Gf dumps me in October

>gf dumps me in October
>2 years together, just fought a lot
>Been a nervous depressed wreck this whole month
>not a bad looking guy. Just getting old (30) pretty soon in a couple years and I do want to settle down

I think I have the worse life right now. No friends or anyone around me. I'm completely alone.

I've used tinder and hooked/been on a few dates already but it's like bottom of barrel type shit. I feel even more shitty. Like last night, I went to some show with this random girl I met on tinder. I didn't feel any connection whatsoever. I ended up just getting shitfaced. Yeah my date didn't go so well but I simply don't give a fuck anymore. I just don't like going alone to those things. I miss my ex so much. We would go out all the time.

I can't function like this

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Just a numbers game pal, the right one probably doesn't exist so just keep banging your head against the wall until you find someone bearable

>30 pretty soon in a couple years
lmao at those worries. But sorry for losing the gf, shit sucks.
>t.over 40

I'm right there with you user. Girl friend of two years dumped me for a friend. Her last words to me, before she blocked me on everything, were "I'm a model now." Now sometimes when I watch TV I see a commercial in which she's modeling. She was a terrible person and mean and immature but it still feels like shit. Life doesn't get easier, you just get tougher. Hang in there.

and you come here expecting pity?
Thank you, your misery brings me great joy.

>missing your ex

Women are all a bunch of cunts mate. She probably broke up with your because you weren't making enough money, right?

Just fuck random bitches don't settle down that is beta mentality and stop missing your ex she is a cunt just like 99% of females.

Thanks and I know this. I mean, I'm in a bad spot already at the time she left. She didn't wanna support me or my endeavors any longer. Like, we fought so bad. Her scratching me and me smacking her around. We had huge issues mentally. And the way we coped was basically fighting and then making up. She ran away from me before sometimes it's be a couple days or a couple weeks then she'd come right back. She isn't coming back this time though. She made it clear she hates me.

I don't know. That's just how we were. I don't think I could've done anything different. When I was an asshole, things didn't work. When I was caring, things still didn't work.

I feel you bro. She's never blocked me completely before until now. I mean at least we'd still have sex and fight. She liked that but I guess even that died off. It's pretty bad. I think she's hooked up with one of her friends too... Social media makes it so easy to know this shit nowadays.

Yeah I mean I wouldn't buy her things. She's the type that has to get her nails done, needs a charm, eat out, go to parties, etc

I don't know how she put up with my broke ass so long. But I loved her, and she knew this. Even though we beat each other up sometimes. She just wanted to get back at me too much. She hadn't forgiven me for some shit. She'd still hold grudges against me for things that happened during each of our fights and breakups. She is vindictive.

Yea, my ex was crazy though. When we were in the process of breaking up she would invite me over for sex. When I objected and said no it will only cause pain she called me a pussy. So I go over to her place, we bang. The next day she blocks me completely. She was batshit insane, idk why I miss her. I know it shouldnt matter that shes now a model, because all that glitters aint gold and it doesnt matter if you a millionaire if you a total miserable asshole, but still. Its painful.

And when I tried to contact her, calling her from other peoples phones etc it made me feel like a fucking monster. I just wanted to talk. I even flipped her off at one time after getting her attention. To this day I regret my actions deeply.

If your life is shit and she is as much of a cunt as you say have you considered a murder/suicide type deal?

Same boat here. My 3-year relationship with the girl of my dreams just ended. She chose grad school (Chad school) over me. I already know it's fucking over. We met in college; who am I supposed to meet now? Some coworker? Some bar whore? Christ.
We're fucked OP.

>has had a gf
>thinks he belongs here
MGTOW is what you need

You are a literally a free man in his best age, what the fuck are you crying have booze, freedom, pussy and drugs? WTF. Literally just do some cocaine and fuck a bunch of 17-21 year old chicks and go onto Hedonias wild ride..You probably have money too

Jesus fucking christ you are pathetic

Damn dude I know what you mean. We're into the same type of women. It's a dangerous game bro. And we end up getting hurt.

I know what you mean about regret. I'll pull a 180 and tell a bitch off. She doesn't really care. She internalizes everything I say and uses it as an excuse to cheat or be reckless. But that's fine, because I am exactly the same way.

Happiness is fucking strange, man. I don't know how the future is going to play out but I feel I'm becoming who I really am through all this.

He doesn't have money that is why his gf left him and he can't get laid that easily because he has no gf and no friends. I think murder suicide is his best option desu.

Not gonna end my life. One I don't have the nerve. And two, well, there's needs to be a better way to die.

Lowkey tho I want to experience love again.

>he still believes in love even after this shite

Fucks sake do you have learning disabilities?

I mean that's not so bad as far as reasons go, but 3 years is solid. I'm upset because mine still lives in the same damn town and goes to the same damn parties as me

Mate love is a social construct. We are glorified apes who ate meat for accident and became self conscious. Dig into your primal desires. Therein lies freedom.

this is your mind on bluepill

Yeah I do. I don't care mate I still believe in it and refuse to become jaded. I'm gonna be a naive boy forever because that's me and I'm fine with it even if the reality hurts sometimes.

>Colored pills.flak

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