November 2018

>November 2018
Turning 28 next year fuck noooo make it stop

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>turning 34 in a month
try me

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AHHHHHHHHH!!!! Please make it stop!!!

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God what is it like what age is ur biggest ageing year

>just turned 31
>still virgin

what the fuck are you talking?
my biggest ageing year?
I guess I'm not looking forward to 40?

I think he meant what is it like to be 34 year old. I, myself am a 32 year old virgin wageslave boomer.

What were your 20s like? I am 19 years old and, can't imagine what my 20s will be. Also, why are you still a virgin?

>What were your 20s like?

Pretty shit. I missed out all the normalfag fun. Just typical 20s I had. Went to College, got a degree, then job, moved out, played vidya and watched anime all day. Still do though. Too be honest I don't regret much. Here's a tip. Make the most of your 20s while you still can. I know being in 30s isn't old but, 20s is where the fun is at.

>turning 29 next year
The fact that I still get asked if I'm old enough to drink only lightly softens the blow.

Sucks to be you. How's the boomer life?

Meh. Pretty fine. Wake up. Go to job. Come back home. Eat. Shit. Vidya. Sleep. The cycle repeats.

>29 in 4 months
I just want to look young again...
Still a skelly wearing the same shit like jeans, and tshirts but looking in the mirror the other day I noticed it just looks fucking terrible when you've aged.
My skin is noticabely not as smooth, I have a receding hairline, you can't really get away with being a middle age skelly cause you can't pull off the boyish look anymore where it looks good. I'm too lazy to lift though, and too poor for a new wardrobe.

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hey look on the brightside, one year closer to death XD

Stop doing drugs and eating junk food faggot. Start eating healthy and get Jow Forums

oh, right
it's just more tiring than previous years but more work, I suppose.
can't stay up as late as I used to, fuck around as I used to, etc.
not by much, but it's noticeable.

I don't do drugs, it's just natural.
A middle age man, isn't going to look like he did in his teens/early 20s.

Its heavily depends on how good your genes are. My dad looks as young as he was in his 20s. He's fucking 58.

>My dad looks as young as he was in his 20s. He's fucking 58.
Bull fucking shit

>tfw 35 year old boomer

fucking zoomers man. I wanna go back to 90s

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Nope he does except for a few wrinkles and shit.

Probably east Asian. They look young as fuck even old t.b.h

This. Whites, blacks age like shit whereas asians age like fine wine.

Glad to see fellow 30+ year-old robots.
For me, turning 26 was the point of no return in terms of realizing that time was moving way to fast.
I still remember being 22 and reading about robots turning 30 and saying that some day I would be in their shoes. I guess it did happen in the blink of an eye.

Sure thing, like I said bullshit

>tfw I remember those good times of being young on Jow Forums
>laughing at oldfags and their shitty lives in threads on /b/
>"lmao you still post on Jow Forums, neck yourself grandpa" "get a job bum"
Look at me now...

>Whites, blacks age like shit whereas asians age like fine wine
I'm not sure about blacks. I've seen some 60 something in the operating room and their skin is almost free of wrinkles. Must be their oily skin that keeps them like that.
Asians definitely age well, and I think diet also plays an important role.

>tfw don't have keanu reeves genes

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I cant fucking believe this man is 54 years old and fit as fuck. Must be immortal or some shit.

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I turn 21 in January and it feels like I just turned 20 yesterday.

I think that's just the asian genes, at one point it's gonna hit him like bricks and he'll be instantly old

Superior Asian genes bruh

robots, you have two wishes one is eternal youth and the other all the money in the world, which one would you pick?