That kid thread

that kid thread

>that kid who found his mom shooting up heroin and found her dead in the garage the next day

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why aren't these threads banned for underagelings? grown people try to forget high school.

>that kid that acted immensely retarded and lost all of his friends before high school

I never understood these threads. Can someone explain it to me? What's the point? Where is the entertainment value?

>that kid who died in the bathroom and no one knows how

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>that kid who rode his razor scooter to school and rode it in the hallways during passing time

It's just people sharing slices of life, that they find fascinating for whatever reason.

His name? Robert Bowers.

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>that kid who put his hand in acid

>that kid who took a laptop and wacked some freshman in the face with it.

>I was that kid who became a recluse for Safety

>that kid who got his hand stuck in the toilet

>that kid who died in the chemistry lab

laughing at other people's shame to feel better about yourself despite being a loser

>that kid that you were a fucking loser in high school and subsequently are terrified of being yourself

get shit on boomer

How the fuck did that happen?

t. interested because chemist. Was it chemistry related or did he just die of something like a random heart attack.

>that kid who was an insane weeaboo and constantly tried to hook up with you but you were afraid to say no because you had no social skills
>that kid who talked about killing people like it was nothing
>that kid who likes going up to people and harassing them

this projection
just sharing life stories anonymously dude, nothing too important

you were embarrassing also
nice dubs

>that kid that shat himself in middle of the school hallway

>that kid who came to school drunk and high multiple times
>that kid who blew every member of the soccer team in one night
>that kid that tried to rape his spanish teacher while she was helping tutor him after school
>that kid who's male family members have all died via snowmobile accidents
>that kid who was on so many drugs he walked like when you slowly push the joystick on a controller and your RPG character walks instead of running
>that girl who put a coke can in her twat
>that weird couple that were caught having sex in the recording room
>that history teacher who was an actual communist and had propaganda posters in her classroom
>that kid that brought porn in on a flash drive and made it so we weren't allowed to use flash drives for a while

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That kid who jacked off in front of the teacher in the middle of class