What's up with the increase of redditfags posting on here? And not just them...

What's up with the increase of redditfags posting on here? And not just them, this board is getting infested from all sides, it's not even a robot board anymore. I fucking hate that this board is full of pseudo-robots now.

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actual gross NEET robot here. its disgusting, gf posters dont even get called out anymore.

I hate the twitter fags most of all. Reddit was our retarded cousin. Sure, it sucked and shat all over the place, but it CARED. It wanted to please you. Twitterfags have their own site. They don't care. This place is just another battleground for them.

Because what's the point anymore? It gets tiring going through every thread, REEing at all 15 posters with wives and gfs

It's still somewhat robot but the problem is most of the "robots" are people who could easily get laid or get gfs but they're either too lazy, too young to fully understand, or just retarded. They don't have nearly as many struggles as others do. Also the increase literally happened from both gamergate and around election time. If you're talking about super recently, idk then

It's too tiring to call out every single one

Fuck no, I don't want a bunch of young adult socialists posting their Elon musk shrines on this board. Fuck reddit.

Just stop replying and boosting their threads. And ignore their replys and move on.

Only in the last hour i saw at least 5 obvious redditfag threads taking their shot at greentext to post on leddit for free karma.

There's enough of them here that they can keep their own threads at the top of the page.

I'm an originalfag but when you reach the ripe age of 30 then normalcy has a chance to occur. I laugh at the teenagers that think their lives are over.

I do know that my posting has changed a lot as I have aged and changed myself. I posted on here back before it was deleted and consider it my home board, but I have lost my virginity, dated, finished college and started full time work all in the time I have posted here. Now I mostly lurk and give advice to people genuinely looking for it. If there are more people like me it could explain why there are apparently more normies.

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Idk, the ones you're talking about my be bait but the lines are too blurred nowadays to tell when someone is baiting with a shitty greentext or it's literally a newfag whose only experience of Jow Forums is epic greentext stories from reddit or ifunny

I don't understand what they want to accomplish here? They have their own site, can't they get the fuck out of here and stop ruining this one.

i would laugh at you for still being here laughing at teenagers in your 30s but i'm too nice and will simply advice you to GO OUTSIDE!!

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you're not wrong to be quite honest. does getting wasted in my backyard count?

>OP starts with a perfectly valid point
>incels turn it into a no gf crusade
god fuck you guys, just leave, you're even worse than reddit on the whole

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i'm just here to rant man

It's the same people. It just happen that some of them are older and slightly more confident and mature while others have only gotten worse so the board is getting polarized.

Their own site is even more of an echo chamber than this one so they come here to be edgefags without losing e-points

>does getting wasted in my backyard count?

as long as you make some steps toward socialising at the same time

i suggest you throw your empties into the next garden as an icebreaker in meeting your neighbours

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Holy shit Christfag I havent seen you on here in ages how have you been?

oh is it 2012 already? this exact thread has been made every single day since then. welcome newfag

> Holy shit Christfag I havent seen you on here in ages how have you been?

y-y-you t-t-t-t-t-t-t-too

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h-how did you know I was a gardener? I occasionally peak over the fence like wilson from home improvement at my neighbors and give them free pot because I hate being high

> I occasionally peak over the fence like wilson from home improvement at my neighbors and give them free pot because I hate being high

that's actually kinda cool - bet they love you

also; might be worth sticking to sativa strains if you're wanting the gentle buzz rather than the full neural-wipe of indicas

also, also; obligatory 'drugs are bad' because jesus

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