User comes out, but it doesnt matter

>be in car
>tell dad about the gender dysphoria I has as a kid
>dad says I'm not Trans
>even though I didn't like being a girl as a child
>its solid proof
>my own dad witnesses it and won't let me transition
>he witnessed it himself and refuses

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are you sure you don't just have PCO?

It's because he doesn't want you to become a ruined suicidal mess of a human being you stupid scum.

No and no
It was all legit, I explained everything in the op

>tfw I'm trutrans and not even my own dad supports me

Your life gets exactly worse when you transition and he knows it

>restate the same thing four times
>want to be a tranny

You're a mentally ill faggot

>woman not believing what a man says to be truth
fucking kek, the audacity
pro tip: you're braindead stupid

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ngl, you're probably just posting this story for attention like the grubby mentally handicapped whore you are

He's my own dad, he witnessed me wanting to be a boy. He literally knew me since I was a baby.
>tfw even your own parents are childish

How can you feel like a man when you see on this website how actually fucking depraved and retarded they are as a whole? The good ones are great ... but none of them are here. If you're going to be a Jow Forums poster why even transition at all.

brain dead stupid

Wait you're actually right
Many of the men on here just post revenge porn
This is actually legit and not assumed, wow thanks

He must be thinking about killing you, and probably considering killing himself. What a horrible ungrateful piece of human waste you are. DO the only honourable thing left and kys.

What you think a man is supposed to be and what a man actually is are not the same things.

These people who post here, these are the darkest, most primitive thoughts of men. You're simply not capable of knowing how much chimp rage they are holding back at any given moment. It literally makes them dumber so they will actually want to reproduce.

I'm not a crossdresser. I actually want to be the other gender. My op already explains everything. Having gender dysphoria as a kid is legit

The term "sex change" is extremely misleading. If you get a sex change, you can't get pregnant (this is hopefully obvious to you) or reproduce in any way ever. You don't get periods. You risk getting this voice in the back of your head, telling you that you're never going to be a real woman. I hope you don't, I wish you the best, but there's a reason why trans people are much more likely to commit suicide.

You should become a trap. That way you get to feel feminine, you keep the ability to reproduce AND you'll have a chance to be cured of your gender dysphoria if some sort of cure should be discovered in the future.

Why would an auto-androphile ever want children? Do you seriously believe the "clock" is not just a meme to scare young couples into pumping out babies sooner than they're comfortable with?

Oh shit, I was a little too quick there. I thought you were a dude.

It isnt. Kids are retards and know nothing. You are a retard and know nothing.

Sounds like your dad is a good lad
Now fuck off back to your containment board with your blogposting

Why wouldn't an auto-androphile want children? Who's talking about the relation between age and fertility?

you can't change your gender faggot
suck it up, your dad is right

Most men don't want to give birth user. Many women don't either.

And I had mistaken their post thinking they were saying you're not a "complete" person if you never reproduce.

I see. This isn't really relevant though. They want the option, so to speak. A woman has the option. They don't. Women have a lot of things that they don't. They feel like neither man nor woman, and this nags them to death.

Everyone can pay a surrogate, the only thing stopping them is money which they need to raise children anyway. Poor+tranny+single don't make good parents.

You're misunderstanding me. They want to feel like a woman, by having the ability to get pregnant, among other things.

If a cis woman loses the ability to get children themselves, they aren't gonna be like "Oh well.. Adoption it is then!", they are probably gonna be sad about it, maybe feel less feminine. A trans person never had the option to begin with.

Are you still talking about mtfs? Because they have nothing to do with this discussion.

You can't force your dad in supporting your faggottry.

Gay Trans boys aren't universally supported my dude

And I obviously haven't transitioned, the op already explains everything

Okay so do you think I'm right about mtfs?

Ftms have many of the same issues, and some of their own. Feeling like neither man nor woman. Feeling not quite there. Issues with Phalloplasty etc.

I don't think about this stuff at all. I actively try not to, it's depressing and gross and I want room left in my brain for shit that's not related to gender issues. I wouldn't have posted ITT if this were just another mtf trap thread, they get enough attention.

how is no one noticing from the fucking subject that this is fake?
OP literally made all of this up to put on Reddit.

God I wish I made it up
Life would be great if I did, trust me, actual Trolls never get called out

What's even stranger is you thought this was a good place to post this...

so are you into men or women?
do you already present as a male?
how many years until you're not b&able from 4fin?
most importantly, what exactly do you think transitioning entails? like in your mind what exactly are you asking your dad for.

also you keeps saying "reee I explained it all in the OP". You didn't actually, you have barely said anything.

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Yeah the ftms on /lgbt/ are not only posting on the right board, but they seem like ok people. I'm sure their thread can use more bumps.

It can be inferred you idiot. And it's my life not yours. I can't transition without the support of my own parents.


good luck then I guess

>I can't transition without the support of my own parents.
So you are underage, on the wrong board, and think homos on this board are gonna wanna be nice to you.

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Born on easy mode
Wants to play life in hardcore mode

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And other people will notice my transition, since it's my physical appearance

So there's nothing I can do without support,
Y'all it can be inferred and even assumed from my op... Hrt changes your appearance

Yeah you might grow more hair on your ass and a little moustache but you'll still have moobs and distribute fat the same way ...

Die you dumb nigger

it is very gay to ever care what the people who raised you think

They literally raised me which is why I care
>tfw I wish this was a troll post

Does anybody remember the terms Tomboy and Tomgirl? That's what this shit is, except this time the parents actually run with it for social cred.