BF5 thread

Anybody else interested in getting BF5?

>inb4 hurr durr social justice maymay.

I have just been yearning to play a comfy ww2 game again, with MP40s, PPSHs, bolt action rifles and comfy winter maps.

The problem is, that non of my rl ""friends"" want to get the game. So I am asking whether any EU bots are getting the game as well, so that we maybe can play a few games together. Leave your origin ID in the thread if you are interested.

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battlefield V
more like battlefield vagina

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I really couldn't give a shit it looks fun and comfy to play in winter.

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>>inb4 hurr durr social justice maymay.

If you want a real WW2 shooter you should try red orchestra 2

>in a game with no Soviet faction
You really don't see the problem here?

Oh boi i cant wait to play maps the size of a cod map and unlock an overwelming 16 weapons!!!! All for the price of $80

Already got like a thousand hours on that, back when it came out. Just looking for something thats fresh and action packed. I remember, back in the day when me and my buddies used to play call of duty 2 every weekend. Looking to experience that sweet hyped feeling of having a fresh WW2 shooter with decent graphics again.

I honestly don't get the entire sjw shit, that poll is ranting about. Sure, the first trailer was shit. The stupid dykes with their face tattoos are also shit. But BF is mainly a mp game, where the community drives everything, so why should I care. At the very least I get to put on a Wehrmacht uniform and kill some roasties with my K98k. So wheres the harm?

I'm gonna wait for them to add soviets, if they don't add them or half ass the grand operations in those maps they aren't getting my shekels.

Why should they put cod sized maps, when it is basically just a ww2 reskin of bf1, which had giant ass maps? Especially in Operations.

That one night map with the polar lights in the sky looks so fucking comfy. I actually live in a place, that looks like that, but there is no aurora borealis here though. I can't wait for the snow to finally fall though.

I'm still pissed that they didn't make it a Vietnam war Battlefield. They knew they were baiting us with the Roman numeral V instead of just putting 5 on it. Everyone thought we would get another Vietnam game and instead we got the same old shit again. Really, they could have easily shoved social justice bullshit into the game with the Americans burning the gooks and all the black people hate and stuff. The whole war was full of the social justice shit to begin with, but nooooo, lets shoehorn identity politics into a war where none of that shit mattered at the time.
They better make the next game about Korea to make up for this.

>tfw we will never get based MacArthurs shenanigans

Id like to, but laptop at uni is potato and my proper gaming pc is back home. Too broke to get a better laptop so am fucked

>ywn handle a mix of world war 2 surplus and new fangled guns like the M14
>ywn see the first use of helicopters in warfare
>ywn face down a million screaming chinamen rushing over the 38th parallel
>tfw no M2 carbine
>tfw no aesthetic winter uniforms
>tfw you'll never become a fudd boomer who thought .30 carbine couldn't pierce the chinese's frozen coats because he was missing

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Pretty sure some of my RL friends will pick buy so I might pick it up myself once I get back from abroad, so why not.
tl;dr :add Noob_FR on origin
ps: you can add me on steam too if you want (Declyc)

Yeah I play on ps4, looking for other frens to play with

>I'm gonna wait for them to add soviets
>I'm gonna wait for them to add an Eastern Front DLC for $19.99

who cares it's a video game
bf4 had the famas/l85/bren/f2000 etc

>spending another 80+ on a game that will have the same content from MoH, bf1942 and CoD 20 years ago
>people also wonder why all the movie industry does it remake 60s-80s movies
You're doing this to yourselves.

Where did all your stock value go?

>wanting these incompetent fuckers to ruin the Korean War for you
Just wait for the Korea expansion for Rising Storm 2.

>shoulder firing an MG42