Who here /proud parent/?

Who here /proud parent/?
Recently adopted a girl and I couldn't be happier as a mother~

Attached: tumblr_inline_nxn0dr1FP11qikjvt_540.png (540x672, 177K)

Yes! I love my cute daughter Ebrietas! Pic related is my cute daughter Ebrietas!

Attached: Ebrietas.jpg (550x544, 66K)

You're not a mother you cuck.

I don't care if this is fake or not thank you for saving us from the revenge porn on here, im serious

Frankly I don't care if you believe me. I just want to help people who need a mother to talk to~

Legit parent saving us from the morbidity of this place thank you

Well tell this gay mom what's on your mind hun~ a place free from hate and sadness

How do you feel about this website?

Adopt me as your bf

I feel that it's a shit heap that does more harm than good, it breaks my heart reading these sad stories of people with awful upbringings. And as much as I'm a supporter of anonymity and privacy I hate that nazis have made it their home base.
Sorry sweetie, already married to a woman I love very much~

Very wise words mama
Do you have any advice for an 18 year old with no purpose or drive in life?

Honestly? That's okay right now. I was the same, depression was kicking my ass when I was your age. It's okay to slack sometimes but you still need to stand up. Think about what you like to do, what you'd like to do, don't be afraid to say yes to things.

Do you have any tips about helping with anxiety?
How are you gonna raise your child? Are you gonna try and be a friend to them?

i cant believe shes already 18

Frankly I would say don't be afraid to talk to someone about it. I wish I could have convinced teen me that therapy wasn't giving up, that it's okay to be on medication. Just understand that no matter what you're in control of your own body and thoughts even if it feels impossible. I still have suicidal thoughts and panic attacks at 28 but I know I can get through them. And I plan on being the most understanding person I can be, she's 14 and transitioning right now so anything I can do to give her confidence.

I know you from a thread 2 nights ago
I hop you and your tranny daughter die in th next school shooting

Hey I remember you too! Still in Canada dude, still not going to happen.

Terrorist attacks happen everywhere, Let's hope Canada is next

No they don't. You're confused again.

>dykes have a better chance of adopting rather than single men

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You're right, there's a double standard for women in the justice system. That being said we have a safe home, steady income, and love to give. Not to say that you don't either.

Wait.. Are there people trying to start drama with you and you're literally a mother? This is morbid

Thanksgiving with my daughters, good times.

No skin off my back, I've dealt with way worse

Top quality answer. Boy, I wish there were more like you out there.

There are, you just haven't had the chance to speak to them. It's not like every feminist is anti-man, believe it or not they're fighting for you too.