Dicklet suicide fuel thread

dicklet suicide fuel thread

give me some reasons to kill myself

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If you wanted to commit suicide you would have already done it. What you want is some attention. Now either go kill yourself or stop whining

Just stop giving a shit about their pleasure.
If you get a girl to go to bed with you, its more likely she will not say a goddamn thing, even if she wants. If she does, idk, then there are others that will not.
You have your pleasure without giving a fuck about her. If you care about her pleasure, follow the 'use your hands' advice + foreplay.

There, don't kill yourself.

I said give me reasons to kms mate
not suicide prevention

But don't kill yourself about this.
I know its fucking humiliating to have a small dick and have a fucking cunt laugh at you or have that subtle disappointing look on her face. Don't let this bring you down, partner.
Its not like women don't find a reason to cheat their partners all the time.

If you are ugly, she cheats you with a handsome guy.
If you are handsome, she cheats you with rich guy.
If you are handsome and rich, she cheats you with a charismatic guy.
If you are handsome,rich, charismatic, she cheats with a guy that has a bigger cock.
If you are handsome,rich,charismatic, have a big dick, she will cheat with a ugly and poor guy because he gave her attention and she got confused.

Women aren't worth anything, fren, doesn't matter what you are and what you try to do, they are never satisfied.

Don't be so hard on yourself. When a roastie pays attention to you and 'likes you', this only means you are a man she thinks she can use.
Don't let them use you. You go ahead and USE THEM with no guilty whatsoever. You deserve the right to enjoy your life in any way you see fit, don't let others take this feeling away from you.

Inspiring user right here. Thanks man.

pathetic cope senpai

Its exactly this
The point of sex is for you to enjoy yourself
The girl gets off on you getting off

Op how big is your DICK?
Im sure itll be fine

Some of the best fucking online wisdom ever to be posted to this Mongolian underwater basket weaving forum

permavirgin here

Is big dick really necessary to give a girl an orgasm? Most women experience clitorial orgasm and clitoris is right outside so you don't need penis at all to stimulate it, right? But there is also the vaginal orgasm which women feel by stimulating the g-spot. Is that right or is it a meme? Because I heard that not all women are capable of experiencing it. And the g-spot is between 5 to 8 cm deep in vagina, so does dick that long is already enough for vaginal orgasm? Or is there so deeper mechanic behind that?

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The success rate for suicide in young years is 1%.
So you have to attempt suicide 100 times to have a success rate of 2/3.

not if you go belly flop off a skyscraper or shotgun to face, overdosing would also work

>shotgun to face
Not everyone lives in murica, my friend.
>belly flop off a skyscraper
All modern drugs are required to have an emetikum.

You can spout the 'just use them' line but really everyone wants to be loved.

You can easily give a girl an orgasm by massaging their clit with your fingers or tongue. To give a girl an orgasm with your penis it's mostly about angle in my experience. Finding your partners favorite is part of the journey.

No big dick isn't necessary, 5'3 ubermanlet with a 5" penile here.

>Not everyone lives in murica, my friend.
you can acquire a shotgun almost anywhere to my knowledge
correct me if i'm wrong but she didn't hit the ground head on, wasn't she still seated?
>All modern drugs are required to have an emetikum.
you got me there.

>treat women like trash
>act horrified and betrayed when they realize you treat them like trash and cheat on you because of it
Here's something to jog your nog this thanksgiving: you can't have it both ways

read this and imagine she's your gf

Attached: reddit micropenis.png (990x432, 45K)

>and I'll show him this thread if it will help

but despite that she feels like nice and caring girl. I wish I could have girlfriend like this.

Dont kill yourself OP dude transition into a girl (trap) and let other sad robots TOP your boipussy so they can lose their virginity if you dont want estrogen just become a super sissy sub who wants to be dominated by virgin robots

Women cheat bc there are no consequences to it in western culture. all laws and societal norms defend women who act as thieving sluts.
niggers get women and can keep them because they know just to beat the shit out of women and rape them when they get uppity.
fuck women. they deserve bbc and violent rapes.

Hey you can always go on Grindr and stick your little cock in some bagina

For any serious guys here, take my advice, don't fall for this toxic stuff, in fact, it's probably better for your health to get off Jow Forums and try to actively change your life and better yourself. Most peple here are so toxic, i'm going to get attacked just watch but you, you reading this who actually is suffering, maybe you have social anxiety, depression, no job, shit's not going right in your life, get off this and actively try to change your life. That's what I'm about to do, no more toxic shit like this.

she must really actually love him if she's willing to look past that


found the thread as well

>it's another sph-induced psyop thread
why don't you people ignore this shit?

Attached: psyops1.jpg (400x400, 24K)

There are no reasons to do that user. Your life is precious brother.

Lmao fuck off you projecting normie

Whoa become a faggot fuck toy twink or transition to a trap you should be letting bulls fuck your dirty boihole

She wants to leave him, but she's too afraid that he will kill himself. She just doesn't want to feel responsible for her boyfriend taking his life, so no she's just like every other bitch she just wants a big dick.