Height means nothing

>6'7 (207cm)
>Strong jaw
>Wide shoulders, big torso
>23 years old
>Friendless kissless handheldless eyecontactless girlfriendless virgin

Attached: 1514838785326.jpg (750x790, 103K)

from a dating-site perspective height is very important

god i wish that was me.

Gay KHEV Jow Forumsizen vs Fish eyes & non-existent hairline

Good you have 17 years to go to be me.

>Fish eyes & non-existent hairline
Holy shit that scared me. Have you seen my pictures or are you referring to the OP image?

what the fuck does E in khev mean?

Being that you are gay I might as well ask you, do you like traps?

Are you the same height?

you are ugly but also a sex predator

girls are too pussy for him. Only select men are worth destroying.

I get told so often but literally am not. My face is much more attractive than most men with partners I find

maybe you're right but you sound delusional

>Fish eyes & non-existent hairline
Pls help, how can I become gayfit or cutetrap if I suffer from the fish eyes?

now thats what i call arousing

Attached: DKnoEiOVAAEebIC.jpg (520x673, 169K)

i have to ask, is that article real

I hope that article is real. Also that looks like a nice cigar.

Apparently not nigga lmaoooo

im 6ft 6in, 19, 200lbs and same

its funny to me because I know for an absolute fact anons who are insecure about their height are wrong about the reason they're incels

Roughly. I haven't measured in a long time.
I measure my dick constantly. Go figure.

Besides Jewish influence on society, why do you think you are a virgin while being so tall?

Do you have disproportionately long limbs?

Is your face particularly ugly?

Do you have any extreme physical deformities?

Any diagnosed mental illnesses?

>losing on tutorial mode
Only lankies do this. Pathetic. All that wasted potential.

Read the OP idiot I am not a lanklet. I am wide, big boned and with a large torso. Also pretty decently large muscle mass.

lmfao had to complete over 20 captchas to post this

>incels being wrong about something
Must be a day ending in y

19 y old
12+ girls in my bed

Attached: IMG_20181118_222534_636.jpg (1080x985, 253K)

He said he's 6'7" not 5'7" you fucking retard. He's not living in tutorial mode.

>smashed through the back door of Harry "The Wolfman" Harrington's home in Florida
>smashed through the back door

Fucking amazing.

Sounds like you're just a big, fat dude. Being fat and tall is still unattractive. How handsome are you?

What the fuck does it fucking matter if I am not a perfect 10/10 model for fuck's sakes? The point is I cannot get ANY woman whatsofucking ever.
You don't fucking need to be perfect to get a woman.


Do you fuck them while they're in your bed user, or do you talk about uni gossip with them?

You're literally just making excuses for yourself though, man. If you're too heavy, lose weight. There are women that will literally date you just because of your giant height

There are not, you fucking idiot. I've tried and tried and get rejected all times. I am not fat you dumbfuck, I am within the normal weight for my height. 111kg. I have been very skinny before, made no difference.

Women and girls not only reject me but they openly mock me, taking photos of me with their iphones in public trains, in restaurants, taunt me, say "sorry you're not my type" when I literally don't even think they are attractive and want nothing to do with them and never hinted at anything.
They try to belittle and emasculate me by pretending to feel sorry for me, treating me like a weak bitch.