Having a job

>having a job
>having a house
>having a wife
>having kids
>paying for bills
>having a sleep schedule
>following a diet
>going to the doctor
>brushing your teeth
>having responsibilities
>having sex
>having friends
>having a hobby

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>repeat after me


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>not living a healthy lifestyle so you don't die like a fucking idiot

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Make your hobby pay the bills, make your wife your friend

>rejecting all these things just to be edgy and different

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more productive
not drinking too much
regular exercise at the gym, three days a week
getting on better with your associate employee contemporaries
at ease
eating well, no more microwave dinners and saturated fats
a patient, better driver
a safer car, baby smiling in back seat
sleeping well
no bad dreams
no paranoia
careful to all animals
never washing spiders down the plughole
keep in contact with old friends
enjoy a drink now and then
will frequently check credit at moral bank
hole in wall
favours for favours
fond but not in love
charity standing orders on sundays ring-road supermarket
no killing moths or putting boiling water on the ants
car wash
also on sundays
no longer afraid of the dark or midday shadows
nothing so ridiculously teenage and desperate
nothing so childish
at a better pace
slower and more calculated
no chance of escape
now self-employed
but powerless
an empowered and informed member of society
pragmatism not idealism
will not cry in public
less chance of illness
tires that grip in the wet
shot of baby strapped in backseat
a good memory
still cries at a good film
still kisses with saliva
no longer empty and frantic
like a cat
tied to a stick
that's driven into
frozen winter shit
the ability to laugh at weakness
and more productive
a pig
in a cage
on antibiotics


so only unhygenic homeless virgins are not NPC?

wifes will never be your friends, they are living nightmares that suck your vital force

Why is having a job considered to be some sort of sign of conformism? Nigga I don't like it but I need money


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How the fuck would brushing your teeth be NPC but not showering

uh okay yeah sign me up

>sitting in front of the computer eating cheetos all day
fucking NPCs, amirite?

you are just a different brand of npc

haven't brushed my teeth since 2017 AMA

>having a job
kys neet
>having a house
>having a wife
cant, too beta
>having kids
cant fuck
>paying for bills
good luck having power and water cut out
>having a sleep schedule
good luck fucking up your health 1
>following a diet
good luck fucking up your health 2
>going to the doctor
good luck fucking up your health 3
>brushing your teeth
*stares in british*
>having responsibilities
kys neet
>having sex
>having friends
easy to make in any random online game
>having a hobby
stare at the ceiling all day long than

>having a job
>having a house
>having a wife
>having kids
>paying for bills
>having a sleep schedule
>following a diet
>going to the doctor
>brushing your teeth
I do maybe 5 times a week
>having responsibilities
>having sex
>having friends
>having a hobby

Am I an NPC?

we're all equally NPC, stop this memery now!

>coping with a miserable life and allowing your body to degrade into a pile of ugly filth because "muh NPC meme".

>tfw literally none of these at all
D-Does th-that mean I'm a PC?

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No, it means you suck

No you suck :c

>>having a job
I used to. Now I'm retired, due to being rich.
>>having a house
>>having a wife
>>having kids
Nope. We decided to be rich instead of having children.
>>paying for bills
>>having a sleep schedule
>>following a diet
Uhhh, well at least I don't overeat too much.
>>going to the doctor
Whenever I have a major health issue, which is basically never.
>>brushing your teeth
Twice per day, of course.
>>having responsibilities
I used to. Not so much anymore since I retired.
>>having sex
>>having friends
I'm happy with what I have.
>>having a hobby