I am legally considered insane AMA

I am legally considered insane AMA

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Why are you insane user

holy shit no one cares faggot

that's cool, so is everyone else.

I'm a run up and put that gun on em
I'm a run up and go dumb on em
Niggas got me on that young shit
Niggas got me on that dumb shit

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Why are you a homosexual and would you ever get topped by a shemale?

hereditary. goes all the way back to the 14th century apparently with my family.

nice double dubs

That's pretty edgy. The state must have been truly horrified of your act to consider you 2 edgy 2 work.

XD dude I did LSD 10 times literally insane

Do you plan on transitioning? How big or little is your dickmeat remember anything under 6.5x6 is considered a feminine penis (boiclit)

What does "insane" mean to you, OP? I have DID myself

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How does this picture make you feel OP? adfasdf

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>legally insane people can get laid but I can't
Fuck this world, man.
Every girl in your line better have been raped or I'm pissed.

I had to be put in an asylum for 4 years before I was allowed to even have access to an electronic device

I'm not a homosexual. Come to think of it, I don't think i'm a 'sexual' of any kind. My minds occupied with other shit to really care anymore

I have schizophrenia and BPD. not being edgy here, I was diagnosed by a psychiatrist and did something the government didn't like. spent a few years in an asylum and was let out. I'm on house arrest for an indefinite amount of time.

How do you know if you are the one who is insane, or the law?

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what did you do, and dont say you cant talk about it because that's bullshit and you're just too lazy to write a convincing story

I'm sorry to hear that user. How does it feel like
being retarded?

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pretty sure its me. at least thats what i've been told.

I burned down a house while i was in a psychosis and ended up killing 3 people. court ruled that I wasn't fit for prison since my lawyer had papers to back up a diagnosis for BPD from when I was 5 years old, sentenced me to a minimum of 2 years in an asylum. ended up spending 4 years after I accidentally broke somebody's jaw by shoving them down a flight of stairs. It was an honest mistake, but the boys didn't like it so I spent another 2 years.

>goes all the way back to the 14th century apparently with my family.

Pls elaborate, where they inbreeding royalty or something ?

You should let a robot pound your boipucci

terrible LARP thread, all of you, just terrible

It sounds to me like you are gay and have not come out yet, try Grindr and give sucking dick a chance

there was a little cousin mismatching a few hundred years ago, but it was a relatively normal amount. if it helps, my dad didn't have it, but my grandfather had it. his grandfather had it and so on. 'it' also occurs only in male members of my family. there are a few theories in my family as to the cause of the mental illness, my aunt says that an ancestor of mine commited a crime that we're still paying for (obvious hocus pocus shit)
my dad says that it's just a mutation that occured and happened to stick around, since it's only reserved to schizophrenia, though rarely bpd. last person in my family to have bpd lived 90 years ago.

do you believe in the "paranormal", OP?

This is me but seriously

You'd have to go through numerous phych evaluations to be deemed insane a peice of paper from your lawyer wouldnt do shit

What do your days consist of under house arrest? Do you ever wish you were dead?

Not really, since what people consider to be paranormal might just be another hallucination for me. Meds are supposed to stop it tho, and they have so far. So no.
I did. I went through about 6 psychiatric evaluations throughout my childhood. Each doctor said that I had bpd, the last one confirmed me having schizophrenia. also checked
wake up, shower, eat breakfast (usually boiled potato and eggs), take meds, play vibya, read books and study stuff to keep me occupied, eat lunch (family brings me food like shepherds pie), take meds again, play vibneo, read books and study, play more vivneo, eat dinner (chilli i made today) take meds then go to sleep.

>Do you ever wish you were dead?
not really. I live in a really beautiful place and the sublime quiet is really nice

Are you legally considered insane?

Do you ever feel guilty about the people you have killed?


you mean literally me?

meh, whatever. it's fine i guess.

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You ever stick things up your boiholes OP? You remind me of Buffalo Bill off Silence of the Lambs

Have you ever dressed up as a girl and did bug chasing?

How old are you? Do you get depressed?

24 when I get depressed I end up having sex with women (men)

Like traps or just straight up dudes

Pretty much anything I can stick my dick in some times psychosis makes me hyper sexually active, one night I ended up getting fucked by 4 guys and sucked 3 more off

Do you ever fuck men or let them shoot loads in your boipucci?

Have you ever stripped naked and screamed at people while shaking your penis at them violently

What are you diagnosed with? Does sucking dick help you?

>I have schizophrenia and BPD.
Same senpai
Life sucks
Personally I spent 2 years inside

>dude murders 3 people and ends up with a nicer life than mine

well played OP I aint even mad just jealous

Favorite vibya, vibneo, and vivneo?

im with you. This life is a scam

you are only considered insane when being held under a section, once you get released you go back to being classified as mentally ill also fuck off why would anyone give a shit stop using your illness as a personality

End yourself you piece of fucking shit

End your "life" you deranged piece of filth

try being illegally insane, kid

Do you believe in the "It gets better"


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are you crawling in your skin?