Guys with small cocks should be euthanized

Guys with small cocks should be euthanized

They are just wasting everyone's time

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How big is left, how small is right?

This man gets it.
What's the point if you're not 7 inches+?

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As a man with bigger dick than the right, girls do not give a fuck about your dick. Unless it's gross as shit.

I find it fascinating that the only people who say this stuff are dudes with small dicks

Guy on the right is diabetic as well, so he actually does need to be euthanized

I find it fascinating that people who have a painful terminal disease advocate for euthanasia.
This is you. You are that retarded.


As in Im pretty sure its a BDSM fetish thing. Ever heard of people getting off on being called names? Its like that.

You are probably right that a lot of it is some kind of humiliation fetish, but I think some people just like to fuck with other people's self confidence, regardless of their own dick sizes.

That thing attached to his side is where an insulin pump would connect

>Kill all Asians

>Kill all brown people

>Kill approx 80-90% of all European white men

>Leave alive the only race with a large average cock (Muslims) and 20% of white men, and black people.

Welp, have fun with that world, but I think I'll stick to this one.

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But what if my cock's a fat 6'?

>adding adjectives
you've lost already

>large average cock (Muslims)
lmao what, middle easterners are below scandinavians

but the one on the right is more aesthetic. good size for sucking without strain and deepthroating without much effort. depends tbqh my man you gotta pick the right tool for the job. normal/small dicks have their place.

This, although in few years they'll be about equal.

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Agreed. Also "men" under 6ft

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You're right for the most part but I could've sworn I've seen a study where arabs were the largest. Either way, think this image shows that easily the majority of humans have a small dick anyway.

Attached: study-reveals-which-countries-have-the-biggest-and-smallest-penis-sizes-1.jpg (572x1024, 61K)

small/average dicks can't stimulate the anterior fornix, that's where actual orgasms happen, gspot is a meme by dicklets

>"a lot of these numbers are self-reported"

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Indian girls need big Congo cock

You're only supporting my point, that would mean that the average size for some countries could be smaller.

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>a religion that makes your dick bigger
what do you have to say for yourself infidels?

and your gfs vagina isn't also cupping your balls and isn't optimally tight and wet all the time.

they can't have it all and generally women don't deserve to have orgasms all the time. they need to work for it which a small dick can give her if he gets into her mind and connects with her. combine mental stimulation with physical rythm and movement and it works.

dismiss it all you want and reduce it all down to being 9 inches and 6 in girth is all that matters but you're a fucking idiot for thinking that.

>hey can't have it all
yeah and that's the point when they cheat with a bigger dick

Why kill them when you can turn them to cute girls??

7.5"x6" dong

multiple women cheated on their bfs with me

feels great man

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>They are just wasting everyone's time
How exactly? :3c

yeah and then they get bored with the bigger dick and look for a bigger one. then they get a bigger one. then they move on to horses. fucking women they're so obsessed with dick size.

Right one isn't even small. My boyfriend has got like the one on the right, after 2,5 years of dating, sex with him is amazing. My exs dick is like on the left, it was just painful and unpleasant.

avg benis size:

still wish i had a huge thundercock. fuck being a dicklet

nope, they'll happily settle for a thick 7 incher
anything under that is a nono tho
dicklet larping as a femoid detected

5.5" flaccid sucks. I constantly have to readjust and wear underwear too big for me so my package won't show bulge like crazy and get strangled. Too autistic and ugly to even have a chance at using it. It's just all genetics. Who cares. Some people can't even get hard or don't even have a dick anymore.

just advertise it on dating sites
women will end marriages for your size

muslims have small cocks, though, they have quite a bit of asian DNA

> I constantly have to readjust and wear underwear too big for me so my package won't show bulge like crazy and get strangled.
Boohoo cry more you humblebragging niggerfaggot

Stop baiting and go make something of your life fagnon

Why ethuanize small dick men when you can make them traps with delicious bussies?

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because that's kinda fucking gay

man i must've got the short end of the stick wtf

No they should transition and become walking flesh lights

sissy boy here, i prefer small cocks desu

guys with small cocks should go back in pampers and let me mommy them

You fell for the BBC meme spread by actual Jews. There's next to no difference when it comes to race and penis size.

>Too autistic and ugly
it's like compensation, however it doesn't outweigh being ugly and autistic

I genuinely like smaller cocks more
like, slighlty below the average 5'5 is perfect size, but smaller isn't a dealbreaker. better to be smaller than bigger in my experience.

> There's next to no difference when it comes to race and penis size.
asian countries literally have smaller condoms lmao

Poor diet and environmental factors affect penis size more than race.

But that makes sense. I'd want to die if I had a painful terminal disease