmart an ironic subreddit?

>online dating
Women seeking out pasty betas to settle after being blown out by BBCs in their prime years

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Fuck off nigger go swing from a tree

>Is she actually wrong?
On several levels.
You don't need two work laptops. Just get a good laptop and a second hard drive for your astrophysics shit. For that reason she's technologically wrong and the comment is warranted.
However, she also takes it to another domain. She assumes the man is asking this because of her gender, not because of her questionable practices. This is a cognitive distortion: Personalization. She's not only technologically wrong, but cognitively wrong.
Let's go a step further. Had she not thought of the possibility women as being lesser, she wouldn't have taken the offhanded comment as an attack on her gender. The stranger didn't use any gender-specific wording in his criticism. She has the unconscious belief that women are perceived as inferior to men in the world of STEM. Put simply: she holds sexist beliefs.
Then, rather than dismissing the passing comment of a stranger in the airport, she takes it to twitter claiming it herself to be victorious... in what only she perceived to be an insult/argument. Yet so many other people hold the belief that women are inferior to men in the realm of technology that they too will interpret it as an insult. So she spreads and reaffirms the prejudicial belief, effectively making her a social cancer.

Based and redpilled. B T F O

And why exactly would you need two laptops for two fields of work? Wow she really is fucking dumb.

It's also hurting her cause because now a bunch of men see her as being illogical and emotional, with a bunch of women siding with her.

>Woman at the airport scoffs why a man needs two laptops, he politely says why
>Man at the airport curiously asks why someone needs two laptops, she gets offended and bitterly spits back her credentials to show off because she's insecure, then later on goes and complains on the internet that he scoffed at her and was putting her down and it was basically a rape, but she put him in his place and scored one for Team Women, fuck all men right ladies?

And then 10 years later she's upset and wonders why she's unmarried, and says it's because men are intimidated by smart women.

>be me
>be woman
>have two laptops
It happened because my first laptop, which was pretty pricey and a gift from my parents, broke and I needed to get it repaired. I ended up renting a cheap one to get through the work month but decided to keep it after my original one was fixed. I sort of thought of just keeping the cheap one since it sufficed but I hate the idea of giving away a gift. I think it was kind of dumb in hindsight but whatever. Now I have a work laptop and a personal one and I keep watching porn on the work one.

I guess her rationale was
>why would a woman need two laptops
Which, okay, if this guy was in academia/tech too that would be a pretty fair assumption since having multiple devices isn't abnormal in those areas....

....BUT I feel that most normies don't appreciate that distinction and the airport dude's mindset was more along the lines of, "why would anyone need two laptops? Why have one? My iPad has Facebook already on it!"

To be fair, when you consistently tell yourself that stuff ISN'T happening to you because you're a woman / minority / meme group you constantly find yourself being shafted. Becoming paranoid ends up becoming a pretty smart move.

>asian women
I unironically REEE'ed.

>most anons here don't even have a bachelor's

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Can you believe what some retards will post

In today's news: normie woman btfo. More at 11.

Yeah, exactly this. I am a professional white male who travels for work often. I regularly get asked by people why I carry two phones and two laptops. She's just a cunt crying wolf as this is a NORMAL thing and has NOTHING to do with her being a woman.

Wouldn't be surprised if the guy was just curious and/or trying to be friendly and she interpreted it as a horrible crime against femalez.
That is, assuming this interaction actually occured.

I mean, less that, and more I literally don't believe her gay ass story. Virtually no men publicly scoff at women for any reason, they get nothing out of it and actually risk themselves socially, meanwhile women benefit from scoffing at men publicly.

I'd bet money the guy just curiously, or dumbly aloud asked about two laptops, and she's so insecure that she took it as harassment.

>AI and astrophysics
Am I the only one finding this like an odd combination. Like she picked two trendy topics and then goes around telling people why she needs two laptops for her work. It's weird and forced.

That said. Leave people alone. If she is fishing for attention or not. In both cases don't get involved.

Agreed, I doubt it happened. In fact, it reads more like satire because of how dumb and stereotypical it sounds, like astrophysics and AI, really..
If it did, thr scoff was probably more of a "curious hmmph"

Exactly, it reads like a fantasy in her head played out. Like some guy curiously asks and she just nervously muttered something, then later at the terminal still fuming about it, she posts online about how she wished it would have happened if she could do it over.

why are they making this a gender/sex issue?

I too would ask the same question, though at a friend and not some random person cause who gives a shit about what random person does.

all you really need is ONE good laptop anyways like, why carry the extra weight because you want to be fancy and carry two fucking laptops, just get one good one you rich fuck and stop rubbing it in peoples faces?
what are you gonna do with two laptops simaltoneious? fucking hack the gibson mainframe of china yous tufisklcn ;aoiuewnifea[oifnaguiwrbgpiuwesbweri;uodojesfsa

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Clearly the bar for attention is pretty low
Couldn't care less about this wamen, but it is amusing to see how people react

"To love intelligent women is the pleasure of a pederast."
- Charles Baudelaire

And the metal detector clapped

"What do you need two laptops for?"

Answer of a man:
"For work."

Answer of a woman:

Reminds me of that time some humanities PHD was offended when some flight attendant didn't refer to her as a doctor and made a whole twitter tantrum bitching about it

Word only used by retards

Seems like this is how it went.

What if the man is doing his astrofisikks work on one

>why are they making this a gender/sex issue?

Because they need to feel like they are part of something historic.

>hurr if u dont have degree ur dumb and dont get to criticize lul

fuck off

I'm mostly just worried that this cunt is actually in charge of anything important. How can you create Artificial Intelligence without regular intelligence?

i'm not. getting intellectually dominated by a women turns me on

Based and redpilled pham

because their's no way on earth that the hard drive capacities, RAM requirements or dare i say operating systems could have any relevancy to her decision to supplement her work with two separate laptops

I only know one girl in a STEM field and she hates whores like this because of tweets like that.

1. That question has nothing to do with gender. It would still be valid even if she were a male

2. Her answer is stupid. Why does she need a seperate laptop for each subject?

3. Astrophysics and a.i.? Am i supposed to believe that? (i would be calling out this bs even if a guy said it)

she obviously felt pride in posting this, although it was probably fake.

gee bill, TWO laptops?

I'm a mega autist and I've only ever needed tk carry 2 laptops because of work

Seriously, why would she need two laptops? What on earth could two laptops do that one couldn't? If a program or a file is too big, you need another hard drive, not another laptop. If a laptop can only run so many programs/videos at the same time, you need a more powerful laptop, not TWO laptops. You can't even defend having two laptops on the basis of needing a specific platform, because multibooting exists, and it's unlikely that you'd need to use both platforms at once to work on anything in particular.

And if the reason for her having two laptops is because one is for work and one is for personal stuff (porn), why didn't she just say that, thus ending the conversation instantly? If she had two laptops at once and that ISN'T the reason, then she legitimately is an idiot. No gender bias there.

>hard drive capacities
buy a laptop that has hard drive upgrade options

>ram requirements
most laptops have 16gb ram which is more than enough for most applications

>operating systems

you need a good graphics card to write millions of lines of code? have you ever programmed so much as your VCR? i doubt that calculating the mass and velocities of objects in triaxial rotations colliding in a vacuum can be entirely ironic pandering.

>2 screens

The truly sad part is something else.
This kind of megalomania is seen as "motivated", "hard working", "passionate" and so on.

The modern work environment is a horrible place. It feels like some kind of hell.

No, with work laptops it's usually not important.

Why the fuck does she need two different laptops for that?

I get it if ones a convenient daily driver, and ones a beefier one for hardcore compiling/rendering, but that's clearly not what she means.

If you're working on AI typically you need all the resources you can get to run them
No good working on a AI if you can't do anything else while its running or compiling

Deep learning is all GPU calculations nigger, don't talk about shit you don't understand

Security reasons. redundancy, essentially double your manpower, Depends on your needs. And if you want to develop code for apple devices, then you'll need a Mac no matter what.

As far as this woman, it would seem she needed it to show those privileged white males their place & challenge the patriarchy like a good little SJW.

>girl btw
>replies to every post she can fit in one response
>reddit spacing
>capitalizes for emphasis
>unironically ree'd
>preach brother

Are women the absolute bottom of the barrel posters? She contributed nothing to the discussion she was attempting to participate in. I understand my post isn't contributing to thread either, but at least I knew that before I started typing.

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Well you probably wouldn't run the AI on the laptop, youd probably remote into a stack specifically for that purpose.

Yeah but some stuff is annoying or hard to do remotely

of course they are - their reasoning for posting is never, ever a point to create discussion or further one; it's for their own self satisfaction of the juicy (You)s.

more like: why are feminist women so intimidated by any boy? o.o

you mean the same graphics cards that have been around for 20 years? the kind they put in cell phones? way to throw around generic terms like a C+ undergrad, you're making mountains out of molehills mr. state-of-the-art

>Well you probably wouldn't run the AI on the laptop, youd probably remote into a stack specifically for that purpose.

when you're actually crunching real data, yes, but if you're developing the tool, usually you're running tests/debugging a small chunk of code on a local machine, because it's quicker and easier

>most laptops have 16gb ram which is more than enough for most applications

i develop AI tools and it's not uncommon for me to use all 64gb on my workstation, and would certainly use more if i had more

someone contact this Amber bint now and demand some answers.

checked both dubs two bills apart

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Never said that.

>"you should write the captcha several times unnecessarily"
>doesn't know what Redditspacing is because nothing I did was it

And so what are you contributing to the discussion, exactly? At least I posted something relevant to the thread, you're just repeating the same bitchy mainstream opinions on this site.

>anime image
Yeah, makes sense.

Based gentoo user

ah, my bad then. what languages do you use for development