How are you morally?

How are you morally?

>Are you honest to yourself and others? if so to what extent? do you never lie to make a situation easier.
>Do you wanna help others? Only if you get asked to? or without being told to?
>Will you use others for your own benefits?
>Do you believe in revenge? have you ever done the act of revenge?
>Do you prioritize yourself or others higher than the rest?
>Are you hypocritical?
>Are most of your action in the intent of being helpfull? evil? good? neutral?
>Are you angry and hatefull?
>Do you judge people before knowing them?

If you wanna add more then do that.

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Genuinely no
I exist outside the mortal coil
Nice race bait question, enjoy your shit racism thread

I consider myself great morally, I don't talk to people because I dislike people as a whole. By that I mean I'm not a hypocrit who will believe one person and disapprove another

I guess you could say I'm oppertunistic.
I'll gladly help out someone when they need it/im not an ass to others, but if i can get away with doing something ""bad"" for personal gain i will

It wasnt the meaning it should become racist, i was just curious, believe me or not that is your own choice.

You're the biggest sperg on this site, bar none. I'm actually laughing at how you think you're some hyper-intelligent, edgy anime character. Enjoy smelling your own farts, shitcake.

I'm an avoidant coward that does the least possible to slip by through the day. Don't put myself in the situation, no problems to be made, no mistakes to be had.

>He got 1337 digits
Nice throwback.

I'd say I'm amoral. I don't want to be messed up in other peoples' affairs as a result of my self-centeredness. I do put myself above others because of the simple fact that I'm stuck with myself and whatever happens to me. If the case were different, I probably wouldn't be. I go out of my way to not offend people, generally, but I'm extremely retaliatory. Like, too much for my own good, and I'm given to feeling guilt more than others seem to be, sometimes when I haven't really even done anything.

My head is constantly full of negative thoughts, but I censor them and I hate them. They're sort of involuntary. My head is also occasionally filled with (what I think are) more "pure" feelings but they're usually generalized and not targeted towards anyone specific, but on rare occasions I'll feel very deeply for specific people when I'm thinking about them. Not often, though. Usually I distance them, emotionally.

I also don't believe that conventional, extroverted morality is 100%. It always seems to de-emphasize freedom, and emphasize obligation, and I don't think that moral action and freedom are mutually exclusive.

There are still vampires among us that have been around since then. Bretty neat, eh?

not going to fill out a questionnaire because you are bad and gay but not much
not much friend

>Not embracing lawful good morality and all the difficulties and nuances

>>Are you honest to yourself and others? if so to what extent? do you never lie to make a situation easier.
Yes Im honest but I'll stretch the truth to make up for how uninteresting I am sometimes. Other times I'll throw a lie just to stop stressing over something I don't understand
>Do you wanna help others? Only if you get asked to? or without being told to?
I'll help others as long as there isn't a chance of me getting hurt, but for the most part I don't go out and help people in need because it makes me uncomfortable
>Will you use others for your own benefits?
I do but it does bother me a litte . Sometimes you just have to step over someone. I try to do it in the most gentle form possible.
>Do you believe in revenge? have you ever done the act of revenge?
Yes there should be consequences for acting like an animal
>Are you hypocritical?
Yes. I try my best to not be
>Are most of your action in the intent of being helpfull? evil? good? neutral?
Neutral. I only help people because I would expect that from them and I don't want to feel ostracized for not helping.
>Are you angry and hatefull?
Yes very, but that's because I believe most people are flawed. I wish they wouldn't be
>Do you judge people before knowing them?
Very much. We are all cut out of the same paper. Individualism is a meme. Free will is a meme

I feel like I'm mostly doing things out of selfishness even if they appear selfless at surface level. Got a lot of trouble feeling any sort of motive or desire, or care for other human beans. Wish it wouldn't because I sort of want those good comfy relationships, and I sort of just don't do that. Then I see people who are behaving inappropriately/wrong doing better and it makes me question my choices. I always feel uncomfortable when I do "nice things" or "bad things". Even if I do desire human interaction the people who I have met have been really boring and uninteresting like myself. Maybe I'm just an NPC who knows.

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Well, I've been a shut-in since 2006, meaning I haven't left my house unless I need something, meaning I have no friends or interact with people unless I have to.

Nice dubs too

I'm honest with a select few who I know won't care. With others I'll be dishonest to the point of gaslighting myself sometimes.
I only help a handful of people willingly, sometimes out of necessity.
Sure, if I don't respect them or want them around anymore.
Never acted out revenge. I get a very intense anger right after something happens and then it's gone again.
I'm the most important person in my life. After that my family.
I can be.
No intent to my actions. Just doing what I want to do really.
No. Those around me say I'm very kind, forgiving and compassionate.
Yes, but first impressions are often right.

>Are you honest to yourself and others? If so to what extent? Do you never lie to make a situation easier.
"No, I don't mind covering your shift", "I was going up that way anyway, I'd love to meet you there", "I have work off on that day, if you wouldn't mind me joining in for that trip" etc. That's the sort of liar I am. I'm not great or terrible.

>Do you wanna help others? Only if you get asked to? or without being told to?
I throw parties and organize events for my friends. Help them get jobs through recommendations and career advice/help. Cover shifts for coworkers like I said above. I like to bake things for people I like, too. I mostly do it so that I maintain a positive reputation with people; I recognize that friends are allies that can get me out of jams when I'm in need. I don't have any family, so they're all I have. I need to be good to them to maintain that.

>Will you use others for your own benefits?
Only when absolutely necessary. I'm independent and introverted otherwise. I work very hard to make sure that my requests for help are minimal and rare. I see requests are withdrawals from a social bank account, and I try not to do it very often, or else I'll go into the red.

>Do you believe in revenge? have you ever done the act of revenge?
Yes, but I don't orchestrate anything, I just stop going out of my way to help them. Assholes are often their own undoing.

>Do you prioritize yourself or others higher than the rest?
No. As long as my survival needs are met and I feel financially secure, I will work towards strengthening my bonds with others, because they're my insurance policy.

>Are you hypocritical?
I think my mindset is consistent.

>Are most of your action in the intent of being helpfull? evil? good? neutral?

>Are you angry and hatefull?
Yes. I'm resentful of how much I've had to struggle in life to survive.

>Do you judge people before knowing them?
I would like to claim I don't, but I'm sure I do, to some extent.

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>>Are you honest to yourself and others? if so to what extent? do you never lie to make a situation easier.
To myself yes, to others 95% of the time, that other 5% is to make situations easier, but sometimes I've put my foot in shit by telling the truth.
>>Do you wanna help others? Only if you get asked to? or without being told to?
I want to help others and do, but at the end of the day I'm just an autist so I can't bring myself to sometimes because of second guessing myself.
>>Will you use others for your own benefits?
I could never bring myself to do that.
>>Do you believe in revenge? have you ever done the act of revenge?
I think revenge would be satisfying, but again I just can't bring myself to do it, I would rather just cut the person out of my life completely if I can.
>>Do you prioritize yourself or others higher than the rest?
I tend to prioritise others over myself, part because I like to help people and part because I'm generally content with whatever.
>>Are you hypocritical?
I don't think so.
>>Are most of your action in the intent of being helpfull? evil? good? neutral?
I think I'm lawful neutral.
>>Are you angry and hatefull?
No, the opposite.
>>Do you judge people before knowing them?
Somewhat yeah, can't help it really, but I don't treat anyone different as far as I know.

I just want to live a good and decent life even if it's dull, one where people have it in them to help out others instead of doing the usual ruthless normalfag routine.

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I often lie without even realizing it. I dont even know why. I also like to befriend important people and disregard losers. I have no problem setting myself before anyone else and will rarely do something out of pure goodness. I am a huge hypocrite advancing morality and justice, but really, I just want power, money and loads of drugs and freedom. I am extremely angry and I hate literally 99% of people I know.

oh okay asshole ororirori

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I suppose so, yeah.
No, but that's not to say i wouldn't.
I never really carried it out when I was younger, but i think I would now.
Look out for family and close friends, then look out for no. 1
im a liar, not a hypocrite
good and evil are hard to define, i normally dont act unless i feel i want to
>angry and hateful
im just very bitter dude, though ive been getting better. Just some bad memories and promises.
yeah, and im normally right but everyone tells me not to do it

I wish i was more bright-eyed and bushy-tailed but being an ugly skinny twat was basically just a downward spiral when i was a kid