Tfw 21 years old khv

Tfw 21 years old khv
Tfw asked to work as a male model multiple times
Why women always avoid me then?

Attached: 86F62476-9F1E-45E4-B33A-1F31A2D8E51C.jpg (431x498, 45K)

Because they're entitled cunts and believe people that look as good as you should come crawling to them.

I will try to do that the next time

Og content

Attached: A7005174-79EE-4E8C-AC0D-B616E5605220.jpg (640x480, 46K)

>attractive people
>having problems
Big lol

But i never even hugged a girl user

Male models aren't picked because they are attractive to girls.

No doubt because of your own cowardice

Stop LARPing and GTFO of my board before I get bang bang poster in here to set you straight into the grave

Explain further?

Og content

I am not a coward

Original origano

Post a picture of yourself or this is fake.
If you do that, I could perhaps give advice or input.

It means that gay boys would love you

male models are gay, so you look and probably are gay. have you tried sex with men?

Yeah but I'm bi

that explains all
Too bad i am straight

Male models are meant to make things to wear look good for males. Why would anyone want a male model who is attractive to girls when his job is to advertise male clothing and apparel?

Finally a good answer from someone who is not secretly gay

Seriouslly i wrote a post about my problems attracting women and everybody called me wtf

I'm not saying you're gay. I'm saying that you are the type of guy to attract gays. Anyway you dont get women because you dont act alpha

>a-actually i'm secretly good looking!!!!!!

A recent study showed that women value personality more than anything else.