Loli bread

Post cute lolis SFW only!!!!

ALSO, take 2D pill
>How do I stop fapping to 3D?
Let me break it down for you with this guide I made and it works as I have done it.
if you have tried and failed taht is ok because this trick will work!

>How to quit 3D
>right now you are conditioned to fapping to 3D
Not only are you used to fapping to 3D but also video so an important thing we need to do is shift you from watching video porn to still images, if you dont ween off video before going full 2D, you will find it much harder as you dont even know how to appreciate a still image let alone the art that is Ecchi and hentai.

>you are fapping to 3D video, fap instead to 3D images but you may need to do the following trick (important)
>start fap to normal stuff you view in this case 3D video
>half way through the fap session you switch to other material and aim to finish your fap session while looking at the target subject matter
so in this example you are fapping to a video of a 3D pig and then you switch to still images of 3D girls to fap to.
>so, fap to your 3D porn video and then switch to 3D still images on /s/
>do this until you are comfy to just fap to /s/ (still images)and then start doing the same thing but this time with hentai
so now you are used to fapping to still images, you repeat the process but with hentai and ecchi
>now you can fap to 2D fine,
you should ideally ONLY fap to 2D from this point forward and then you will notice the psychological changes and the
pure feeling you will have.

Will make you feel like a better person 100% guaranteed
a important point and rule of 2D pill is that you ideally want to be able to fap to clothed ecchi like pic related.
it is fine to fap to hentai but you want to possess the ability to fap to ecchi that is softcore if you want
>reminder that it is 100% fine to fap to loli

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Other urls found in this thread:|r9k||

Kill yourself you worthless cunt originally.

Yeah, fuck off normalnigger. You're a waifuswapper and need to get off my board. You're a fucking plague.

lol get fucked you dumb normalfag roastie

>You're a waifuswapper
I used to be a different person and I fell out of love as I changed as a person, I ignored my feelings for a long time.

>if you ever loved a different 3DPD you can no longer love a different 3DPD
flawless logic faggot
roastie detected

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Evening frens

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Is this SFW? oerogew

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Yes, it is important to tickle play with your imouto daily to ensure a healthy development of her mind.

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whens that mod get on?

Anyone who faps to lolis is a pedo and a closet homosexual.

that ain't exactly explain why your avi's been a cartoon schoolgirl for the past five years

Trueeeee desu, I won't deny it.

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mod should be off now, gets on at about 10PM sydney time.
>Anyone who faps to lolis is a pedo and a closet homosexual.
lil girls make my pp the hardest, getting hard thinking about them now user :)

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>ywn innocently cuddle blue twintail thigh-high imouto while watching kino and playing comfy vidya
>ywn later cum in her

>how to switch from 3D

Just watch Daisys Destruction once, never do it again. Shock therapy is more effective than people think.

disgusting pedos
2d is meant to be big tiddy

i dont get why anyone would think it was that crazy. makes me wish old /b/ was still a thing so less people would think that kind of thing is wild or out there.
i got tig bitties

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I just remembered her screaming and crying and feeling extremely guilt and unhappy. I went through a faggy period where I enjoyed everything getting hurt except kids, so it lodged in my skull pretty hard.

> fap to clothed ecchi
> clothed ecchi
> clothed

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>feeling empathy for other human beings in real and terrifying pain
lol fag

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>implying cute clothes on a cute girl doesnt make it twice as cute
Didnt know plebs of your order even existed. Jeez.

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ecchi is sexy, clothed or whatever.
i dont care about kids being hurt but animals I do

What about kids hurting animals?

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stop it with this retarded cartoon shit you fucking aspies

No thanks Mr. user, I would rather continue to be a fucking aspie that posts retarded cartoon shit, if you dont mind.

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that was a cute anime.
yes animals being hurt is messed up, humans being hurt is fine.
>stop it with this retarded cartoon shit you fucking aspies
stop freaking out about anime on anime website

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>yes animals being hurt is messed up, humans being hurt is fine.

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Clothed lolis are lewder than nude ones

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>tfw loli is illegal where I am
I don't even like loli but it feels bad because the fact that I'm stripped of being allowed to fap to something sucks.

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They can also be purer, loli's are diverse creatures.
>dont even like them
>announces theyre illegal for him to view
>is actively viewing them
Madman or fool?

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I want to get into drawing lolis. Any tips for a beginner?

keked and saved
mmmm I just fap dont make me fap moar

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Make sure to stay on model.

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beach pictures
junior idols
model pictures
naturalist/nudist girls/family pictures

user, you can just look at lots of otehr loli art or look at actual 3D lil girls.
I like my lolis to not look like 3DPD though

Is that honestly the highest quality version image you could find?

>350GB of Candydoll material
This is going to be a good weekend.

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I wish there was a board for sfw loli pics. That'd be nice.

>read it as kb

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Yeah? know. You know?

The legend of LINK should be a video game please.

That would be /a/ or /c/ as long as you stick to one franchise. Though I think some of /a/'s moderation is stringent on what anime/manga is allowed and which is not. Im unsure, since I dont have shit taste.

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No one likes spoiled milk, roastie.

Sounds gay. I haven't been on those boards before. Usually I just go on x,r9k,fit,d and trash.

Well youre already a pleb so you'd fit right in.

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Yeah well you aren't hot shit ethier buddy.

Really coming in with the heavy hitters user, jeeez.

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Where you get that jab? The toilet store... heh!

I really suggest you get a CRT if you want to emulate video games. It just looks much better.
Even GBA games like Minish Cap look better on CRTs.

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>kys = i don't like you! waaah!



post naughty lolis

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Im assuming your pick is not related?

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I I I love little girls they make me feel so good!!

>tfw no loli wife

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>implying Tomoko isn't naughty

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>implying thats what I was implying

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>chubby loli

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>still fapping to 2D
The ultimate transcendence is fapping to text alone. No images at all.

You are good poster

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>gets what he asked for
>bitches anyway
Meh, your shit taste is noted.
Thanks friend.

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>loli thr-

another pedo rekt

Pfff, nice aim.

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Kanna is failed normie tier but OK

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>you will never be her nii-nii
It hurts

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isn't that, dare i say, against the rules?

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reported for Loli outside of /b/

If you live your whole life worried about other people you'll miss out on things you didnt have to. Like quality Chinese cartoon characters made for children.
>never being able to give her good headpats
Having a soft spot for traumatized imouto's is a curse.
You do know saying you reported something is against the rules right? Dumb newfag.

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If you weren't a newfag, you would know to keep your disgusting pedophile fantasies in /b/.

the only reason to watch anime is for straight romance shows with beautiful settings and backdrops for self inserting

>shounen shit
>muh story muh plot muh high intelligence reddit shit
>anything kyoani
>yuri (only for faggots who like self inserting as women)

Jeez no need to get upset, being new isnt that bad ya know. Just remember it for next time.

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>not watching anime because you want to support the manga

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>Having a soft spot for traumatized imouto's is a curse.
Tatarigoroshi fucking destroyed me and solidified my love for the vn, still my favorite arc by far.

desu I felt cucked in Minagoroshi and Matsuribayashi where Shion was her nee-nee, I wanted to be the one to fulfill that role for her
something something I love Rika and I love Satoko very very much and why can't I be there for them dammit

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Yeah feel pretty much exactly the same. The urge to give headpats and verbal reassurances is overbearing at times. I kind of found a replacement for my suffering though so im probably not good enough for them anyway.

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please drink bleach for the greater good of humanity you sick fuck. i hope you get raped in jail

>im probably not good enough for them anyway.
Nonsense, you'd be their friend and make them happy, and that's good enough!

Even if you don't think so, Rika would know that you're a good person and forgive you for any of your faults.

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keep drinking soi, user

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Eh, yeah thats true I guess. Rika really is incredibly kind and benevolent I dont know how I manage to forget that sometimes. And Satoko's abuse would probably be more reassuring than anything.

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hey, a fren of mine had that torrent.
I dont like 3Dbut best of luck!
stay safe guys
cant hear you because im fapping so hard to lolis






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I unironcally have no fucking clue what youre cruise controlling about but it looks boring.

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you are misinformed.
Mods are anti loli posting, also i knew Aero before him and james started shilling the HRT shit.

The mods hate loli posting, if you knew anything you would know that.....

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Die you fucking Barneyfag

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happy thanksgiving my loli frens

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You too user, hope it was a good one.

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i slept all day today

why is this loligf still not translated

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>tfw you will never be a single dad with a daughter

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Well I hope it was a good slep then fren.

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go back to /a/ jap

/a/ has fully banned lolie

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Already on /a/ friend.
This is only true if you act like a dummy and dont make a specific topic.

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lolis in summer dresses!

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I-is she not wearing underwear?..

lolis are best in a dress

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You trannie jannies might have a point if you were not all in on it & allowed loli threads like these that the pedo tranny jannie keep up so people will hopefully start to like them, & then start to fall for the trap meme.|r9k||


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After some consideration I have changed my mind. This is no longer boring but some what entertaining. Please continue to amuse me. Your effort, that is probably the effort of others, was not wasted this day. Please take this extremely powerful and sage image as a sign of my gratitude and well wishes.

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>thread full of pedophile shit


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enjoy jail forever lads

Another miss, you guys arent that good.

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>He doesn't just hide what he doesn't like
>He feels the need to bump a thread he knows he doesn't like
It's like you are some kind of retard or something.