hey bros, is there a decent way for me to start making games for free? i kinda like gamemaker but dont wanna pay and cant find a way to pirate it. you can message me on discord
Hey bros, is there a decent way for me to start making games for free...
Unreal Engine is free and i've been using it and its fucking mind blowing what you can do with it, tho better for 3D instead of 2D
same person, here's what i made after only 2 months of using Unreal and no experience prior
I have a spare copy of clickteam fusion 2.5 with a few export packages.
uuuh ok can i hab that?
No because begging threads aren't allowed, and I don't help illiterate retards. Lol
This isnt a beggong thread, fag. You offered it and he accepted.
Godot is pretty good, and pretty much gamemaker but more modern.
You'll have to wait to register, but this is a true treasure trove.
SDL2 is free u pleb
Learn how to code, its gunna be hard. But thats what you have to do.
Don't talk in third person you nonce and read what you wrote in the OP.
>tfw op has to break up fight betweem two retards
both of you stfu already god damn
if you can't use google to find tools then you're a retard and you shouldn't be trying to make games
Not adding to anything, thus originally stfu, faglet
I am merely offering helpful, practical advice. you are the one who is not contributing.
Not really desu, just insulting people for no reason just like the rest of you autist fags
puzzlescript and stencyl are the only tools i've used for making games. unity would probably not be hard to learn how to use seeing that you've used gamemaker (assuming you didn't only use the drag and drop features and know enough to be able to learn how to use new APIs)
ok then: if someone can't use google to solve their own problems (like what tool to use, which depends on what kind of thing they are trying to do) then they probably are not the sort of person who would be interested in programming beyond an absolute beginner level. that's not an insult, it's just how it is.
am OP, ive never used gamemaker, but ive sseen alot of good shit made from it, including undertale
i just couldnt find anything good on google that isnt pricey
what do you mean by "good"? if you mean "easy to use for someone who's never done any programming before," stencyl is free and suitable for 2d games. really though, there's no shortcut to learning how to program if you want to make games on your own. You should maybe learn basics with c++ or something before starting to try to make games. You could also use game engines themselves to learn programming, but you would have to lower your expectations a lot and try to do very small things because trying to make something big before knowing the basics would just lead to frustration.
Unity is probably best choice in your case, and it's gonna make you use actual programming language not le gml.
You should pick up C# in the nutshell aswell
You should be able to find pdf by googling "C# in the nutshell 6th edition github"