Any robots are/have read(ing) this...

Any robots are/have read(ing) this? I'm on the 6th book but have 0 people to talk about it with 'cause every retarded normie just knows about fucking Harry Potter and GoT.

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If I remember correctly I dropped it at book 1 after I realized how generic it was. I only really read Fantasy from Joe Abelcrombe these days although that hack hasn't put out a book in 4 years

I haven't read any Malazan books, so I'm not saying you're wrong, but how on Earth is Abercrombie not generic?

> generic
Yikes, you think so. I know, Gardens of the Moon is a bit hard to get into. But, by no means, is it generic. It's all but generic, actually.

Yeah I've finished it, it was kino. Karsa was my favorite character


I'm trying to get my online friends into it but ya know how it is..."no time".

I really loved Itkovian, Duiker and Coltaine. Ohh, and Bugg (having finished Midnight Tides last week).

Karsa underwent a nice character development. I am excited to see more of him.

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all of those characters were cool

Hoc, midnight tides, deadhouse, moi, repears gale, return of the crippled god, dust of dreams, gardens, TTH,

this is how I ordered best to worse

Yea its great. It kinda drags in a couple of the later books tho. The peak is the third book. The prequel by Steven is mediocre and ruins a couple of great characters and the stuff by his buddy is kinda trash.

ps tool is my husbando

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Tool is qt, shame you didn't like the prequel stuff as much. I'm still gonna read them.

Yeah, so far Memories of Ice is my number 1, then DH, HOC, MT, GOTM

tools character development in the later books was good

also did anyone else feel like Dassem was a huge tryhard/chunni character, he's still cool but there's just something about him that makes him seem like such an edgelord/mary sue, a god level character who has no real powers but being skilled with a blade

I never said he was but I do enjoy his formula, even though he uses it in all of his series
>band of heroes starts the "hero's journey"
>eventually succeed but in so doing they realize that their actions that they took to defeat the villain are only acceptable because they won and basically moral absolutism is fucking stupid

Im glad you brought this up OP, I bought gardens of the moon months ago and Im 200 chapters in and Im not going to lie it was a bit hard to read but im really enjoying it and now I will pick it back up today.

I wish I had someone to talk about it with as well cause it might help me understand it better if im talking to someone

Also the fantasy/sci-fi general on lit is pretty good, found pretty much all of the series ive read in the last two years from there

200 pages or chapters?

it becomes much more easy to understart once you reach darujhistan around page 200 or so

also I can answer any questions if you want

eyy, mate...if you want, you can add me on discord ((AshCrow#7270))
I've had a hard time getting where I currently am by myself since, each time I was trying to look something up, I was hit by spoilers...

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dont look up anything about the books because spoilers will hit you hard. keep it to the Malazan Empire Forums because they try to sanatize each books subforum to not be spoilery

Sorry 200 pages in, so far some God attacked a city and made it hell on Earth, one of the mages made some kinda gambit to avoid dying, and im assuming who is the mc joined some magic hunting group

How does this compare to Brandon Sanderson's works? The Stormlight archive is fantastic and I'm looking for more fantasy novels to fill my downtime with.

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the entire concept of the t'lan imass is fucking terrifying

Anyone here read Hyperion? im on the last book and a little mad
Stormlight seems like its made to be a TV show or an anime or something, then again so could malazan. But Malazan is grittier and it has a writing style that doesn't sound like a comicbook. i don't know why i'm bashing stormlight, i like em both.
>How does this compare to Brandon Sanderson's works?
It's better

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I havent read it but there is some great fucking music based on this shit


I think you'd better leave that idea at the door.

to me the stormlight archive is more consistently good, but the highs of malazan (memories of ice, midnight tides) are much higher

I got to toll the hounds and then had to stop reading as I had a bunch of shit going on in my life, I also stopped taking the bus to work every day at the same time, so I have less time to read now.
I've read everything up to that so far including Night of Knives and Return of the Crimson guard. I really want to read more, but I do not have the time to invest these days sadly.

I think my favourite think about the books is the pure scope, the age of the world, and how different the various races and cultures feel. Erickson is an anthropologist, and it really shows in his work.