
No heterophobes allowed edition

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First for DICK

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Dick and Dom in the bungalow

Work was nice today, got to do my own thing for the most part

There's a new young, white guy - he seems nice, we get on, walked home together

white pride

It's "In DA Bungalow" you absolute degenerate.

>Saw Dom off his tits in Leicester Square once, kek'd

Wow a work boyfriend so soon?

Dabbin on noobs on Pokemon showdown

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>want a cute lithuanian gf

same, lad

Got chatted up by a Lithuanian lad once.
Wasn't exactly what I was after tbqhwylods

>want any form of gf

Had it with my parents lads
>high heating bills (like 7gbp a day to reach 18c, drops back to low teens overnight)
>damp walls
>mold everywhere
>drafty doors and windows
>point all these things out to them
>even offer to help out
>mum just denies there is a problem
>"oh user its just an old house"

Non of the neighbors have these problems, and the ones that did all had damp experts and builders in to. I swear the older housing stock in this country is bad because of people like my parents.

DManon and the noncerer's phone

just start doing shit to the house for them, even stuff like draft excluders will make a difference

>Maybe some day the ceiling will bang back on that fool...
what did he mean by this lads

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>coldsore on my lip bleeds so much that ive just stopped wiping it now

have blood all the way down to my chin, look like a right /hardlad/


Burn the place down mate, leave them with no option.

Does he have a bracket to hold the bloody roof up?

Or a /smacklad/

any other Jow Forums lads in? i have been thinking lately how autistic lifting is. No way a full on normie/deano type character could be bothered counting his macros everyday and not drink on top of it. You basically have to be a shut in to lift properly, no way i could do my autistic diet if i was leaving the house a lot.

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Take a picture of the mold and damp walls lad? Surely it can't be thay bad if they aren't doing owt about it. Is it rented?

he wouldn't have to if it wasn't for those cowards in the flat above banging on the ceiling


also no

guessing this wont be riggy

Buy a fucking 15GBP leccy fan heater pal.

Job jobbed.

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>tims face when, some naughty 4channers chip in and buy the flat above his

spending my lonely night on a jigsaw puzzle
jigsawID britfeelnight

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Done it all lad, draft excluders on all the doors and filling in the gaps it makes no difference since the walls are wet. The heat is just conducted right out.

Last night the rooms fell to 15c and the heating has been on all day and we've only just reached 19c. Got double glazing too and every morning they are soaking wet with condensation, puddles form on the windowsils.

It would probably be better for them in the long run.

Most of the mold is hidden behind peeling wall paper and things like kitchen units and other inaccessible places, but its really bad. I cleaned a lot off last year but it keeps returning.

They own the place, they've just become complacent as its been this way for as long as they've lived here. Its really noticeable when you go to other peoples houses and they're always so warm and dry yet coming back here is really depressing.

There seems to be some kind of disconnect, dads continually shouts at everyone for making the bills too high but when I suggest getting people in to fix the root problem he'll go all timid. Like carrying on is cheaper than doing something about it.

Dad's got a smart meter and can see our power usage in real time, as soon as I turn it on he comes racing up the stairs and bangs on the door telling me to turn it off.

My room was 9c one cold winter and he said "you can turn it on for 20 minutes a day".

/britfeel/ dogging day out?

>five lads stand around a small kia with another lad in it crying

user from Shrewsbury Shrewsbury with a 90 year old house?

Was awful today, they said on sky news that we got to -6 last night and it's not even winter yet.

Big Lenny is dead. RIP.

Starting to think weight lifting isn't a healthy hobby.

BN (britfeel LARP merchant)
BN (biscuit)

this "Islam" thing is looking appealing

>the britfeel lads will never run a train on you in the back of a van

>snowing in birmingham

That's me lad, -6c in Shrewsbury?

Tragic, reminds me of my mate Benny Harvey's death a few years ago

forgot vid


BNP (political party)
BNP (French bank)

Started using Snapchat to try and make friends and give the illusion that I'm a normie. Send a snap and get completely ignored. Is this normal? What is snap chat reply etiquette

how many adult brits really have 20k in the bank?

Whats the percent?

No it isn't lad I'm a 5 min drive from the city centre.

you sure lad

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just a link to the site again/10

>is an hour away from Birmingham
>no snow

Fucking Brummies

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Nah -6 in Banbury, we were the coldest place in the UK. Basically completed my crusade to renovate my house, just a new toilet and I should be done. Likewise parents neglected the house for year and years leaving me to fix it all

>one week without smoking a cigarette

God I wish smoking wasn't bad for you

I've turned into a legit alcoholic, drink about four nights a week

yam too far awhy to get da snooo

I'm in Birmingham there isn't any snow.

Keep it up lad, you can do this

>only 4 nights
I was drinking every night for months

Newcastle (near Sunderland)
Newcastle (near Stoke)

wouldn't a legit alkie drink 7 nights. and days
you just like a drink lad

Buy a deumidifier for the mould areas and open up your windows everyday for the air to circulate

Oh, 'sorrite then.

I got onto a douche flute. Yeah I may look like a cunt but it's better than going through nicotine withdrawal

Being stuck in East Devon is some special kind of hell

Yeah lad, it's like everything that is remotely enjoyable is bad for you

Stop trying to indoctrinate robots you Ford Transit freak

River Avon (Warwickshire)
River Avon (Bristol)

can't you see the jigsawID

Bad break-up?

My thoat and neck feel tight as fuck like someone's strangling me, should I go to the doctors lads? Freaking out.

Is your place nice and warm? What sorts of min and max indoor temps do you see this time of year?

The thing with my parents is they'll redecorate rooms every few years and focus on the small cosmetic details, but when it comes to more fundamental aspects they'll just leave it. The dinning room was only redecorated a year ago but its already being redone due to disused chimney salts leaching through due to the high humidity factor (they're just repainting, not actually fixing the root issue).

Sorry for being nosy.

Do you have any other symptoms?

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calm down you bender you're probably just getting a cold

i was drinking because I had nothing else to do.

Yep. Go to the quacks.
If I'm ever unsure if I should I just remember that it's my NHS too and I'm just as entitled as everyone else.
I also feel smug about not having to pay unlike those stupid yanks

i was totally playing. i saw it all the time

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It is now I got the double glazing (in fucking 2018) although it's still a stone construction with poor insulation and nk rendering. No loft insulation either actually so I need to do that too. Hoping to get solar panels next year, that way the energy bills will build up a credit in summer and I can leave the heating on guilt free in winter

I purchased one but since they consume a few hundred watts my dad clocked it on the smart meter and shouted at me to turn it off.

I open my window everyday too but it doesn't make any difference (apart from letting all the heat out). The room humidity might drop from 70% to 60% with the window open for 20 minutes but it quickly rises again.

My room has an airbrick too for that anyway so there is always some for of trickle ventilation, again doesn't appear to do much apart from suck cold air in.

Is your flat damp?

Ring the nhs line if your thst worried lad why the fuck is everyone so obsessed about going to see some paki doctor.

tfw trying to kick the same toxic friend out my life for the 5th time. They keep weasling their way back in, help!

Train (locomotive transport)
Train (educate)

I can sort of feel it in my shoulders too, it's like a heavy pressure sort of feeling, like my skins concerete that's slowly setting or something.
It's nothing like a cold lad
If it's still there in the morning I will, been days ffs

I can't stand normies

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Smoking is the most comfy thing ever but it happens to be one of the worst things ever. I feel lost without smoking, I can't imagine a break of any kind without it.. It was the one thing I could do without having to look at my phone and it's gone..

Phone 111 and see what they say

Shoe (footwear)
Shoe (blackjack device)

What's a good minimum wage part time job?

I want one where there isn't really much work involved or any responsibility. Not retail or fast food as that is too much work for me.

If I get my DL I was thinking milkman might be good. Has anyone been a milkman?

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Absolutely nothing comfy about smoking.
>tastes like shit
>gives you dry mouth
>makes you cough
>gives you cancer
>gives no high
>expensive as fuck
I can understand people smoking weed but cigs are straight up fucking nasty.

Whats something cheap I can for din dins? I'm all out of ideas for food.

Your dads just a fucking dickhead. If you get those industrial dehumiders they also warm up your room acting as heater,not intentionally lol

Milk (dairy product)
Milk (scrounge)

You sound like you are either a girl or gay. Which is it?

Watching Season of the Witch (1973) by George A. Romero. Its pretty fucking boring, to be honest.


Fuck you. Smoking is awesome, especially with a coffee or after a few pints.

fool me once shame on you
fool me twice shame on me
5 times though, wew lad

what gave it away that im gay tho...

How do they do that

>ywn fuck Doja Cat.

First black lass I would even go near with my penis

New laptop came today.
Very happy desu!

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>I can sort of feel it in my shoulders too

Medstudent fag here

Can you feel it in your fingers?

Jam (fruit preserve)
Jam (traffic gridlock)

A combination of using the word "toxic" and just not telling the cunt to do one in the first place.

Spoken like a true nonsmoker.
>tastes great
>perfect compliment to tea, coffee, weed and alcohol
ok it comes with downsides to health but the government tax is the reason its so expensive.

No it isn't you fucking low iq npc. Literally just poor person tax because you are blindly following some ancient trend that has been proven to literally kill you. I hope you get cancer for being such a fucking mong.

Bag of McCains oven chips

just keep being persistant, catch me when im extra depressed and i welcome them back in. Like last time i ignored her for almost half a year but a few times each month she'd send me a message wanting to talk