Will I ever find a loving boyfriend?

Will I ever find a loving boyfriend?

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will you ever post bussy?

I love you!
...but I can't be your boyfriend

No because you are not a female, you are a disgusting trap at best.
If not post timestamp of body, especially vagina and you will get a "loving" bf.



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No, you'll die alone along with the rest of us...

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I know I'm not a real girl but I'll be loyal and loving to a caring guy that will love me even though I have a penis

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Who says that can't happen, user?

that depends, do you have a penis or vuhgina?

Will I ever find a gf?

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How tall are you? I'll be able to instantly determine how lovable you are based on height alone.

Yes, it's actually easy to. Think about it realistically, though. Most people are only nice so they function in society and don't get backlash

I'll love you, if your cute that is

You fooled me once, you're not fooling me again. Anons, do not fall for the trap meme. They're literally worse than real women. They act like children, they're extremely needy, and they have no use but claim they'll love you but really they just want attention.


I think the generalization is that anyone from this board is probably worse than anyone outside of it. Not really a good place to make friends or girlfriends

No you wont find me

I respectfully disagree but any trap i've interacted with are the absolute worst people i've met. They want to be "protected" like women and have people be nice to them like a girl but they have no real personality and don't have any of the benefits of a real girl (tits, vagoo, curvy body)

>interacts with tr***ies

It was a bad mistake but i've seen the light and realize how awful they are

you need to give them another chance if you want to find happiness

No, because you're a lesbo who should be lewding Umaru-chan.

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I swear I'm a good person just really sad and lonely, I would love my boyfriend more than anything in the world..

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Are you white? or latino? i love latino traps

are you a passing trap? I'll be yout bf if you are and if we click I'll shower you with affection

I'll take you but you will be severely abused I'm not even gay I just want to make you a willing slave I'll let people from craigs and Grindr pound you though

I'm half-mexican and not passable.

Don't say that. I'm sure you're a cutie

Can I be your bf user?
I trat you good too.

can you be my gf?
pretty please.

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>Will I ever find a loving boyfriend?
I want to find a loving bf too >_<

I wish I was born a girl every day

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>can you be my gf?
>pretty please.

This user is cute and I wish he was my loving boyfriend.

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