Americans are thankful to a magical invisible sky wizard for allowing them to genocide hundreds of millions of natives

>Americans are thankful to a magical invisible sky wizard for allowing them to genocide hundreds of millions of natives
I hate this country and holiday.

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>not being grateful your past relatives had the strength and ability to genocide shitskins through disease and create a superpower in the world
not even american but you're a fucking onions latte drinking ball-less fuck stain

>but dey were savaches
It never fails to make me laugh how stupid people are

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Same here. I hate Thanksgiving because it's just a glorified family dinner. I also hate America.

Wouldn't you kill people for food and supplies?

They were noble savages

I hate it here too user. Just like any other country we're fucked and corrupted.
We're all just worthless.
This holiday is fine though, free tickets to see shit and shit is cheaper.
God I hate myself and this country.

ya seethe lil guy??

i bet you're just a ton of fun to hang out with

What was the number again? In school growing up I heard it was 15 million dead prairie niggers. That was middle school. In high school it became 30 million. In college I heard 50 million. Now I'm seeing memes say 100 million

shut the fuck up fuck you city people and fuck savages

There were like 2 million of them gtfo

It wouldn't be that bad if the same people defending colonialism and the history of it weren't also the same spergs freaking out about an illegal mexican getting a job as a gardener or a family seeking asylum from american bombs. They're genuinely the worst human beings alive, aren't they? How the fuck do american libs live among these people without just jamming a pair of scissors into their eye socket?

>If Grug no see, Grug no believe. Grug smarter than dumb sky god tribe. Now Grug go jerk sex rod to cave painting girls. *tips leaf hat*


Yeah I mean it's not like people learned anything from having no borders or anything nah yeah let's just turn history into a giant NO U circle because thats how it works in your Harry Potter novels right thats justice yaaaaaaasss queen slayyyyyy your pioneer ancestors made a country out of nothing but it doesnt count because they inadvertently killed a lot of the population through disease so that justifies handing every accomplishment over to 60 iq invaders from a completely different culture yep yep yesirree thats just history man gotta deal with it haha

>actually defending your level of subhumanity
>having no capacity for shame or basic human decency

yes, people like you need to be removed from society. I'm not saying killed, just forced out by any means.

There's no physical nor metaphysical evidence for gods existence, and even if there were, there's no way you can prove there is only one god, or that god is a Christian god, or that god rewards blind faith over honest reasoning

>Colonialism and illegal immigration are even close to the same thing.
EBIN false equivalency. Baka.

No colonialism is worse

Imagine getting blasted this hard by a bit of shitposting
You seem pretty insecure in your atheism m8

Obviously colonialism is significantly worse you retard it's more about the principle and the fact these people genuinely have no humanity in them. And the fact they're totally opposed to being in a civil society when you think about it, even if you're a legal resident why the fuck would you want them around.

Oh jeez you're so tolerant and peaceful truly diversity is our greatest strength yeah people definitely need to be thought policed for these absolutely dangerous beliefs of preserving their cultures and protecting their borders but its okay because theyre evil WHITE colonizers that STOLE EVERYTHING from the 150iq spacefaring indians who by the way were totally peaceful and never had any wars amongst themselves or anything or tried to conquer others lands, no conquest is white privilege and if you disagree the gestapo should be there shorty to make sure your dangerous views never spread

>colonialism is worse
Wrong. And even if it were it doesnt mean we have to accept the importation of Third World hordes to our doorstep

Yup and fuck them too lol

>act stupid
>get made fun of
>continue acting stupid in a similar pattern
>someone btfo's you
>act like you were only pretending

Jow Forumstards are the lowest of humanity. it's like even you know deep down how braindead you are but you wanna keep it up just because everyone hates you regardless

>colonialism is worse because I say so
Ok retard

And how's it wrong? Killing a load of people for their resources and land sure is great for them and what's wrong with third world hordes doing it to someone else if it ain't that bad?

>>act like you were only pretending
It was a pretty obvious shitpost, how new are you exactly? Why are leftards so fucking humorless?

get back to Jow Forums you braindead kiddie you're not even attempting to make a point you're just sperging out every which way

fucking thin skinned soulless buffoon

>right or wrong
This has nothing to do with your slave morality. Might makes right, and preserving ones own nation and identity is right.

because you hide everything behind shitposting and acting like a fucking ape. it's all conservashits ever do. everyone can see through it, everyone can see how ideological it is so why are you such a fucking child you have to have your shitty beliefs contained behind a thin layer of irony just to avoid someone taking a dump on your stupid head? like it's not happen regardless?

>you're not even attempting to make a point
>says the person whose entire point is COLONIES BAD

Oh JEEEZ that evil COLONIALISM where those EVIL WHITE MEN came and stole all the wealth from the poor Indians who just wanted to coexist and had no other intentions, they didnt even have guns they had spears and bows and arrows its not even fair!! how did those heartless white men go in there and build an entire civilization and introduce medicine and railroads to these poor innocent brown people who would never hurt a fly, must be that white privilege again, we gotta correct this right away by removing all the borders and making sure every brown person is paid for by those evil whites for the rest of their lives, its the only way to right the evil injustice the whites did when they stole the natives land

Jesus. Are you ok? Did your family die in the Inquisition?

>win a battle and make a much better country
lol. i'm thankful i'm not as retarded as angry OP

testosterone levels are so low in this thread you could pluck out posts and genetically engineer a female

case in point:

oregano nostramo

Welp get used to it no one gives a fuck about your own nation or identity just like white dudes long ago didn't care about others. Get ready lad the immigrant hordes are gonna reproduce and take over and boy will it be fun to watch.

shut the fuck up you inbred lump of disfigured flesh

Nice argument
Oh wait
Its not an argument

South American countries would be a lot better off today if they'd killed the natives instead of fucking them.

Fuck yeah. I used to get genuinely upset at lefties cuz they were always celebrating white people becoming a minority but now I get it.

He is a buttblasted tranny from lefty discord

See if you can spot him in this screenshot

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So youve pretty much conceded your point and accepted my view of things. Good.

>It never fails to make me laugh how stupid people are
you forget that Americans aren't people

Nobody conceded anything because there was never an argument in the first place. It's obvious you're not bound by human morals or basic decency so arguing with you is like arguing with tick or something. That's why I never even bothered in the first place, it's not like I don't have experience dealing with subhumans.

Great isn't it. White people shall soon be a minority due to getting raped by middle easterns who claim they're under 18. The world goes round.
>Fuck yeah. I used to get genuinely upset at lefties cuz they were always celebrating white people becoming a minority
No your just a faggot who gets upset over race and politics on the internet, get a fucking life you loser.

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>there was never an argument in the first place
Which is your fault. You never actually made a point beyond hurr durr colonialism bad bcuz I say so
>It's obvious you're not bound by human morals or basic decency so arguing with you is like arguing with tick or something. That's why I never even bothered in the first place, it's not like I don't have experience dealing with subhumans.
Even more non-argument

>No your just a faggot who gets upset over race and politics on the internet, get a fucking life you loser.
You're on Jow Forums on thankgiving you sperg and trying to reason with Jow Forumstards and me. Don't act like you're any fucking better. I'm the only decent person in this thread. Everyone else deserves to be here except me.

americans aren't white. still going to be the greatest country on earth forever

your dna will make the perfect roastie
i shall store it immediately

>just keeps repeating the same things over and over

why do you do that shit? why do you keep responding just to say the same thing? why do you mongoloids always keep responding forever even when you have literally nothing left to say?

>when you have literally nothing left to say?
Dont fucking turn this around on me, you started this whole pointless charade despite literally never making a substantive point of any kind. Keep replying if you want.

I made a very vaild point that either completely went over your head or you just ignored it completely. Go back and read my original post and the subsequent posts. It wasn't about colonialism vs illegal immigration or whatever, it was about why people like you are even allowed to be in a civil society in the first place.

When you got on top of your ass cutting your scalp off while they scream their version of Allah Auk Bar. Let me know what you think of the "wonderful" natives.

without that "genocide" there would be no reparations, reservations, OR indian casinos so OP is pretty much a fag like always

The only bad thing about whites coming to this continet is that they brought niggers here.
Thats literally the only bad thing they did.
Why did the superior amerindian have to be replaced by the inferior broad nosed big lipped congoid subhuman?

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>colonialism wasnt all bad


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>it was about why people like you are even allowed to be in a civil society in the first place.
These people shouldnt be allowed to live in society because colonialism bad because I say so. Stellar fucking point chief

Your point wasn't valid at all. It was a tantrum from a child.

And you have no say over who belongs in what society, because you have no power to change anything. You're doomed to whine impotently at greater men like the estrogen-filled mess you are.

>this coming from the same inbred fat logs of shit with daily power fantasies and authoritarian desires

the fact is people like me constitute the majority and it becomes and more evident every day that dogshit like you is nothing but dead weight

>power fantasy

I'm not the one saying people should be pushed out of society for wrongthink. You people project like its going out of style. And people like you don't constitute a majority anywhere except the loony bin, mate.

>>this coming from the same inbred fat logs of shit with daily power fantasies and authoritarian desires
>resorting to uncreative ad-homs every time someone points out that you dont have an argument

Colonialism was objectively a good thing.

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You're a defective retard and you parents didn't spank you enough.

There's the door faggot

why aren't with your families you reactionary speds? because they hate your boomer guts?

Imagine being that pasty balding bugman at the dinner table with his piercings and skinny jeans and glasses who brings up genocide of innocent indians as people around him roll their eyes and try to eat their meal

I could ask you the same. At least Im not getting ridiculed by every poster in the thread that I made lel

You are posting here too

I'm not OP you turd.

I'm not shitmerican

>I'm not OP

Imagine being the nasty ass morbidly obese socially awkward glob who starts talking about white genocide after 2 beers and everyone starts laughing at him.

I'm going to my senpaitachi house in a few minutes guy. In the meantime, I'm going to continue triggering your commie zoomer ass to the moon.

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Youre damn right I am. Fuck the red man.

Imagine not having a family to celebrate Thanksgiving with because they disowned you for being too unique

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>y-y-you're feminine! take that!

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Based pic cringe and bluepilled as fuck post

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That was not the joke friend

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It's just a coincidence that on thanksgiving the Jow Forums board for loser spergs gets flooded not with robots but with embarrassed Jow Forumsshits who don't wanna be seen posting on Jow Forums

Just admit you're the fucking dregs of society. Just admits absolutely everyone hates you and bullies you even the trannies you so detest.

It's adorable seeing all these young people adopting conservative memes to feel like manly and rebellious underdogs, fighting against the big bad globalist lefties for calling them nazis and "censoring" them from youtube.

>hundreds of millions
couple hundred thousand at best, and half of them actually deserved it

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Fucking these. All these of "people" should be rounded up and gassed to death in a concentration camp. You dont deserve to live if you're supporting a literal genocide.

>low t central

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Bruh my gf is finishing the turkey upstairs and her sister and kids came over chill out

Yes. Its worse to literally violently massacre people to death than to simply move to a country to get a job


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That's your own guy retard, he's not supporting pol. Guess reading comprehension isn't your strong suit. Nor is creating a viable system of gevernance for that matter.

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>mfw a literal clown abomination of nature larps as a bully near me

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>magical invisible sky wizard
God sounds pretty cool when you describe Him that way.

Samefag's getting desperate huh

He's calling in backup from the comrades

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that's why we came here in the first place, for resources and jobs. And we didn't kill them all 90% of them died from diseases.

>everyone who hates me is the same person

motherfucker the majority of people hate your guts

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>No screencap
Yep samefag confirmed

>White people lol
>its wrong that you're supporting genocide
>KEK lmfao lol the left cant meme haha it was just a prank bro lmao u mad bro xd u just got trolled epic style xd kek epic lol xd

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